Ancestor of Demons

Chapter 1091 Robbery and Innocent

"These are..."

The dark emperor's eyes enlarged violently in an instant, and his eyes showed a trace of shock, followed by an endless ecstasy. There were not many items in the star coffin, and there were no corpses in the imagination. Hungry was three items, one was a purple-gold skull. In this skull, naturally It reveals the immortal brilliance and exudes supreme pressure. It is more powerful and terrible than the world's strongest. Moreover, in the skull, it contains immortal mysterious power and an inexplicable vitality.

It seems that this is a skull taken directly from an incredible strong man.

And the second one is an ancient and mysterious warship. This warship is refined from mysterious materials. It can be seen that the material that also does not belong to the five elements has chaotic characteristics, which outlines countless mysterious Taoist lines, intertwined to form strange pictures. On it, there is an ancient battle gun, intertwined with texture on the robe, with a fierce murderous spirit, connected to the warship, and the decks of the warship and the edges of the warship appear respectively.

This warship has nine layers, layer by layer. It looks full of power and beauty, and each layer is surrounded by a mysterious aperture. It seems that the breath emanating from above is not inferior to any supreme artifact. However, it is a pity that the warship has been inexplicably broken, especially in the central position, and has been pierced by an inexplicable sword. But you can still feel its own strength on the warship. When it is in good condition, it must be a powerful supreme artifact. Now there is only one adult size. It's very exquisite.

The third one is a crystal-like ancient teapot. This teapot exudes endless charm. It is like having a unique life. On the teapot, there are a variety of tea patterns, which are antique and fragrant.

"Sure enough, there are treasures and good things. This skull may be left by the strong man of the Demon Ancestor class. Although this warship is damaged, if it can be repaired, it is a supreme artifact."

When the Dark Emperor saw the objects in the star coffin, he only felt endless joy in his mind. He felt suffocated by the value of each item in it, especially the warship, which was the supreme artifact. Its power was simply incredible. The powerful supreme artifact was enough to suppress countless world-class The magicist.

Not three pieces, but four pieces. This star coffin is also an incredible treasure. He is sure that this star coffin has wonderful power and will certainly not be worse than any innate treasure.

"Good! OK! OK!! This time I got these treasures, killed the demon emperor, and I was even more confident of avenging my brother. The dark emperor's heart scarf was overjoyed and quickly reached out and lifted the coffin of the star coffin.

Ye Hao!!

The star coffin was extremely heavy, as if there were ten thousand stars in it at the same time. With the power of the dark emperor, it did not lift the coffin cover, but made a sound.


This turbulence, immediately, saw that the star puppets surrounding the stars were stimulated one after another, and suddenly turned their heads to scan the position of the star coffin. At the same time, the starlight blooming in the star coffin had mysterious power, illuminating the dark emperor hidden in the void. Presented in the star domain. It fell in the eyes of countless puppets. Each puppet has the peak combat power comparable to the eternal giants. Although the single is not comparable to the world, if it is superimposed, it is a terrorist force that can destroy the world.


A cold killing sound came from the mouth of the puppet.

Boom!! Tens of thousands of puppets swept violently towards the Dark Emperor. In an instant, a sharp star sword cut down at the Dark Emperor's domineering. A sword can split the stars.

After the Dark Emperor saw that all the star puppets had been shocked, his eyes suddenly burst into a cold killing.

Looking at the army of puppets sweeping in, he didn't even think about it, and his whole body shook gently.


Suddenly, I saw that the whole body of the Dark Emperor was divided at an incredible speed and divided into a completely identical figure, with a total of a thousand. Each one holds the same dagger in his hand. Flashing out of the cold light.


Then, I saw that all the splits appeared in front of a puppet in an instant in a burst of distortion at a lightning speed. The dagger in his hand was not seen at all, and it had been faintly pierced into the heart of the puppet. In the body of the puppet, there was a crisp cracking sound. It seems that something important is broken up in an instant.

In the starry sky, countless figures are staggered. Instantly and accurately pierce the body of each puppet at an amazing speed. The speed, the strangeness of the dagger in the hand, and the sharp attack all reached an incredible situation.

"Shadow split, this is one of the most powerful secrets of the night elves. It is said that it has been cultivated to the extreme and can be divided into hundreds of millions. Moreover, each split has all the abilities of the body. Even if it is destroyed, it will not bring any damage to the body. Although the secret skill is limited, it can only exist for a certain period of time. When the time comes, the split dissipates by itself, but it is definitely a terrible killing move. It's extremely difficult to succeed in cultivation. I didn't expect this assassin to have such a terrible talent.

'Ming' said with a slightly solemn expression.

This is definitely a pretty terrible thing.

"All right, let him solve these star puppets. However, these treasures have to be obtained first. Di Shitian saw the crazy shuttle of countless shadows in the starry sky and quickly broke through the core of those puppets. Those powerful puppets are extremely fragile in front of the terrible assassin of the Dark Emperor.

It's not that the puppet is weak, but that the dark emperor is too terrible.

"Steal the day for the day!!"

Emperor Shitian didn't even think about it. While the Dark Emperor was fighting fiercely with other puppets, he reached out and grabbed the star coffin in the emptiness. While catching it out, countless emperor's true power in his body, and even the emperor's charm in his own body are spewing out power crazily, supporting the display of combat skills.


Only listening to a crisp roar, I saw that the huge star coffin across the star domain disappeared strangely in a burst of distortion.

The fluctuation from the star coffin instantly shatters the stars around.

"It's not good, my star coffin, why did you run away with your long legs? No."

At this moment, the dark emperor, who had just killed all the star puppets, turned around and quickly glanced at the location of the star coffin. At this glance, his face changed, and there was a sharp strange cry. The boss with two eyes open. The huge star coffin really disappeared strangely under the eyes.

However, the skull, warship, and teapot are still in their original position.

The Dark Emperor did not hesitate and rushed to the three treasures crazily.

"Steal the day for the day!!"

Emperor Shitian sneered and looked at the eager look of the Dark Emperor. His men showed no mercy and grabbed the three treasures one after another. A mysterious force swept by. On the spot, the three treasures disappeared a second before the dark emperor rushed over.

The Dark Emperor looked at the disappearing treasure. His face was blue, white, and the color was constantly changing. In his eyes, a cold murderous intention suddenly appeared. That kind of murderous intention went straight to the heart. Anyone who felt that there were countless killings flashed in his mind, and the crazy impact of the heart.

"Stealing the sky for the day, demon emperor, it's you. In this purple gold continent, you can know how to steal the sky for the day, and perform such a domineering and terrible thing, only you can. I didn't expect the demon emperor to be so despicable and steal.

The Dark Emperor slowly exhaled a sentence in a hoarse voice, with a strong contempt in his voice. At the same time, the whole body is instantly adjusted to the best fighting state. The eyes are constantly looking around.

"You are a demon god, I am a demon, and demons are not biistible. Not to mention that the star coffin and the treasure inside do not belong to you, anyone can take it, even if it really belongs to you. Even if I robbed and killed the demon god clan, even if I did it a thousand times, I would not feel any shame. What's more, you are just an assassin hiding in the dark. Despise me, you are not qualified. I poked you to death with one finger.

Di Shitian's figure did not hesitate at all, and appeared out of thousands of feet out of thin air.

The snow-white hair danced wildly behind him, with a look of disdain on his face. He looked at the Dark Emperor, his left hand banged forward, and a purple-gold finger stretched out. At the same time, the emperor's blood in the body boiled in an instant, turning into a purple-gold flame, and quickly washed the tombstone that had been integrated into the left arm crazily.

The endless essence in the emperor's blood is constantly drilling into the tombstone.

Ye Hao!!

At the urging of the emperor's blood, the tombstone glowed mysteriously again, suddenly collapsed and turned into countless mysterious fragments of pictures, covering the whole left arm. In the blink of an eye, on the left arm, countless mysterious pictures of gods and demons were once again presented, and countless gods and demons were exerting all kinds of peerless combat skills.

Especially on that finger.

has changed to a purple gold glazed color. On his fingers, countless gods are deducing their combat skills, emitting a heotic magic power.

On the fingers, there is an ancient atmosphere.

It seems to be the finger of a god in ancient times. With one finger, he poked directly at the dark emperor. Between the fingers, nature reveals terrible pressure. With an unstoppable and devastating power.

It seems that hundreds of millions of stars are rolling down in an instant.

"It's impossible. This breath is not even felt by the charming adults. What a terrible pressure. Naturally, it will be like this. How can the demon emperor have such a terrible power? It's impossible. It must be an illusion. Yes, it must be an illusion. I'll break it with a knife.

The Dark Emperor felt the pressure from his fingers. A trace of fear abounded in his heart, but a crazy look appeared in his eyes. He didn't even think about it. The dark dagger flashed out his finger like lightning.

"The secret of assassination sacrifices one blow!!"