Ancestor of Demons

Chapter 1048 Tianji Baoxuan

"Your Majesty, please rest assured that the current Tianji ultimatum has been connected to the auction machine held by all the monks in the whole auction house. As long as the price is pressed on the auction machine, the price will be immediately transmitted to the Tianji treasure ultimatum at an immeasurable speed, and then be integrated and deduced The highest bid price for each auction item can be obtained immediately. Then it was revealed, appeared in the Tianji Hall, and the waiter nv sent the auction items. All the processes have been arranged.

Duobao's eyes kept flashing, and he said excitedly.

Looking at Di Shitian's eyes, there was a god of admiration.

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, you can't believe that such an incredible idea came from the mouth of the demon emperor, and it was actually cast out. The birth of this Tianji ultimatum will certainly bring incredible transformation and change to the whole Lingxiao demon court. It has an epoch-making significance.

No matter where it is used, it can make an immeasurable leap.

"Hmm!! Be sure to be sure to be sure."

Di Shitian nodded, looked at the Tianjibao ultimatum carefully, and said, "If possible, the Tianji treasure ultimatum must become an innate spiritual treasure. Only in this way can it have an unparalleled effect in the operation of the demon court.

To be honest, at the beginning, even he didn't expect that it was really possible to refine successfully. I just casually mentioned a few words about some abilities on the computer in the previous life when talking with Tian Silkworm and Huang Quanjiāo. Unexpectedly, after knowing it, Tiancan Huangquan got into the Linglong pagoda on the spot, and the deduction of forgetting to eat and sleep actually refined this Tianji treasure ultimatum.

With Tianji Avenue as the core, the combination of space and time even involves fate. It can be called an incredible treasure.

After knowing that the Tianji treasure ultimatum was made, countless plans emerged in Di Shitian's mind.

is enough to subvert everything, making Lingxiao's demon court more powerful and more tightly structured, and can grasp every area.

For example, with the Tianji ultimatum as the main body, establish the Tianji Pavilion, refine the vice body of the Tianji ultimatum, and place it in each area, you can establish Lingxiao Qianzhuang, so that the Lingxiao card can have the same card swiping function as the bank card in the previous life. In this way, a monetary system that runs through the whole Lingxiao Demon Court can be immediately laid out. If you can report all kinds of discussions through the Tianji Bao ultimatum, you can grasp the various changes, and even the changes in the 192,600 space.

It can also be used to lay out an intelligence network like a skynet.

and so on, there are almost countless benefits, which are enough to make the Lingxiao demon court change dramatically. Moreover, the efficiency of the demon court will be increased by several times and dozens of times.

The Zixiao auction in front of you is just a small test.

In the auction house, a large number of monks entered the venue one after another. As monks, they naturally had extraordinary wisdom. After seeing those novel crystal screens, they became familiar with them at an amazing speed. After understanding the truth, they were unspeakably shocked by the Lingxiao Demon Court.

It took nearly three days to enter the field.

The time in the Lingxiao auction has been completely adjusted to one to one thousand. A year outside, and thousands of years have passed inside. However, the power consumed by such a huge deficit is immeasurable. Almost the chaotic spirit absorbed by the emperor's ultimatum spends most of the time reversal.

Let's not talk about it.

said that after basically all the monks have entered the field.

The Duobao boy, who was shining with a shining treasure and a red face, paced to the center of the five auction tables, followed by two attendants nv, holding two yù trays in the hands of the attendant nv and standing respectfully on both sides.


Duobao boy smiled and glanced at the whole venue. The seemingly small sound was transmitted to the mind of each monk in an instant. He continued, "No matter what everyone's original identity, race, and cultivation, here is Zixiao Auction House. As long as you have enough Lingxiao coins, you can be here. Buy anything you want. Duobao, the owner of this cabinet, presided over the auction today. I can clearly tell you that there will be 10 billion items on sale today. Moreover, everything is a rare treasure.

"Your Majesty assures all Taoist friends that any items auctioned at the auction will not be threatened and plundered by any strong in the Lingxiao Demon Court."

As soon as he said this, the eyes of all the monks couldn't help lighting up. After all, the security issue is a matter of concern in the eyes of many monks, but now when I hear the guarantee, it seems that a big stone has fallen in my heart.

In the Lingxiao Demon Court, the demon emperor's guarantee is the best amulet, and no monk dares to violate it.

When Duobao boy saw Qun Xiu's reaction, he nodded with satisfaction and waved his hand, indicating that the two attendants nv behind him would open the yù basin covered by black cloth.


On the yù basin, a yù sword box suddenly appeared. There are countless sword holes in this sword box, with a small yù sword. Each of these yù swords reveals a deep cold light, especially on the sword box, and countless mysterious sword patterns are constantly outlining the mysterious power.

Hiddenly, there is endless killing, which is a magic soldier in killing.

As soon as the sword box appeared, it immediately attracted the attention of countless monks. Obviously, it has a considerable interest in it.

"This piece is called the Killing Sword Box. There are 10,000 small Killing Swords in the sword box. Each Killing Sword has the level of the lower-grade acquired spiritual treasure, that is to say, each Killing Sword is a lower-grade treasure. With tens of thousands of swords, it can be condensed into a giant sword, reaching the highest level of treasure. It can form a sword array, which is almost a killing treasure, so the level of this killing sword box is the best treasure, which can be called a rare treasure. The lowest price is one million Lingxiao coins, and the price increase in each auction shall not be less than 10,000 Lingxiao coins. Those who are expensive will get it.

Duobao boy pointed to the sword box in the yù basin and slowly introduced it.


Countless monks took a cold breath on the spot.

"My God, the killing sword box, the best treasure, such a treasure, any one that falls outside will immediately cause countless people to compete. With countless bloody winds, I don't know how many tragedies will be caused. I didn't expect that the Lingxiao Demon Court would really be auctioned, and it was such a precious treasure in the first auction item at the beginning. It's really rich. This auction is really the largest auction ever in the world.

"The Killing Sword Box is simply a rare treasure. It can be fabricated into all kinds of sword arrays, and can be sent out with tens of thousands of swords, bursting with great destructive power. One million Lingxiao coins, and the reserve price has reached one million Lingxiao coins. This is really too exciting."

A famous monk looked at the Killing Sword Box with fiery eyes.

I don't think it's expensive, but I think it's too cheap.

Although the value and purchasing power of Lingxiao coin are more powerful than any currency, no spiritual stone can be compared with it at all. However, one million Lingxiao coins, really take out some natural resources and treasures to exchange, and any eternal giant can easily get it. But the best treasures can be met but cannot be sought, and any one can be called a priceless treasure.

Only one million, some strong people began to go crazy on the spot.

"One hundred and one hundred thousand!!"

In the middle of the venue, a monk pressed the number on the auctioneer and shouted.

"Well, it's just a little bit. Is the best treasure only worth this price? I'll pay 1.5 million!!"

As soon as the bid just opened, it was immediately despised, and the price was raised directly.

Immediately, the best treasure completely detonated the atmosphere, and a bidding sound sounded one after another. One after another. For a while, there was a bloody war in the air.

And at this moment, in the Yao pool.

Emperor Shitian, Chenxi, Qinxin and White Fox gathered together in the garden.

"Tianxiang, Xin'er, according to what I know, Qunfangjing is the safest of the four realms. After you enter Qunfangjing, Qunfangpu will remember your breath, and even your temperament. At that time, you will leave the ancient map of the sky and return to the Lingxiao Demon Court. With your unique temperament The opportunity to be reborn.

Di Shitian's face showed a trace of tenderness. Open your mouth and tell him.

"Husband!!" The white fox stared at his face with a pair of beautiful eyes, with a trace of affection, and said, "When this group of Fangpu is over, I will be your real wife."

There is no reservation to show the affection of Emperor Shitian. She really watched how she rose step by step from the end and finally came to the present. It is because she knows that the love in her heart is stronger.

"Me too!!" Qin Xin also looked at him with a firm look.

"You have been my wife for a long time. You used to be, now, and in the future." Di Shitian was moved to hold the two nv tightly in his arms.

For a long time, under the protection of the Qingluan Sword Servant led by Qingxia, the two nv left the Lingxiao Demon Court and went to the ancient picture of the sky.

Seeing the departure of the second nv, Chenxi slowly walked to Di Shitian and said, "What are you going to do next?"

"I want to go back to Nanman once."

Emperor Shitian's eyes were deep, and he looked up at the void.

Every day of time, he can clearly feel that there is an invisible depression in the air, as if there is some great danger approaching step by step. Since I talked with the Ghost Emperor of the Capital, there has been an unspeakable pressure in my heart. I really realized the horror of this infinite disaster.

In ancient times, the fight between the original continent and the demon god continent was interrupted by the sudden appearance of the crystal coffin. In the end, it ended in a hurry.

But the problem has not been solved at all.

Even the madness of ancient times has been accumulated until now. With the outbreak of the war, it can't be said that it is the superposition of two wars. When fighting, it is the real life-and-death war with no room for relief. To the extent of the tragedy, it is possible that both continents will be smashed to pieces.