Ancestor of Demons

Chapter 974 Come and come

Chapter 974 Come and come

[I'm going to the salon tomorrow. The update in the next two days may be a little unstable. Please understand.]

If the demon god dares to lurk in the purple gold continent, how can he not rely on the war, how can he not know to hide, the cunning rabbit still knows the three caves, not to mention the demon god, how can he expect the demon god to stay somewhere stupidly and let others attack, the emperor Shitian is almost sure that the

keeps shuttling through countless spatial faults.

Moreover, he tampered with the jade board he released. As soon as he entered the Devil Valley, the brand inside would collapse by itself. It's no longer useful. Naturally, it loses the function of locking the Devil Valley. In this way, it will inevitably be more difficult for the human race to find the Devil Valley again.

Zhenmo Valley is related to the master of space, and Tianji's calculation is almost extremely difficult.

"Humph!! The emperor madman, you just released a piece of jade board to let the people and the tribes know about the hidden demons in the demon valley, and alert those guys who are still daydreaming. Does the human race also want to be involved in the magic valley? It's simply delusional." Ming's eyes were full of disdainful shouting.

"Big brother, Zixuan is full."

At this moment, the little girl sitting opposite finally stopped. At first glance, all kinds of delicious food on the table had been eaten by her. Moreover, looking at her appearance, her figure did not change at all. She was still so thin and looked a little weak.

At this moment, with a pair of clear purple eyes, he looked at Di Shitian nervously. However, the original vigilance in the eyes has been slightly weakened.

"Your name is Zixuan?" Di Shitian focused his attention on the little girl in front of him. Looking at her clear eyes, her voice couldn't help but become very soft.

"Hmm!! Big brother, thank you for helping me beat the bad guys away. Humph!!" Zixuan curled Xiaoyao's nose and said, "Zixuan just ate a little of them and wanted to catch me. I used to eat for free. They are all bad people, very bad people. Next time I won't come again. I'm going to Wanyao City.

"Are you going to Wanyao City?" Di Shitian looked at her with great interest.

"Uh-huh!!" Zixuan nodded vigorously, her eyes were bright, and she yearned for it, "Zixuan has inquired. Wanyao City is amazing. There are many demons in it. As long as Zixuan can go in, no one will dare to bully me. There are all bad people outside. If it hadn't been for Zixuan's ferociousness, she would have been caught by them. With that, it seemed to increase my trust, and I stretched out my little hand and waved it in mid-air, showing that I was very ferocious.

"Who dares to bully you when you enter the Demon City?" When Di Shitian heard this, he looked at Zixuan with a little doubt.

"Uh-huh!! Let me tell you, the demon emperor in the demon city is my big brother. As long as you find the demon emperor, who dares to bully Zixuan? Zixuan said confidently.

That expression, as if what she said, was true. I can't see any lies.

"Since you are going to Wanyao City, follow me." When Di Shitian heard this, he smiled indifferently and looked at her, showing a sincere look.

"Great, after Zixuan came out, you were the best for me. Zixuan is willing to follow you. When Zixuan heard it, there was a look of joy in her clear eyes. It looks like a jubilant look.

"Well, let's go. In the future, you can call me Brother Di. Di Shitian stood up calmly.

"Brother Emperor, where are we going? Are we going to Wanyao City?" When Zixuan heard this, she immediately ran over. Her little hand grabbed Di Shitian's skirt nervously. Her eyes were pitiful, as if she was afraid of being abandoned.

"Let's go."

"Did you get down? Brother Di, are you going to get married? Zixuan blinked her eyes and asked curiously.

Di Shitian's face was calm and he didn't say much. He put down a few demon coins, took Zixuan away from Yafengju, and went directly out of Tianyi City. Come to an empty wasteland away from the city of Tianyi.

The void above the head suddenly cracked a huge crack.

Ang Ang Ang!!


From the crack, Taigu Jiulong excitedly pulled the Heavenly Emperor's chariot to break through the air. Behind, a pair of bloody guards full of killing spirit followed closely around the chariot. Blood Eater, Bi Ziyan, Gourd, Xie Sanniang, etc. appeared around the chariot one after another.

Emperor Shitian stepped slightly and appeared on the Tiandi chariot with Zixuan.

"Wow, Brother Di, is this your chariot? It's so beautiful." Zixuan stood on the chariot, with a pair of eyes, and quickly looked everywhere. For the Heavenly Emperor's chariot, it is full of curiosity and love.

"San Niang, how about the gift you are going to prepare?" Di Shitian raised his eyes and glanced at Xie San and asked in a low voice. In words, there is naturally a huge pressure.

"Your Majesty, I have selected it from your collection according to your instructions. No matter how harsh the Tianyin clan is, it can't choose any flaws.

Xie Sanniang's eyes were full of respect, but under respect, there was an indescribable shock.

Yes, it was just a shock. When she entered the inner world of Di Shitian to select the bride price, and all kinds of treasures in the mountains were presented in front of her eyes, she didn't recover for a whole moment. The vast treasure almost made her faint on the spot. Moreover, most of them are magic treasures and magic soldiers.

The evil spirit emitted by

can almost crush the soul.

"Very good!! Let's go to Tianyin Valley!!" Di Shitian nodded and gave the order without hesitation.


Taigu Jiulong immediately began to exert his strength, pulled the chariot, and quickly broke through the air to the position of Tianyin Valley, and the bloody guard followed closely. Under the body, a blood-colored blood cloud condensed. Wherever he passed, a slender blood light was pulled out.

In one line, there is no hidden breath at all.

Wherever he went, the vast pressure emanating from the chariot of the Emperor of Heaven rolled over like a tide. In this range, countless creatures were crushed and fell to the ground one after another. A large number of monks only felt that there seemed to be countless mountains on their bodies, and their bodies were covered in cold sweat. One by one, they looked at the figure of the Emperor of Heaven's chariot away in fear.

"The heavenly emperor chariot is the demon emperor. It's the demon emperor's trip, followed by the blood-killing guard, my dear, how can they appear here?

"The direction they are going to is Tianyin Valley. Can't the demon emperor go to the Tianyin clan? I heard that the Tianyin clan has been on the rise of magic recently, and the valley has been closed. It seems that they are in big trouble. I heard that there is a terrible demon god in the Tianyin clan. Maybe it's the devil hitting the seal. The demon emperor and the piano princess Qinxin have a close relationship, and maybe they went to help the Tianyin clan.

In the air, there are still voices of discussion.


The Emperor of Heaven's chariot broke through the air, which can be said to be powerful, and the speed was extremely amazing. The speed was so fast that it had come to the mid-air outside Tianyin Valley for a short time.

Ding Ding Ding!!

Over the Tianyin Valley, a mass of purple fog permeated the whole ancient sky. In this purple fog, there are countless mysterious notes flashing. Constantly rolling, it can be faintly seen that in the purple fog, a purple bamboo sword is connected with a mysterious purple array, and those purple bamboo swords vibrate quickly with a mysterious rhythm. Make a crisp sound of swords.

These swords are intertwined to form mysterious notes. It turns into a small note purple sword, and quickly shuttles through the void. Each handle, when shuttling, is a strange rhythm sound. Cover the whole valley. In the valley, a terrible magic rose to the sky.

Countless magic hairs made ferocious magic roars and attacked the array.

collided with a note purple sword. Some condensed notes purple swords were smashed by the devil's head, and some note purple swords shuttled directly through the devil's body. Immediately, the terrible purple sword immediately smashed the devil's head one after another. There is a magic power in the sword. The purple bamboo sword vibrated again and again, waving out countless notes of the purple sword.

The devil's head and the array fought violently again and again.

The whole valley seems to be completely isolated into another world. The valley has become a terrible battlefield.

"Your Majesty, it is a demon spirit and a demon god. I remember that the Tianyin clan suppressed a powerful demon emperor, the remnant blood demon emperor. Is it that the remnant-blooded demon emperor is about to get out of trouble?

The face of the gourd changed. He is extremely afraid of the existence of the remnant blood demon god.

"I'm afraid the Tianyin clan is extremely dangerous now. If I have read this array correctly, it should be a treasure of the Tianyin clan, Tianyin Wanjiantu!! Unexpectedly, with this array of the valley, the scene inside must be extremely dangerous. Xie Sanniang's face changed and she frowned and said.

"I, the emperor Shi Tiantian, who is in charge of the array map, please open a channel and let me wait for assistance."

Di Shitian looked at the terrible war in front of him, his face was still calm, and he said calmly to the array. In my heart, there are bursts of worries: Qinxin, you must have nothing to do. Haven't you always wanted to be my wife? I'm here today. Even if it's for our future happiness, you must have nothing to do. You are already my wife. You must have nothing to do without my permission.

My heart is as cold as ice.

"It turned out to be His Majesty the Demon Emperor. It's really great that your majesty can come. Hurry, hurry, hurry. Three days ago, nearly a thousand heavenly demons suddenly attacked my Tianyin Valley. Suddenly, my Tianyin clan was severely damaged. Now I can only rely on the array to entangle with the heavenly demons. Those demons have rushed into the valley. They want to break the seal and save the remnant blood demon emperor.

In the array, there is an old and rapid voice. Quickly explain what happened.

Ding Ding Ding!!

A purple bamboo sword ran quickly, making a crisp sound, and a crack quickly separated from the array.

Ang Ang Ang!!

Taigu Jiulong pulled the chariot, instantly got into the channel and rushed into the valley. Behind, the blood guard, the blood devouring and others rushed in closely.

"Blood killing guards listen to the order and do their best to eliminate all the demons. Clear the valley. Blood devouring, gourd, you go with me to the land of demon sealing. As soon as Di Shitian stretched out his hand, he pulled out the demon spear inserted beside him and held it in his hand. RO