Lord of the Source

Chapter 20 Jiang Feng, who escaped, became a beggar

With the emergence of mysterious creatures, the two-day battle between Warcrafts has stopped. In the face of absolute strength, no one will contradict. Casually attack will destroy all the strength of a god-level, force a god-level strongman to death, and you don't have to show up. May I ask who will find it uncomfortable.

Jiang Feng has been hiding in the cave and dared not move. He didn't know if the hidden mysterious creature noticed him, so he could only stay in the formation he arranged, at least this could give him some comfort.

Five days have passed since the Warcraft battle, and Jiang Feng still stayed in the cave motionless. Generally, when you reach the level of Wuhuang, you can not eat for many days in a row. As for being able to persist for a few days, it depends on your physique. Only by breaking through the holy level can they open the valley. Instead of supplementing energy by eating, they can absorb it directly from heaven and earth.

Five days later, late at night, Jiang Feng carefully withdrew the array, recovered the half-fee magic core, and quietly sneaked out of the valley and entered the forest. I have to say that nature is a magical place for self-purification. In the past five days, some low-level monsters and beasts have come here to clean up the battlefield. At this time, there are only piles of white bones left in the valley.

After carefully sneaking into the forest, Jiang Feng hid on a big tree. Jiang Feng knew that the calmer the place, the more dangerous it would be. Over the past few days, he has seen many similar things happening. Some live carnivores disguised as dead, waiting for their prey to approach, and then suddenly launched an attack and killed their prey. Jiang Feng's spiritual power integrated into the trees, then into the earth, and then into the air. He carefully observed where there was danger and then avoided it. Although his strength is not afraid of some low-level monsters, the monsters who have just passed the warcraft battle are very ** at this time. Once there is a battle, the nearby monsters will come to investigate.

In the night, Jiang Feng shuttled through the forest like a night elf, and he quickly swept towards the outside of the forest. He just wants to escape from the forest and settle accounts with the Liu family.

At this time, Meng Zhan and Mu Yun and others at Jiang Feng's palace have begun to accumulate people, not to revenge in advance, but to find Jiang Feng, who has been missing for more than two years.

"Uncle Meng Zhan, as soon as you and your Snow Wolf Mercenary Corps come, you don't have to join us. It is our duty to protect the prince, and we will bring him back safely.

"The little doll of the evening family, you are looking down on me. Since I promised the prince to come to his palace, I have been his man. Do you think as a subordinate, if you can't even protect your master, that's a good subordinate? Needless to say, let's go!"

"In this case, let's kill the forest together and save the young master."

Twilight clouds marched towards the dark forest with the vast people and horses, leaving Mu Tianfeng guarding the palace. In the past two years, with the support of Jiang Feng, the Mu family has increased a lot in both strength and people.

On the surface, Jiang Feng's power is just a guard. However, no one can know the private forces, and only some people who are particularly trusted by Jiang Feng can know. Jiang Feng's intelligence department is the most perfect, and even the royal intelligence department is not as good as Jiang Feng's. After all, Jiang Feng has the ideas of modern society. Of course, he knows how to establish the intelligence department who is familiar with history. When Jiang Feng told Mu Tianfeng what he thought, Mu Tianfeng was surprised. This method of mixing people is absolutely unpreventable.

Jiang Feng also wrote down his grandson's art of war that he didn't remember much. Sun Tzu's Art of War is worthy of being a divine book on the battlefield. When Jiang Feng gave his written Sun Tzu's Art of War to Mu Yun, Mu Yun only looked at the front, and then took the book to study it by himself. He didn't even say hello to Jiang Feng, which made Jiang Feng very depressed.

Now, under the training of Muyun, Jiang Feng's guard strength and siege tactics can be said to be absolutely the strongest. Of course, Muyun's actions attracted the attention of many big forces in Kyoto, but strangely, everyone seemed to be deaf and blind and didn't care about it.

At this time, Jiang Feng had left the forest and went to the street of Muluo Village. Seeing that Muluo Village was still the same, Jiang Feng unnaturally remembered the days when he was with the Wind Wolf Mercenary Corps. Those beautiful memories hit his brain. Tears couldn't help flowing down, "Father, how are you doing in heaven? Don't worry, I will take good care of the descendants of the evening family, because they are also my relatives!" Jiang Feng said painfully in his heart.

"Son, are you hungry? I just asked for two steamed buns. I'll give you one! Hey, in this world, although the royal management is good, there are still many filths in some remote areas! Look, such a young child has become a beggar! Hey!" A dirty old woman touched Jiang Feng's head with her hand and sighed at the society.

Jiang Feng had just recalled that if he hadn't found that the old woman had been well-intentioned and had taken his body protection, I'm afraid that the old grandmother would have splashed blood on the spot. However, Jiang Feng was very surprised by grandma's words.

"E! Grandma, do I look like a beggar? Jiang Feng paid a lot of attention to himself after saying that, my God! Is this him? The smell, ragged clothes are stained with forest stains, and the hair is explosive. If it is put in modern times, I think someone will say, "Brother, where did you get your hairstyle? It's so cool!" Then I remembered that I hadn't cleaned myself since I entered the dark forest. At first, he would clean it up, but later I thought that there was no one in the forest, so I was too lazy to clean it up. When I came out, I forgot to change my clothes.

"Child, I'll tell you! Be honest. Although we are beggars, we are much better than those who steal and rob. At least we are also fighting for life! Hungry, come on, here you are." The old lady said and handed over the two steamed buns in her arms.

Jiang Feng looked at her grandmother with emotion. No one had ever cared about him so much. Except for his two-time parents and adoptive father, this grandmother was the first. He took the steamed bun with trembling hands, and Jiang Feng ate it with a big mouthful. He thought that this steamed bread was more delicious than any mountain and sea delicacies, because there was warmth in it and the warmth of home.

"Eat slowly. I have another one here. I'll give it to you." Grandma looked at Jiang Feng kindly and handed over another steamed bun.

Jiang Feng raised his head and looked at the old woman carefully. The old woman is nearly 70 years old. The white hair of the steamed bread, coupled with her old face, makes Jiang Feng can't help but think of her long-detired grandmother.

"Grandma, aren't you hungry? What did you eat for me?"

"Silly boy, I'm an old man. It's too much to eat! I just ate some when I went to beg for food, but you are growing up and eating more. It's not enough. I'm going to ask you for it. When you are full, grandma will take you to wash. Look at your dirty, beggars also have to pay attention to hygiene! Otherwise, it's easy to get sick." The old woman said and touched Jiang Feng's head with her old hand.

"Ye" Jiang Feng replied that he didn't know how to answer the grandmother. How could he reply to her kindness? Following grandma, Jiang Feng forgot everything and enjoyed the warmth.

Muyun and others have been on their way to Muluo Village day and night. In two days, they will be able to arrive.

Two days were very peaceful. Jiang Feng happily put down all the burdens like a child and asked for a grandmother for two days, but he forgot that he was a child now.

Muyun and others were on their way. That evening, they finally arrived at Muluo Village. Although Muyun's eyes were full of hatred, he knew that the purpose of his trip was not revenge, but to save the young master who gave them everything. Muyun and most people are very familiar with Muluo Village. They found a post office where officials entertained their families, lived in it, prepared to repair it overnight, and entered the dark forest the next day.

Of course, the arrival of Muyun and others has attracted the attention of many people, but Muyun was just a nobody in the evening family. How many people still remember the simple young man at that time? However, the people from Kyoto still attracted the attention of many people. At this time, the Liu family was preparing gifts and wanted to please these people from Kyoto.

Muyun talked about this for a long time. He didn't show up directly, but let his deputy, Zengjin's deputy captain of the Royal Guard, deal with it. The deputy captain of the Royal Guard was reluctant to come to Jiang Fengxing Palace at the beginning. For him, only the Guard is the place to realize his dream, which is equivalent to demotion. But when he came to Jiang Fengxing Palace, after competing with Muyun, he decided to stay, at least learn Muyun's military tactics. He didn't know that these tactics were stolen by his young master who had not yet met.

"What does Master Liu mean? Do you think this general is a corrupt official?" Muyun's deputy sat on the hall and shouted at the owner of the Liu family.

"The general is angry. Of course, we know the general's integrity. This is just some of our wishes as landlords. Please accept it. It is not easy for the general to go out to work, and it is not easy for the general's men. As we support the royal heart, is it possible for the general to refuse us to serve the country? Liu Fengqiao is worthy of being an old fox. His words are interlocked. If he doesn't know it, he will be deceived by him.

"That's it! Master Liu said it earlier! I thought you were going to bribe me. It's so good. I will definitely tell your Majesty your credit. In the future, I will give priority to patriots like you. However, please forgive me that I can't treat the owner well. We have traveled a long way and haven't rested yet. I'll wait for another day to finish my official duties. How about visiting?

"The general is serious and business is important, so I'll leave first." Liu Fengqiao smiled on the surface, but sneered and muttered, 'What a long journey, just to share the stolen goods. Humph!'

He didn't know that a pair of hateful eyes were staring at him, like a late-night evil spirit.