Ancestor of Demons

Chapter 749 Planning and Deployment

* Brother Yudu will meet me after three months. In the past three months, I can't be idle. There are still too many things to do. The poison on Kong Wu's body must be removed as soon as possible. Otherwise, even if there is a source of life, the essence must be consumed, and it must be refined as soon as possible. Xuezhi gathers the soul to come back to life, and it needs to "return the soul wine. And the mother still has a mysterious poison. Although the internal vitality is endless based on the source of life, the poison corrupts the soul. Even if the morning light keeps time from passing with the power of an instant, it is difficult to guarantee that the poison will not change. I heard that the nine-headed poisonous emperor of the Ten Thousand Poison Valley, nine heads, each of which represents a terrible poison, among which there is a poison that corrupts the soul. If you can kill it and seize its body * internal poison elixir, with nine poison elixir as the main material, brewing the "ten thousand poisonous dragon wine" will inevitably relieve any poison in the world. Maybe the poison on my mother's body has also been saved*..."

Di Shitian quickly turned his mind. Bai Hu's mother was poisoned. For a long time, he did not dare to do anything rashly. It is because of the kind of poison that has an effect on the soul, it is really the poison in the poison. If he is not careful, he may fall at any time. At that time, even he had to temporarily seal the white tiger's mother, so that time could not have an effect on it in an instant. However, that is not a long-term solution. In the place of exile, it allows him to see the dawn.

"And my little brother, I still don't know where I was brought by the vicious people of the Beast Sect. I must find a way to search for my little brother's news. My mother-in-law invited Yue to seal herself, and she also needed to find the precious fairy jade. Shenyu found a way to help break the seal. Strength, this time in the place of exile, we must improve our strength as much as possible. The innate vitality here is of great help to my cultivation. We must grasp *..."

The same thought turned to my mind.

There are many things that Yingran has never said, but each of them is deeply imprinted in the bottom of his heart.

Although the ghost valley line has gained a lot and got close to the ghost emperor in Wuyou, the external power is ultimately an external force. You can't borrow it for a lifetime. Only when you are strong can you be really strong.

Quickly penetrate the mountains and forests!!

Three days later!!

Return to Tianzhu City.

In the city's mansion, the emperor Shitian sat on the hall, and below, the governor demon guard and the four major grassroots generals were all here.

Demon Guard: Worship the moon, the rat is big!!

Green Dragon Legion: Red Fire, Dragon Snake Water Spirit Dragon Horse Dragon Yue.

White Tiger Legion: Southern Barbarian Yuan Zhan, Lion Master Xi Tian, Kui Niu Kui Niu.

Rosefinch Legion: Eagle Sky, Dapeng Eagle Jin Xuan.

Xuanwu Legion: The hero of the bear clan.

Plus the newly established Shadow Guard: Assassination Emperor.

Governor's Department: Shura Kill!!

Peacock girl!!

In the exiled land, all the important generals in the hands of Emperor Shitian appeared in the hall, a total of fourteen. Among them, almost all of the original Wanyao City belonged to the ancient demon road at the peak of the seven turns of the demon elixir. It doesn't take a month." I'm afraid it will break through one after another. And the assassination emperor, Shura killing is the middle of the ancient demon saint, and the peacock goddess is the peak of the ancient demon saint.

"See His Majesty the Demon Emperor!!"

All the generals respectfully bowed to the emperor Shitian.

After Emperor Shitian got up, he looked majestically at the lobby and said in a low voice, "Shura killed, how is the commander-in-chief?" The place where the commander-in-chief of the guard trained the demon army" will want to join the demon army in the demon city to train and integrate, hone The team will train the scattered demon clan into a place of disciplined elite demon soldiers. Since the establishment of this guard, no demon clan will be able to directly join the legion. You must enter the supervision guard to be qualified for training before you can join the major legions separately. Let them generate combat effectiveness as soon as they enter the legion.

When Shura heard it, he stepped forward and said indifferently, "Tent the demon emperor, since the establishment of the governor's army and guard, up to now, a total of 1,100 demon clans have been recruited and are being trained. There are all demon elixirs that turn to the peak of the road. Three months later, they can become an army*..."

Those are all demons who entered from the Baiyue tribe. They all survived the rolling between life and death in the exiled land, and their combat power is naturally fierce.

You know, Emperor Shitian once ordered that all those who join the army can get 100 longevity pills every month, which can not only make up for their daily loss of longevity yuan, but also have the remaining longevity pills to increase their skills. This kind of treatment, in the place of exile, can be said to be unimaginable **. Many demons joined one after thinking about it.

1,100, that is 1,100 ancient demons.

"Okay!! General Shura has worked hard. In a short time, a large number of demons will cross the void. Those are the seeds of the future of our demon clan. At that time, all of them will be given to you and train a hundred war demon army for my demon clan *..." Emperor Shitian nodded and said with approval.

"Red Fire, Eagle Sky, Yuan Zhan, Xiong Ba!!"

"Your subordinates are here!!", "Leaded by you, disperse the legion, each general and soldiers enter the Tianzhu City alone, near the ancient demon king-level fierce beast gathering place. Carry out life-and-death experience. Sharpen your fighting skills between life and death. If you don't break through the seven turns of the demon elixir, the ancient demon realm, life and death experience is not allowed to be informed. Collect the flesh and blood of the fierce beasts and cast a blood pool in the city.

"Respect the edict of the demon emperor!!"

"Rat big, immediately launch all the scouts, search for the place of exile, all the highly poisonous things, the highly poisonous beasts, all kinds of precious spirits, release a reward in the Jubao Pavilion, and acquire the highly poisonous things. Directly use the longevity elixir as a reward. Emperor Shitian ordered it again.

"Yes, I will definitely do it." The mouse's big eyes lit up, and he happily agreed.

When the peacock Tiann, who had been standing next to her, heard it, her delicate body couldn't help trembling. Her lowered head raised in an instant and looked at Di Shitian, who was sitting in the hall, with a look of excitement and gratitude in her eyes.

I was secretly excited: Brother, my brother has been saved.

She has heard of the detoxification method mentioned by Di Shitian, in which the spiritual wine is called the poisonous dragon wine. The collection of highly poisonous things, obviously, is for the purpose of brewing spiritual wine. At this moment, there is no impurity in gratitude to Emperor Shitian. He really knew that he really took his brother's affairs to heart.

In this regard, the emperor and Shura's eyes were full of color. The standing body couldn't help leaning slightly to Di Shitian.

"Worship the moon, the peacocks stay, and the rest disperse. Do what you want as soon as possible."


After agreeing in unison, the group of soldiers left quickly.

"Hmm!! It seems that we must summon the Nightmare King quickly. Di Shitian secretly turned an idea back in his mind. He didn't want to be haunted by some trivial things. Practice and increasing his strength are the most important things.

Looking at the peacock goddess and the moon worship in the lobby, she waved her hand and disappeared together in a blink of an eye and entered the inner world.

"Worship the moon, here are 100,000 elixirs. With these elixirs, you should be able to practice to the realm of ancient demon saints. Don't let the emperor's painstaking efforts. You are in charge of the demon guard and supervise the "Code of All Demons". You have a great responsibility. Without strong combat power, how to deter the demons?

In the inner world, there are tens of thousands of demon refiners, tens of thousands of demon demon alchemists, and the group of winemakers of the ape clan led by Yuan Tian. No less than 60,000 to 70,000 demons are refining magic soldiers, elixirs and spirits with various materials collected from the exiled places. Every moment, a large number of divine soldiers were refined, and the alchemy furnace shook. Hundreds of thousands of elixirs spewed out like a fountain, and were immediately quickly collected by Dan Tong with a jade box. In front of the wine pool, a large number of apes excitedly stirred with special sticks, making it easier to integrate the ingredients into the wine.

"Thank you for your reward!!"

Baiyue looked at the eyes of the emperor Shitian, which were faintly wet. For a long time, he has seen everything in his eyes. No matter what kind of generals your majesty's men have obtained, the masters have never given up their old ministers who have followed since the Huqiu Mountains, even if their qualifications are not as good as those It is often rewarded with elixir and spiritual wine, so that their doubts in practice are not inferior to that of any demon heroes.

Now it is rewarded with 100,000 longevity pills. How can these not make him willing to die?

"All right, I won't treat my brother who followed me badly." Di Shitian nodded and said with a faint smile.

The peacock girl went directly to his brother's ice coffin, guarding and practicing silently.

Di Shitian dealt with a lot of trivial matters. Entering a palace built in the inner world, in the palace, I saw a crystal clear imperial jade ultimatum spinning in mid-air. In the jade plate, there are innate law seals dripping in the jade plate.

Almost all of these rules are dilapidated, and the degree of dilapidation is different.

There are more than 300 pieces. In the jade dish, there are bursts of Tianyin. Under the sound of the road, it seems to exude the charm of the road. It makes people's mind endlessly close to the road of heaven and earth. In each road rune, there is a chapter of magical skills circulating in it, and with the sound of heaven, it enters the heart.

Oh my gob!!

Emperor Shitian waved casually, and thousands of fragments of the law appeared in front of him. These fragments of the law fell into the imperial jade ultimatum in an instant. Under the strange power of the jade ultimatum, the thousands of fragments of the law may be integrated into the original more than 300 road seals, so that the broken seals can be improved. Or it can be directly turned into a road seal. Integrate into the imperial jade ultimatum.

In a blink of an eye, I saw that in the imperial jade ultimatum, it had increased to 530 road runes. Around the jade plate, there were faint fairy music, fairies and witches dancing. The sound of the road echoing in the jade ultimatum became clearer and more esoteric.

The imperial jade ultimatum is suspended in the air.

Under the jade ultimatum, there is a purple futon.

Di Shitian sat on the futon, and the sound of the road in the jade ultimatum turned into silk jade light, slowly hanging down.