Ancestor of Demons

Chapter 1224 Gather together

Chapter 1224 Gather together

In those years, the matter of Emperor Shitian and the Supreme of Judgment in the Tongtian Tower has long been spread, especially the matter of the establishment of the war letter. It is set in front of the rules of the road. The rules of the road are above the rules. The rules are the rules. Under the rules, even the master can't violate it Once violated, there is a possibility of falling.

The book of life and death, the book of war set in front of the rules of the road, is almost an inevitable agreement to be realized.

The exposure and spread of this agreement immediately made the absolute realm of life and death suddenly become the focus of countless eyes in chaos, the fierce battle between the supreme and non-the supreme. Such a thing can be called an unimaginable anecdote in chaos, and they are all famous.

One is the ancient supreme, and the other is the demon emperor.

Almost on the spot, it attracted a large number of people to rush here.

gathered here, waiting to watch this shocking and chaotic war.

Especially from the mouth of an ancient god and demon who practiced divination, the result of divination is that the winning rate of the supreme judgment is 60%, and when the winning rate of the demon emperor is 40%, it attracts the attention of countless great power. This probability is not overwhelming, but a situation that seems to be evenly matched. Attract countless curiosities.

This is a grand event. Those who are qualified to come are all world-class beings. Those who are not world-class are not even qualified to watch the battle. It can be said to be the top duel between heaven and earth.

"Yes, no matter why, it is impossible to judge the Supreme and the demon emperor to miss the appointment. This decisive battle is bound to take place. I have investigated the past experience of the demon emperor. Since his debut, although the years are short, it can create amazing miracles in adversity again and again. Weakness is better than strength, and smallness is better than strength. This may not be able to compete with the Supreme of Judgment. It must be a wonderful decisive battle.

The gods and demons said excitedly that they had considerable expectations and curiosity for the upcoming decisive battle.

"The ancient supreme has rarely made action. Being able to watch the battle with your own eyes this time is bound to be an unimaginable experience for our practice. Maybe we can understand the profound truth in the battle, break through the bottleneck, and go further."

Obviously, a strong man wants to get some insights in such a shocking decisive battle and make his cultivation go further. In heaven and earth, cultivation strength is often the most important thing.

"Well, but the demon emperor in a district also dares to fight with the supreme. It's simply looking for death. Don't be beaten into fans by the trial supreme as soon as you play. That's a shame."

At this moment, a disdainful voice was transmitted in the chaos.

Oh my gob!!

As soon as this word came out, the power around him looked at the position where the voice came out one after another. The speaker was a group of magic gods standing on a huge magic platform emitting cold magic.

"It's the strong man in the Demon Continent." Some ancient gods and demons recognized him and said.

"The Demon God Continent and the Zijin Continent have always been sworn enemies. In their hearts, they must hope that the demon emperor will fall in this battlefield. In this way, when they invade the Zijin Continent, they will have fewer terrible enemies."

Almost in an instant, most of the power clearly knew the thoughts of these demon gods.

"Tut, your demon continent will only talk about your ability behind your back. If you have the courage, you can talk to him in person in front of the demon emperor. Don't dare? It's just a group of gallbladder-free rats.

At this time, on the other side, on a huge warship, there stood a group of powers with different temperaments. When the first one, on the forehead, there was a pair of dark dragon horns, and the two eyes were extremely strange, which seemed to have terrible great power. A series of sneer.

"Yes, if they dared to talk to the demon emperor like this, I'm afraid they won't stand here now, but directly enter the battlefield to fight with the demon emperor to the death."

A beautiful woman in colorful clothes showed arrogance on her face and sneered disdainfully.

"Candle Dragon, Phoenix mother, in my opinion, it's better for us to warm up on the battlefield with these demons. Kill the supreme for the demon emperor to cheer up. An old man suddenly smiled and slowly spit out a sentence.

"Humph!! Star Lord, don't think that our demon continent will be afraid of you. If you want to fight, I will accompany you at any time in the demon continent. The bloody knife demon showed a ferocious sneer and coldly swept to the power of the Zijin mainland. There is no weakness in words.

Between the two sides, between three words and two words, there is a tendency to collide with fierce sparks, and the breath in the chaos around suddenly becomes abnormally depressed.


At this moment, I saw that in the chaos, there was a violent shock, a dark band of light, stretching out of thin air from the depths of chaos to the end of life and death. On this black light belt, it can be clearly seen that countless demon gods are fighting, fighting, and countless monsters are fighting. With endless gris. It rises to the sky and isolates the endless chaos.

Magic! Devil! Demon!!

In the light belt, it seems that there are terrible roars constantly shouting, presenting the history of civilization belonging to the demon god.

A pressure that almost shocked chaos quickly covered the vast area along the light belt. All the power nearby only feels a terrible pressure on their shoulders. He almost crushed himself and knelt down on the spot. Meet the supreme existence in the distance.

"It's the demon ancestor!!"

Candle Dragon's eyes suddenly closed, and a solemn word came out of his mouth.

All the strong men on the warship turned unusually solemn, staring at the end of the light belt, and the internal skills operated to resist the powerful pressure transmitted from the outside world.


Almost realized that there was about to be the top existence standing in the chaotic world. Originally, there was a lot of discussion, and many great poweres stopped their voices one after another and opened their eyes to look forward. At the end of the black light belt, nine huge magic palaces emerged out of thin air and appeared in front of the group in the blink of an eye along the light belt.

The majestic pressure, the chaotic air around the pressure rolled violently on the spot.

The breath conveyed by the nine magic palaces is different, but they are undisguisedly above the world, giving the world's power to have an extremely small illusion.

At the same time, an invisible pressure appeared on the Zulong warship out of thin air. The majestic pressure, the whole warship pressed on the spot fell down violently, the chaos around it was broken, the warship roared violently, and there was a tendency to break at any time. The candle dragons and other power on the warship only felt like ants were going to be crushed into pieces.

"Hum!! Heart-eating demon ancestor, don't you really care about your face and take action against a group of juniors? You are so shameless.

Ang Ang Ang!!

At this moment, the sound of nine dragons came from the chaos. Nine ancient Jiulongs of hundreds of thousands of feet in size pulled a dark chariot across the void. On the chariot, the demon owner in a black robe, with his hands behind his back, his face was full of coldness and coldness, and the black magic hair A kind of madness that belongs to the devil, the domineering of the devil, is almost exposed in him. During the wave, the pressure that had fallen on the candle dragon and others dissipated in an instant.

"That's right. If you are itchy and want to find a fight, my old man can also accompany you. Bully a group of juniors and lower their status in vain. He was dressed in a snow-white robe and dominated by the space with the book of space in his hand. He crossed the void with a huge Kunpeng and looked at the nine magic palaces with a smile.

"Humph!! Demon Lord, space, today's protagonists are not just us. If you want to fight, you will naturally not have a chance in the future. However, today, I'm afraid that there will be a talent in your Zijin mainland. I fell here to raise my glass and watch the battle.

The fallen demon ancestor smiled indifferently and inadvertently counterattacked.

"It's too early to draw a conclusion about who fell. Perhaps, the other party will fall and it is unknown.


A vast long river swept over from afar. In the long river, countless creatures flashed in it, past, present, future, etc., all kinds of unique breaths flashed in the long river. Stepping on the long river, the master of fate with a sense of vicissitudes suddenly appeared. In the voice, it is like the mystery of fate.

"Fate is not necessarily immutable, but the demon emperor has not become the master, and the supreme of the trial is enough to be promoted to the later stage of the master's cultivation, but the egg hits the stone. The chance of winning the trial is far greater than that of the demon emperor.

At this time, the lifeless ancestor, who had never spoken, suddenly spit out a sentence.

"Then let's wait and see."

When the master of fate heard it, he did not refute it and smiled indifferently. At their level, quarrels do not happen too much. They often express their own views, and their own ideas are enough. As long as they reach the end, they will naturally know the result. They are at peace with each other, but only war.


At this time, suddenly, the chaotic atmosphere in the distance rolled violently, constantly crushed into pieces, chaotic broken, and worlds were born one by one, but it was shattered in an instant. A terrible pressure of supreme hegemony swept in. Roll up the boundless chaotic tides.

In a blink of an eye, a huge figure appeared in the eyes of all power.

Seeing this, I didn't scare those poweres one by one on the spot.

"to... Supreme Divine Realm!! My dear, the Supreme Divine Realm will appear directly here. What's going on? It is rumored that since the birth of the Supreme Divine Realm, it has never moved to any position and has never been stationary. Is it true that the ancient supreme wants to use it to deter all sides?

Some ancient gods and demons took a cold breath on the spot and made a strange cry. His eyes were full of horror and exhilaration.

"It's really the Supreme Divine Realm. This is an immortal artifact, one of the only two immortal artifacts in the chaotic world. I didn't expect to see the oldest existence here. It seems that the ancient supreme attaches great importance to the demon emperor. He has even put the demon emperor at the first level of domination.

The strong take a deep breath and analyze it quickly. RO