Ancestor of Demons

Chapter 1132 Immortal Mystery

The second update is sent. The brothers are very awesome. I also have the motivation to continue the third chapter of the code. "Goodly, the emperor madman, you get out of heaven in time and enter chaos. Otherwise, if you fight with those supreme artifacts of the human race, the whole left arm will be completely turned into a fan. Fortunately, you have entered the half-step master. If it had been before, your arm would have been annihilated at this moment. Once annihilated, the emperor's immortal emperor's charm will collapse. The damage to you is too great."

"Ming, also secretly exhaled and sighed, "This tombstone, according to me, at least you need the emperor madman to break through to the master level, so that it is possible to completely melt it with yourself and master this great power. Otherwise, borrowing power in this way is an extremely heavy burden on your body.

"Master rate?"

Di Shitian looked at the chaos outside, with a thoughtful look in his eyes. Unusually deep..

"That's right, emperor madman, if you leave this time, at least you will not return until the annihilation of the tide, reaching the layout of letting the human race go to resist the invasion of demons. However, what about your bet with Ku Rong Zhenjun in those years? This guy really wants to huddle in one place and stay for hundreds of years. When we come back, the gambling game will still be lost. Do all the wealth plundered from Ku Rong really have to be returned to him? Isn't that too cheap for him?"

"Ming, the vicious monster shouted.

It knows that Emperor Shitian has always been a word. There is nothing that can't be fulfilled in the words and promises made. After the bet made at the beginning, the innate spiritual treasures obtained from Kurong have not been used, and even the gathering cloud flags have always been left unmoved. Otherwise, it would have been integrated into the Lingxiao demon court Just to wait for the day when the bet will win or lose.

"Hee hee, you are so stupid!! I'm sure q has figured out the countermeasures. Ku Rong can't escape from the palm of his brother's hand.

Huan'er laughed and despised, "Ming, Tao. His eyes were full of cunning.

"Ming, I saw, "There was a chill in my heart. Hurry up and stay away.

"It is difficult for others to find Ku Rong, but it is not difficult for me. Sixty years later, I naturally have a way to convince him. Sing to the demon court.

Di Shitian looked confident and said with a deep heart.

"Your Majesty, are you all right?"

At this time, witnessing entering the chaos, the morning light next to him immediately stood up, looked at Di Shitian worriedly, and asked.

"The background of the human race is really profound, but it is shameless enough to use so many supreme artifacts to besiege your husband. When Tianxiang achieves the unparallable position, you must ask the human race for advice. Hum!!" Su Tianxiang looked worried, but he snorted coldly.

"The little sister once heard from her father that the human race did not have such strong strength in ancient times. When rebelling against our demon clan, several monks often besieged a demon clan. Now it seems that it's really right. Qin Xin also said with great disgust.

"The background of the human race is really small. If each supreme artifact needs to be urged by the nine supreme powers, I'm afraid that the number of powers in the human race has reached a rather terrible situation. After all, the human race is indeed the race that is best at hiding strength. Meixin stretched out her jade finger, nodded her forehead, and said thoughtfully.

The human race usually does not show mountains and water. As soon as it is revealed, it can scare the monks of all ethnic groups to death on the spot.

"It doesn't matter. Now that we are out of chaos, it's time to open the sea and the sky, and this time the booty is not vulgar." After Di Shitian signaled that he had no damage, he waved his hand and grabbed the Zhou Tianxingchen map, which was pressed under the throne of Lingxiao.


Zhou Tianxing's map is put away at this moment, just like a picture scroll. However, it looks a little dilapidated. Inside, there is a mysterious picture of stars.

It is spiritual. As soon as he came out of the throne of Lingxiao, he immediately pulled out a starlight and wanted to break through the Lingxiao demon court and get into the chaos.

"Come back!!", Di Shitian witnessed that he stretched out his hand and fell to the star map lightly. The map seemed to break hundreds of millions of miles in an instant, but it seemed that he had never moved. In his hand, he had grabbed the ancient map directly in his hand, allowing it to beat, and he could never get out of the palm of his

"What a picture of the stars of the sky, it actually fully understands the array of the stars of the sky, contains all the art of the stars, and the ancient trees of the stars are the source of vitality. Countless souls break into the star tree and keep praying. Provide endless power of faith. Give birth to the stars. It is an extreme supreme artifact that has reached its peak. Unfortunately, there is no possibility of immortality.

Emperor Shitian's eyes seemed to be able to understand everything. When he scanned the picture scroll, he immediately clearly understood the mysteries in Zhou Tian's star map.

"Haha, if such a peak star map of the supreme artifact is integrated into the Lingxiao demon court, it may be able to step out of the door and step into the boundary of the immortal artifact."

"Ming, shouting excitedly.

"Humph!! Stupid prison head, although Zhou Tianxingchentu is an artifact at the peak of the supreme level, it is not an artifact with multiple avenues. When integrated into the Lingxiao demon court, it should only push the demon court to half a step of immortality. If you want to be promoted to an immortal artifact, more avenues must be perfected, or even perfect. The child blinked his eyes, laughed and said with his fingers.

The key to the immortal artifact is to condense the number of the road. If it has not reached a certain level, there is not enough road to support the world. How can it achieve immortality and achieve the same existence as the Zijin Continent and the Demon God Continent. Every road is like a pillar of heaven. The immortal artifact will inevitably make the heaven and earth become vast. If the pillar of heaven is less and can't support the heaven and earth, it will collapse directly that day. Even if it is a promotion, it will be directly shattered. The artifact crashed.

does not say that two or three supreme artifacts can be promoted to immortal artifacts when they are combined. Immortality is a threshold.

"Zhou Tian's star map, for the emperor to integrate into the Lingxiao demon court, fate falls into the sky, into the demon court. Since then, in my demon court, there are sun and moon, stars, day and night alternate, and stars like fighting. It runs on Sunday. There is the numerology of heaven and earth, which can be calculated. There is fate connected. The long river is dormant.

Emperor Shitian beat the whole picture of Zhou Tianxing into the void in the demon court.

Suddenly, the star map reflected into the void like a vast picture scroll.

Oh my goth!!

Countless thick law chains flashed out of the void one after another, bound the star map, and spewed out a pure chaotic flame, refining the whole ancient picture.


Zhou Tianxing Chentu itself has been a little broken by Emperor Shi's birth, and there are cracks on the Lin Xingchen tree. At this moment, under the refining of the whole demon court, there is not much resistance at all. The whole star map is like a water wave, strangely integrated into the void, rippling out a circle of ripples.

It merges with Lingxiao Demon Court at an amazing speed.

The vast vitality of the stars is constantly poured into the ancient map of the stars. The stars in the ancient map flashed with the stars one after another, and the star trees that had cracks healed quickly.


After a while, Zhou Tianxingtu was finally completely integrated into the Lingxiao Demon Court. In an instant, it can be clearly seen that the ancient map has completely disappeared in the void, and it has been replaced by a vast and complete star space. Starlight fell on the whole demon court like a tide, and at the same time, it shone into the 129,000 space.

Between the eyes, you can see it.

A bright moon hangs high in the sky. Around the bright moon, the stars are dotted, making the starry sky look extremely bright. And in the demon court, it was shrouded in darkness, but under the starlight, it was extremely gorgeous.


When refining the star map and completely integrating into the void, the vast power was fed back from the void and poured into the whole ancient city. Suddenly, in the roar, the Lingxiao Demon Court began to expand violently again, and the vast divine crystals originally accumulated were also constantly integrated into the ancient city. Make the ancient city expand faster.

Expanded again and again.

While expanding, the originally strong almost liquefied heaven and earth gas is also much thinner, reaching the normal level in ancient times.

But at the same time, the vast power of the stars is constantly spilling down, making countless monks who practice skills related to stars almost ecstatic. In the imperial jade butterfly, a star pillar condensed in the blink of an eye.

"Life is inferior..., life is inferior..."

The fate scale appeared on the imperial jade butterfly out of thin air. The laws of fate were constantly recorded and poured into the jade butterfly. Immediately, I saw that the fate charm in the jade butterfly grew up at an amazing speed. This Libra is refined by the master of fate. Although the way of fate is not too powerful, it is very complete. As soon as it was integrated, it was initially completed in just a few breaths. It is complete.


The material that originally refined the Libra of Destiny, was also under the forging of the divine flame, strangely began to melt and turned into a long river of nihilistic fate. It fell directly into the newly born lotus of fate and coiled around. In an instant, the life in the whole Lingxiao demon court seemed to feel the breath of fate in an instant.

The ancient city is still expanding.

It took a long time to stop. It has increased by half of its original size. It is more vast and boundless.

The breath emanating from the Lingxiao demon court has become more and more hidden, and there is an immortal breath pervasively.

Lingxiao Demon Court - Half a step of immortality!!

However, after reaching half a step of immortality, it is almost impossible to improve the grade at all. It seems that the road ahead has been cut off by life.

"What a powerful Lingxiao demon court."

He slowly spit out a sentence in his charming mouth, and his eyes showed a strange color and said, "However, husband, do you know that the more powerful the supreme artifact is, the more difficult it is to be promoted to immortality. Generally, if you reach the peak of the supreme level, you can step into immortality, but if you reach half-step dominance, it is more difficult to step into immortality. The road you need is a truly perfect road, which must reach at least 2,000. It is the road that really forms the pillar of heaven. If it was not integrated into the star map, 1,500 pillars should have been promoted.