Ancestor of Demons

Chapter 1115 The Remaining Blood

Chapter 1115 Remnated Blood

Experience, experience, experience again!!

The more superior the conditions are, the more you can't relax your own requirements. Otherwise, blind peace will only bring death and kill your own will. It is too easy to get cultivation, and it is often not worth cherishing. For a group of important ministers who followed him before, Emperor Shitian has always valued the most. This is the demon court. The background of.

For such an existence, the battle between the three lists and one spectrum will be the best growth environment!!

Moreover, the transmitter will not be turned on before the sky is closed, and it will only work after the end.

"Yes, Your Majesty, we will not lose face!!"

The demons agreed one after another. There was a solemn look on his face. I know that this is also a test. Whether you can stick to it to the end has a profound impact on your future achievements and your position in the demon court.

"Notify all the heavens to study. After the Zixiao auction, the Lingxiao Demon Court was officially closed. If you want to leave, leave as soon as possible. If you don't want to leave, you will not be able to return to the Zijin mainland for the next hundred years. However, those who stay in the Lingxiao Demon Court can enter the 192,600 spaces by themselves to explore and find treasures. Open the space integrated in the Sifang Tianmen. If you get the treasure in the space in the Tianmen, you only need to pay 50%, and the rest belongs to yourself. Di Shitian said in a low voice. As a half-step master, every word he says seems to have the majesty of destiny.

"Yes, Your Majesty!!" The old fox nodded cautiously.

Although Lingxiao Demon Court has a vast void, there is a lot of space, because it is integrated into the space in the sky and the forbidden land, it is integrated into a large number of space, the world, the space integrated into it has a large number of treasures, wealth, and even dangers, traps. Some, even the world's strongest people may be buried in it and fall into it.

For a long time, those spaces have not been opened up, and now it is time to open up. Whether it is experience or exploration, it is a way to enhance strength.

"In addition to the silkworm, Huangquan, gourd, Xie Sanniang, Bliss boy, Duobao boy. Shen Gongbao and others did not need to go outside, and all the rest began to prepare to go to the Tianqing battlefield, and the supplies in the demon court could be supplied to the maximum. After you go down, you can all go to the Qintian treasury to get elixirs, spiritual wine, magic soldiers, magic weapons, and skills, all of which are open to the maximum extent. I hope you can give a satisfactory answer.

As Di Shitian spoke, his eyes glanced at the ministers in the hall in turn. In his words, he could already see enough of the importance to them.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!!"

Mr. Fox was moved and respectfully.

"Okay, you can go down and get ready now." Di Shitian waved his hand and signaled that the dynasty would disperse.

After the meeting, a heavenly pillar of heaven and earth rose to the sky and flashed by. The time in the whole Lingxiao demon court was moving forward at an amazing speed, and the time difference with the outside was reversed a hundred times!! This kind of deficit is not only in the Zixiao auction, but also covers the whole Lingxiao demon court. In

In this way, the consumption of heaven and earth is almost amazing.

At present, with the completion of the inner road, the speed and number of absorbing the chaotic spirit have reached a terrible level. However, in such a large-scale reversal time, the chaotic spirit absorbed every moment is only enough to maintain the operation of the demon court, and no more There is no way to do anything else.

If the number of chaotic gas swallowed by the imperial jade ultimatum is calculated by mixed elements. Every time you rotate, the chaotic gas absorbed is a mixed element, and this mixed element is only enough to support the group practice in the demon court and reverse the vitality consumed by time. In the rest, it is impossible to refine and strengthen the demon court.

The reversal of time in the demon court naturally makes all monks faintly aware that the speed of auctions, ring battles, and recruitment meetings has been significantly accelerated, and new progress is made every day.

In the core space of Lingxiao Demon Court.

The figure of Emperor Shitian appeared outside the imperial jade ultimatum out of thin air.

Looking at the void, or illusory, or condensed into a solid Taoist lotus, I feel the strong spirit of heaven and earth permeated in the void, and I have a feeling of great pleasure.

The imperial jade ultimatum rotates in circles at a constant speed, absorbing the spirit of chaos from the chaos. Under the jade ultimatum, the mixed elixirs with chaotic colors and countless mysterious Taoist lines are piled up below like a hill. At a glance, I don't know how many such mixed elixirs have It is quite a good. In it, you can understand the charm of the road. Every time, it will be entered by the blood-killing guard, and the accumulated mixed yuan elixir will be taken away and sent to the Qintian treasure house. Some of them are sold to the public. A mixed yuan elixir requires a Lingxiao coin. It can be seen that the purchasing power of Lingxiao coin is quite strong.

Over the jade ultimatum, countless chains of laws bound the huge blood lotus, and the original sea of blood had been completely swallowed up. At this moment, it is constantly devouring and refining the blood lotus.

However, the blood lotus was extremely strange and strong, and it was always closed to bless the remnant blood demon emperor in it.

"This blood lotus has the rank of the top innate spiritual treasure. No wonder it can resist the devouring and refining of the imperial jade ultimatum. However, today, I will completely integrate into the Lingxiao demon court and become a part of the demon court. Laying the foundation for the immortality of the demon court. Break it for me!!" Di Shitian looked at the blood lotus like blood crystal and said slowly.

As soon as the voice fell, the divine pattern between the eyebrows instantly pulled away to both sides, and the eyes of the divine punishment were revealed in an instant.

Since its appearance, it has conveyed an immortal ancient atmosphere in the eyes of God. Even the supreme pressure. The look in his eyes is still extremely indifferent and indifferent to the world. It exudes a supreme charm.

Ding Ding Ding!!

As soon as the divine eye appeared, the blood lotus seemed to feel the incomparable existence. A kind of pressure on the grade made it tremble violently for the first time, making bursts of sadness and feeling the breath of death.

The eyes of heaven and punishment with five innate gods are enough to compete with the innate treasure. For the blood lotus, it has instinctive pressure.

"Demon Emperor, you are so vicious. You are going to kill them all."

Feeling the change of the blood lotus, the remnant blood demon emperor inside only felt that his whole mind was trembling violently and howled sadly: "Let go of me, as long as you let me go, I am willing to submit to you and be your slave, I am willing to be your woman, let me go, let me go, I

In the eyes of the remnant-blood demon emperor, a trace of fear flashed.

She dares to be tough when there is no threat to her life. Relying on her speculation that the strong lurking in the Zijin mainland will definitely come to save her. The blood lotus can protect herself from being refined. However, at this moment, after even the blood lotus began to be unsafe, she has keenly smelled a breath of death He hurriedly begged for mercy.

"Heavenly Punishment God's Eye - annihilation!!"

Di Shitian didn't care about what she said, let alone those words of begging for mercy. How can the words of the demon god easily believe that the fallen demon god is a good demon god?


Every emperor's immortality charm around the body is constantly vibrating, spewing out the vast immortal power of the emperor, poured into the eyes of the god of heaven and punishment. A purple-gold annihilation light burst out from the god's eyes in an instant. The divine light is full of the domineering will to annihilate The bottom is stimulated.

Destroying and dying!!

Bombard the blood lotus!!



The blood lotus itself was suppressed by the imperial jade ultimatum and could not move. It was directly bombarded by the annihilation light on the spot. The blood lotus trembled violently and emitted bursts of grief in it. It only supported a few breaths. It could no longer withstand the terrible power that crushed everything. The ferocious For a while, it spread rapidly to the whole blood lotus. This kind of rupture can't be stopped even if the residual blood demon emperor pours his own strength into the blood lotus. The whole blood lotus was covered in the blink of an eye.

"Half-step master, innate treasure!!"

The remnant-blooded demon emperor let out a scream in despair.


The blood lotus was broken on the spot in a terrible roar, turned into countless small fragments, and burst out quickly around. However, it was immediately swallowed up by the imperial jade ultimatum. Under the burning of the chaotic flame, those fragments turned into bloody silk threads one after another, quickly into the void, and drilled into every inch of the city Medium.


In the ancient city, countless mysterious Taoist lines are constantly intertwined, faintly forming the Taoist seal of a blood lotus. In the city god crystal, it also condenses a nine-grade blood lotus like substance, emitting an ancient breath and perfectly blends with the ancient city. With the fierce shaking of the demon court, countless top-quality Crystal. In the ancient city, there is a faint immortal breath circulating. But it didn't show anything.

A top innate spiritual treasure was broken and integrated into the Lingxiao demon court, making the demon court more powerful on the spot. In addition, thousands of avenues are becoming more and more perfect, and the level of the demon court has stepped into the peak of the supreme artifact!!

Invisently, there is a tendency to break into the immortal artifact.

"Demon Emperor, I curse you, curse you will fall, you will die under the demon ancestors of our clan, and I will wait for you in reincarnation. Curse your demon clan and completely annihilate it. You don't have to die. Even if I die, I won't make you feel better. Ah!!"

When the remnant-blooded demon emperor witnessed the collapse of the blood lotus, he despaired on the spot and made a sad curse. His eyes showed a crazy look, and the whole magic body fluctuated violently. With a bang, he blew himself up directly.

"The emperor's jade ultimatum, devour the demon god, seize the road, plunder the power, and strengthen the demon court!!"

How powerful the imperial jade ultimatum is. When it gets a thousand avenues, it itself produces incredible power. The power generated by the self-explosion is instantly swept in by the jade ultimatum. It can even swallow the chaotic gas, and it is afraid of the violent amount of self-explosion. The road was plundered, poured into the rune, shattered the road, destroyed the road, the road of blood. The devil's avenues have been enlightened by all kinds of avenues, and immediately, the charm of the road has become more and more intense in these avenues. In particular, the road of blood, in the rune, is completely complete in an instant, reaching the level of the road of blood in the Zijin mainland. There are countless seas of blood in it, and a bloody avenue Tianzhu wraps the whole blood rune in it. Become the first way to complete and complete in the true sense. RO