Lord of the Source

Chapter 68 Centennial Event

Early in the morning, Jiang Feng was called to the palace by his mother, because today there is an important guest who needs to be greeted by everyone. This person is the messenger of the woody continent and the princess of the woody continent. As the prince of his own country, he must attend.

The Luotian Empire and the Jiangtian Empire have been friends well, so Jiang Feng's parents attached great importance to the visit of the Luotian Empire on the wooden continent. Most importantly, they heard that this princess is the treasure of the Luotian Empire and is very beautiful. As for why Jiang Feng came, I think everyone knows!

Put on the yellow clothes he hadn't worn for a long time, Jiang Feng was uncomfortable staying in the hall of the palace. He was also very helpless. Originally, his mother called him to come. What did he think was a good thing? Jiang Feng was very depressed when he didn't know what princess he was supposed to welcome.

"The Luotian Empire came!" A long voice sounded.

As the sound fell, an old man led a veiled girl in.

"The Luotian Empire came to visit His Majesty!" The old man took the girl to bow to Jiang Feng's father.

"The messenger is so polite!" Jiang Aotian sat majestically on the dragon seat and gently raised his hand to the old man and girl who worshipped below.

"The little girl Luo Xuerou met your majesty, and my father asked me to take my father to say hello to your majesty." When the old man retreated to one side, the girl brought his father's question to Jiang Aotian.

"Neister, get up quickly. Your father is still healthy! He and I haven't seen each other for many years, haha!" Jiang Aotian was very happy to see his niece so sensible.

"Your Majesty, his father is still very healthy. He often mentions that he and His Majesty did not do the emperor. Whenever he mentions those memories, his father's face is always full of yearning and happiness." Luo Xuerou's voice was very attractive, and almost all the officials in the hall praised her very much, but there was one exception.

This person is naturally Jiang Feng. Anyway, Jiang Feng is used to modern beauties, and in modern times, he watches soap operas a lot, so he naturally doesn't like this girl with a voice like a yellow warbler.

He looked everywhere and didn't look at the girl at all.

Luo Xuerou, who was still very talkative, suddenly stopped talking and only stared at Jiang Feng under the veil. She really can't figure out why other people like to listen to her, but this gorgeous teenager has been looking around all the time?

Wang Xueyi naturally felt the change of Luo Xuerou. Seeing that her son actually ignored others, she was simply angry and smiled.

"Feng'er, the princess is talking. Why don't you listen carefully? You've been looking around." He asked Jiang Feng in a low voice.

"Ah! Do you have it? No, I've been listening to it. Jiang Feng felt the awkward atmosphere and made him very uncomfortable when he saw everyone looking at him.

Jiang Aotian shook his head.

"Princess, don't be surprised. This is my third prince. I haven't been in the palace since I was a child, so I don't know much about court etiquette. Fenger, how can you be so rude when they are talking?" Jiang Aotian pretended to look at Jiang Feng angrily and said.

"Father, I was thinking about it just now and didn't pay attention to it. Please don't remember the villain." Jiang Feng saw Jiang Aotian talking, but he didn't dare to contradict him face. He could only apologize to Luo Xuerou in a low voice, but was he sincere? Everyone can see that the prince is not mistaken at all.

Luo Xuerou scolded in her heart, "What a good-inno matter what, I'm also a princess. How dare you ignore me so much and see how I deal with you." Thinking of this, Luo Xue showed a proud smile.

Jiang Feng, who had been doing nothing, suddenly felt a chill, as if he were a helpless child resisted by a beast. He looked at the veiled girl and intuitively told him that he was going to suffer.

Sure enough, Luo Xuerou took a fierce look at Jiang Feng. Although she was across the veil, Jiang Feng still felt a sharp nerve transmitted to her.

"Your Majesty, the little girl has something to ask for, and I hope your majesty can do it." Luo Xuerou asked Jiang Aotian.

"If my niece has any requirements, please feel free to mention them. As long as I can agree, I will never shirk them." Although Jiang Aotian was surprised that Luo Xuerou would suddenly make a request, his demeanor as an emperor was still a must.

"When I first arrived in your country, I happened to meet such a grand event as the Magic Gold Business Association. Of course, I want to receive the customs of your country, but this is my first time here, and I don't know anything about it. I also hope that your majesty can let someone be my guide and show me here. I think my purpose of coming this time has also been achieved." Luo Xuerou spoke and glanced at Jiang Feng with her eyes, as if to say: Small, wait for me. You will feel good.

Hearing Luo Xuerou say this, Jiang Feng felt even more uneasy.

Sure enough, Jiang Aotian laughed after listening to it.

"Haha! What's your niece talking about? Since you have come here, of course you have to be satisfied. Since you want to visit everywhere, I will let my professional guide lead the way for you. Come on..."

"Your Majesty, I have something else to say." Before Jiang Aotian gave the order, he was interrupted by Luo Xuerou's anxious voice.

"Oh, what's wrong?" Jiang Aotian looked at Luo Xuerou strangely.

"Your Majesty, I want the third prince to be my guide. My father and Your Majesty had a memory. I also want to have a memory with the prince of your country, and I hope your majesty can complete it." Luo Xuerou finally said her purpose.

"Ah! Father, I still have to practice. Where can I spend time with the princess? I think I'd better let my eldest brother or second brother accompany her. By the way, the child suddenly felt uncomfortable, so he left first!" When Jiang Feng heard Luo Xuerou say this, he hurried to find an excuse to run away, but would he get what he wanted? Of course not. Jiang Aotian and Wang Xueyi have had a calculation for a long time. Now that the girls have proposed it themselves, how can they miss this opportunity?

"Feng'er, what did you say? The princess came from afar. If you don't fulfill the friendship of the landlord, how can you suddenly leave? Not feeling well, okay! Come on, tell the imperial doctor and diagnose my son at the level of Emperor Wu to see what's wrong with him. Jiang Aotian said with a calm face to Jiang Feng, who was about to run away.

Jiang Aotian's voice stiffened Jiang Feng's body, which he originally wanted to move. He didn't understand why his father wanted to help outsiders. However, since his father has said so, he can't leave suddenly regardless of his father's face!

"This, that... Oh, by the way, maybe it's because I haven't slept for a long time! Although I rarely need to rest now, I still need to rest. Now the child feels very tired, so I want to go back to rest first. Jiang Aotian looked at the proud girl and scolded in his heart, but he couldn't make a sound.

"That's it! Well, you can go back and have a good rest today!"

"Thank you, Father!" After saying that, Jiang Feng glanced proudly at the girl and then walked outside the hall.

"Go back and have a good rest, and you will have the energy to watch with Xue Rou tomorrow. If you don't have a good rest tonight, don't blame others!" Jiang Aotian's words suddenly came.

"What? Do you want me to accompany her?" Jiang Feng, who was about to walk to the gate of the hall, suddenly turned around and his face was full of bitterness, which made everyone on the hall laugh.