Ancestor of Demons

Chapter 926 Not on the table

The scene of Di Shitian shaking the tide of beasts, he saw it in his eyes." Although he didn't want to admit it, he also knew that if he was in a different place, he was afraid that he would be torn into countless pieces by those completely violent and crazy beasts on the spot, and even the slag would not be left He will never be his opponent.

Although he is also an eternal giant, "What he is good at is the conspiracy and trick behind it, which is vicious. He did not condense his will. In the fight, how dare he fight with Di Shitian, a strong man who rose from countless killings.

If it's normal, he won't say anything. "Immediately withdraw your feet and run away.

He is a typical bully who is weak and afraid of toughness. He is the first one and the other is the one behind!!

However, when he saw that Di Shitian only half of his body appeared in front of him, his eyes turned and narrowed into a line, releasing a cold cold light, and his body was incomplete. His strength must be greatly reduced. After a long and fierce battle, he was bound to be more weak. When he was ill, he would kill him.

In my mind, a crazy thought flashed, and he actually wanted to bombard Di Shitian's body.

"All Beasts? The prince of the Beast Emperor?" Di Shitian's voice became unusually cold almost in an instant. Exuding a terrible murderous intention: "I haven't come to you to settle accounts yet. You actually want to trick me behind my back. If I don't kill you today, I will directly find a pillar of heaven to kill you." I'm angry!!

At the moment when he heard that Prince Chengshou was the prince of the emperor of all beasts, the murderous heart in the emperor Shitian [body] completely burst out. In heaven and earth, what he hated most was the beast sect and even the emperor of all beasts. This kind of hatred comes directly from flesh and blood, and it is a hatred that cannot be washed. If it hadn't been for the power of the supreme artifact of the Demon City, and it could not be used for the time being, I'm afraid that when it returned to the Zijin mainland, it would have directly rushed into the world of beasts and completely annihilated the whole world of beasts. Now, after knowing its identity, the hatred hidden in flesh

"Kill!!", a tragic murderous sound broke out in the body [body].


As soon as the killing sound came out, the void around it seemed to be affected by the sky overhead, and a huge blood cloud condensed out of thin air" covering every inch of the surrounding area. A word killing seems to condense into a real bloody sword, which is directly stabbed into the mind of Prince Chengshou.


Prince Chengshou only felt a terrible sharp pain coming from his head, as if his whole head was about to burst. The whole mind seems to be cut by the sword.

In an instant, his face changed as if he was not facing a broken body at all, but a godless emperor, issuing an edict of conquest to heaven and earth. And he is as small as a boat, and he will easily be destroyed before this murder.

"You deserve to die!!", in a cold sentence, the whole body immediately moved.

"Prince, let's go!! The power contained in this remnant body is extremely horrible. There are two of us here for the time being.

When Di Shitian was about to take action, the two escape lights broke through the air from a distance, and the light dissipated the two elders of the royal beasts who ignited the beast's soul appeared, each holding a black strange flag in their hands. In the flag, the black clouds rolled, and countless souls shouted sadly in it. There were beast souls and human souls. Faces look extremely painful.

This is the ten thousand soul flag!!

The power is getting stronger and stronger with the continuous increase of the soul. The most wonderful thing is that the power of this ten thousand soul flag can condense a soul of war. In fact, the power is also divided into the soul king of war, the soul of war emperor and the soul emperor of war. The single war soul emperor can compete with the eternal giant. The war soul emperor can compete with the world's strongest.

Once you are a great success, you can have a powerful helper.

Look at these two ten thousand soul flags, there is an ancient and huge soul of war standing on the flag. Around it, countless souls around it. "a trace of soul power" is constantly extracted from them and penetrated into the [body] of the war soul. From time to time, the soul is exhausted because of its power, and the life collapses and turns

On the soul of war, dragon-like muscles emerged under the bronze skin. It is full of the spirit of a domineering emperor. Two black horns grew on his head, as if this was not a soul of war, but a terrible demon god.


These two ten thousand soul flags shook violently, and the whole bodies of the two war soul emperors with thousands of feet were completely presented. Each of them held a pitch black chain in their hands. As soon as the chain was thrown, he tied his legs to Di Shitian.

Oh my gob!!

The chain is firmly tied to the thigh.

"Looking for death!!"

Emperor Shitian's body suddenly burst out two immortal rings." Suddenly, he saw that the whole world was full of a terrible sadness. "The rain fell from the sky, and Prince Chengshou only felt that a drop of tears came out inexplicably between his eyes.

"What's going on? How can I cry? Di Shitian, "What on earth did you do to me?" Prince Chengshou's face was full of surprise. There is also a trace of fear.


Di Shitian has no desire to explain to him at all. One thing he wants now is to kill him. On the foot, a purple-gold imperial power burst out and collided with the chain. Suddenly, the chain burst into an inch of shock and broke off on the spot at a speed visible to the naked eye.

How domineering the emperor is. It's almost the extreme of the emperor.


He raised his foot and stepped towards the two souls of war, showing the scene of mountains and rivers under his feet. The other foot showed the scene of stars all over the sky. Directly display the imperial battle steps. In every step, there is a supreme will.

In the assembly, the two war souls were annihilated by an inch. The whole body collapsed in an instant. It turned into countless remnant souls. Back to the soul flag.

... Humph, all the people in the Beast Emperor's Dynasty deserve to die!!"

Di Shitian's heart was ruthless. Even if you don't have a body, only with your legs, you still have a huge combat power. There is an essential difference between "will" and non-condensing will. Each move has an irreversible willpower.

There is no sign of stopping at all under your feet.

With boundless fierceness and vast pressure, he stepped on the second old man of the royal beast and Prince Chengshou step by step. The imperial battle is performed to the extreme.

A mountain and river collapse!!

Step on the stars again!!

Three steps to turn the sun and the moon!!

Four steps and eight bursts!!

With one foot, there is no room to avoid at all. You can only watch the big foot stepping on your head. The boss of the royal beast was trampled on his head, the power of the mountains and rivers was poured down, and his head exploded like a watermelon on the spot. His body jumped out and became meat mud, and the second brother was crushed by the power of the stars.

It's like trampling the two ancient giants into mud.

"No, you can't kill me. I am the prince of the Emperor of Beasts, and my father is the Emperor of Longevity. If I die, my father will definitely not forgive you. I will definitely raise your ashes."

Looking at the big feet that cover the sky and step down from the top of the head, "presenting the scene of eight barren mountains and rivers" at the foot, which makes people unable to hide. On his body, a beast armor condensed from countless animal souls emerged, covering the whole body. An ancient seal turned upside down to the big footprints above his head. On the ancient seal, countless birds and beasts appeared. It exudes a vast beast power. There seems to be a beast god brewing in it.

As soon as the ancient seal came out, countless beast souls immediately followed. Make a strange appearance. It seems that outside the ancient seal, it follows a beast domain.

"Humph!! I don't know what to do. If I let you go, won't you count me in the Beast Emperor? I can't share the same thing with you in the Beast Emperor's Court. Can I let you live? Are you out of your mind, or am I a fool? Only allow you to calculate me, don't you allow me to kill people? In heaven and earth, the strong are respected, and I am strong. "I want to kill you." That's the reason."

Di Shitian sneered and let him go. It's a joke.

This step at the foot presents the scene of the eight wildernesses, in which there are mountains and rivers, the sun and the moon, and the stars. It is almost a step of integrating the first three steps into one. This step is even more powerful and horrible. At his feet, the ancient seal was stepped on and shattered in the corner of Jinchang.

The rumble of jurisdiction!!

The mountain under the foot swayed violently, and it was hundreds of feet shorter in an instant. In a huge footprint, the three balls of flesh and blood seemed to have life, and they were still moving constantly, as if they were going to gather their bodies again. However, it did not succeed. The three immortal hanots, the size of the body, quickly emerged from the flesh and blood. Looking around, they were about to escape into the distance.

However, the two purple gold glazed rings instantly enveloped the three immortal moto gods. Ingested into the divine ring, it was bound and eroded by immortal obsessions. The mind became confused.

The woman in black was completely turned into flying ashes in the battle.


The lower body turned around and went back to the battlefield.

These are long, in fact, just a few breaths. Prince Chengshou, who was originally hidden behind, has been flattened.

The golden emperor was shrouded in blood-red flames, which were intertwined and condensed into a huge red lotus.

This is the real red lotus industry fire.


The lower body returns from a distance, and the upper body and lower body are instantly fused together. Immediately, the three immortal moto gods tied in the ring of immortality and the countless souls in the two ten thousand soul flags were sent directly to the underworld prison.

"Haha, good! OK! OK!! There are so many souls in this flag, tens of millions. I have something to do in prison this time. Finally, the prison is no longer empty. Unexpectedly, there are three immortal yuan gods, haha, let's see if I don't concoct them well.

, Ming, when he saw the immortal genshen and the ten thousand soul flags that entered the underworld prison, he suddenly rose up, directly tore open the ten thousand soul flags, and released the countless souls inside, making the originally empty underworld prison suddenly become unusually lively, and a large number of prison guards ran quickly.

"Tieve the Prince of Chengshou first, and I need to know everything about the Kingdom of Beasts." Emperor Shitian ordered coldly.

"Such a guy can even cultivate an eternal giant. He only knows things that can't be put on the table." Ming, after torturing Prince Chengshou, he said disdainfully.