Ancestor of Demons

Chapter 744 Resoeverance

This kind of heartbeat, with the passage of time, is slowly accelerating, and it seems to be constantly changing slowly. That scene is extremely strange. The strangest thing is that there is a simple palace lamp on the lid of the imperial coffin. The palace lamp looks like a lotus flower.

But the whole body is blood-red, just like a blood jade crystal lamp. It looks like beauty and radiant.

In the lamp, the center of the lamp is also blood-red, with a blood flame.

Light the light, sprinkle it out, and shine the whole temple brightly.

At the same time, in the lamp, a strange force is emitted to communicate the void. On the sky of this blood jade palace lamp, a crack crack out of thin air to form a vortex. In the vortex, countless dark black gas constantly pours into the palace lamp and then pours into the Jiulong Emperor's coffin from the palace

In those dark atmospheres, every wisp of "indarkness" contains endless resentment and anger. It seems to have been taken from the place of exile, and then refined by the palace lamp before pouring it into the imperial coffin.

Bang bang bang!!

A large amount of resentment, the anger was poured into the emperor's coffin, and the whole emperor's coffin suddenly began to tremble." It seemed that there was a world-class fierce god waking up in it. Endless ghosts kept pouring into the body of the Dudu Ghost Emperor. The ghost emperor in the coffin was black-haired and windless, and he danced wildly. A trace of pressure on it is increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"It's not good, the ghost emperor of the capital wants to resurrect and wake up. Come on, use the ghost nail!"

The two old demons rushed into the temple. Seeing the movement in the Jiulong Emperor's coffin, his face suddenly changed, and the old demon who picked the stars immediately roared.

... Humph, if you want to resurrect, don't worry, he can't live. "In those years, I was driven and exiled here by the clan because I stole this set of supreme magic treasure town ghost nails from the clan." It's just in handy today. Zhengui nail, nail this emperor's coffin to the devil. I want the ghost emperor of the capital to never see the sun."

I saw that the light in the hands of the ten thousand ghosts and demons flashed, and nine dark magic nails suddenly appeared in his hand, and a magic spell was pronounced in his mouth. "On these nine ghost nails, countless magic lines suddenly appeared." He scratched directly in the air, and nine magic lights appeared above the emperor's coffin and

Ding Ding Ding!!

The ghost nail was extremely sharp, turned into a full nine-inch and nine-year-long in mid-air. It was nailed down at the edge of the emperor's coffin, and the pointed nail was nailed into the coffin lid and nailed down inch at a speed visible to the naked eye. The silk magic pattern spread to the emperor's coffin. I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, these nine ghost nails actually nailed the nine dragons at the same time.

Lock the emperor's coffin at once. The ghosts around him can no longer enter the emperor's coffin" as if he had been imprisoned. I can't absorb the vitality anymore.

However, the blood jade palace lamp placed on the emperor's coffin is still constantly absorbing resentment, and it is not affected by the ghost nail in the town.

Bang bang bang!!

The moment the emperor's coffin was nailed, the whole emperor's coffin was shaking fiercely. A vast force burst out from the coffin and hit the town ghost nail to force the nine magic nails out of the emperor's coffin. However, as soon as the magic nail was nailed to the emperor's coffin, it was as if it had completely taken root, and it was nailed down to the next inch. In a blink of an eye, it was nailed in for three inches.

However, the speed of the ghost nailing down "impacted by the power in the imperial coffin" also began to slow down.

"It's not good, it's a ghost nail. Unexpectedly, there is such a vicious magic treasure" must be nailed in. Even the strongest man in the world will be nailed half of his life, and the five declines of heaven and man will come immediately. If it was the ghost emperor in his heyday, he may not be afraid, but now "I'm afraid that it's a big trouble" and once he is nailed to death, I'm afraid that he can't support the invasion of the five declines of heaven and man.", Ming, when he saw that scene, he couldn't help but be ter The soul nails in the body can be completely dispersed on the spot, and even the soul mark will dissipate. It's really terrible. Each one is a supreme magic treasure, comparable to the innate spiritual treasure. The most important thing is that this is a set of nine ghost nails. Nine nails come out in a row, which is simply invincible.

Looking at the ghost nail in the town, "Ming, his eyes are red, and he roared, "Emperor madman, find a way to pull out these nine town ghost nails. At that time, my master Pluto was nailed to the body by a set of ghost nails" to scatter my master's immortal soul. If it hadn't been for the master who escaped a trace of soul with the art of stealing the sky and changing the sun and entered reincarnation, he would have been completely nailed to death that year. You must take this set of ghost nails..."

The hatred of those years suddenly came to my mind.

"Another ancient lamp, this is the third" What kind of lamp is this ancient lamp..."

Emperor Shitian also couldn't help shrinking his pupils violently. When he saw the blood jade palace lamp placed on the emperor's coffin, the appearance of the palace lamp was almost recognized at a glance, which was almost the same as the ghost lamp he had seen in those years. Except for the different colors, there is almost no difference.

The third one, this is the third ancient lamp!!

I didn't expect to see it here with my own eyes. It was also placed on the imperial coffin of the Dudu Ghost Emperor.

"In any case, this battle was settled. Emperor Shitian's mind moved, and a purple-gold imperial mask appeared on his face. The moment he put on the mask, his face naturally showed a noble and mysterious majesty. The strength of the ancient demon saint in the body suddenly soared to the middle stage. A stream of purple-gold imperial Zhenli is constantly running in the body like blood.

The emperor's Taoist demon field!! Qiang!!

The tiger spirit came out of its sheath, and the hidden body was revealed in an instant. At the same time, in the lotus seed of the gods and demons in the body, three thousand gods and demons rushed out, and instantly poured into the body of the tiger soul's soul knife. The three thousand gods and demons instantly seduced the heaven and the earth They returned to the knife body one after another. The vast power of gods and demons is constantly superimposed, and it bursts out with the endless field of gods and demons, filling every inch of the temple.

"Kill!!", this knife, directly cut the waist to the ten thousand demons with the power of horizontal cutting. The power contained in the knife, with the support of the power of three thousand gods and demons, instantly climbed to the height of the ancient demons. At the same time, an invisible field is directly filled in every inch of space. The two old demons have extraordinary ambitions. "I still can't help shaking my mind." I only feel that there is a thrilling scene when the ancient gods and demons fall in front of me." Even the mind is about to collapse.

"Damn it, evil, I want the yin demon..."

At the moment when Emperor Shitian took action, he attracted the attention of the two old demons, especially the ten thousand demons. Almost immediately, he turned around and saw the figure that suddenly appeared in front of him. He couldn't help but be furious with the ugly magic face, which was indescribably ferocious and terrible. The light in his hand flashed, and a scepter with a black skull appeared. He waved casually and stood in front of the tiger's sword. Bang!!"

The power of gods and demons contained in the tiger's soul, the hegemonic abnormality, coupled with the endless sharpness of the tiger's soul, the golden knife light burst out with amazing great power. Colliding with the magic emperor's scepter refined from bones, countless fierce ghosts emerged from the skull of the skull above the head of the scepter to block the tiger's soul and kill the edge. But countless fierce ghosts were directly cut into fans by the tiger soul. The vast great power poured down, and he did not hesitate to step forward brazenly under his feet. "turned his wrist" and cut it into a cut, and directly cut it directly to the right hand of the ten thousand demons.


Emperor Shitian fought with his own shadow in the infinite fantasy, sharpened his combat skills, and realized a peak situation for his various combat skills. Every move has no trace to be found. The change is fast, and there is no way to think about it." Coupled with the power of gods and demons contained in the knife, it is really wonderful to the peak. A knife as fast as lightning was cut on the wrist of the devil.

The edge flashes!!

Blood burst out. A strange claw broke in response.

...Ming"Take my sealed treasure book quickly and suppress the scepter." In the broken shout of Emperor Shitian, from the eyebrows, a blood dragon rushed out fiercely. In the dragon's claws, he grabbed a snow-white treasure book. It was, Ming, in his hand, the seal treasure book in his hand fiercely sent out a seal light On the stick, it is rolled into the treasure book and sealed in one page of the treasure book.


Baojian shook violently, and there was a terrible impact inside. However, a dragon's claw pressed fiercely on the sealed treasure book, and abruptly sealed the scepter to prevent it from breaking out of the treasure book. But it is difficult for the treasure to be completely sealed.

"What a demon, how dare you sneak up on your demon ancestors. Look at me picking your heart and coming out as a wine dish..."

The old demon's eyes were about to spit out fire. Unexpectedly, behind them, there would be a demon clan. It was really a mantis catching cicada. After the yellow finch, he beats geese all day long, but today he was blinded by geese. They were followed behind and didn't find it. This is simply a supreme humiliation for them.

Pick the stars and search for things!!

I saw that a magic hand went directly to the location of Di Shitian's heart with a fantastic trajectory, martyrdom method, strangely shuttle through the void, and suddenly leaned over.

This move is to take off his heart.

I want to take off my heart and see if you have this ability.

Di Shitian snorted coldly in his heart. He didn't even think about it. The flesh and blood in his body worked in a strange way.

The emperor's immortal body immortal ring!!

Blood and flesh-derived magic power, only to see, when the mind moves, outside the whole body, a purple-gold aperture emerges in an instant. "In the immortal ring, I see, inside, emitting endless sadness.

Sweeping all sides!!

Heaven and earth are sad, and the grass and trees are rotten.


"It's not good. How can it be like this? What a strange aura. It's so sad. I haven't had this kind of emotion since I was born. It's weird, and it can make me feel sad. "What a demon." Are you the demon emperor Shitian who suddenly appeared?" The face of the old demon who picked the stars changed greatly, and his eyes suddenly began to turn red. Countless sad illusions appeared in his mind.