Lord of the Source

Chapter 84 See who has more money

"200 million for the second time." Mu Tianfeng's voice hit everyone's heart like a heavy punch. They are all waiting to see if anyone is willing to pay a higher price.

" 210 million." Just when everyone thought that this first bottle of things had a famous flower, No. 4 Yajian suddenly added 10 million.

No. 4 Yajian, of course, Jiang Feng increased the price. When everyone's energy was concentrated on the auction stage just now, Jiang Feng had sneaked out of the secret road and then came to the auction again. He won't let those people take things away so cheaply, especially the Dark Holy See.

And after so many years of consumption, the establishment of the Huanjin Business Association and Qingxue's news network has cost Jiang Feng a lot of money. At this time, Jiang Feng's money in the ring had gone a lot. Although there were still hundreds of billions of dollars, he knew that once a war broke out and it was a long-term war, his money was still not enough.

Hearing someone raise the price, a trace of murder flashed in his eyes, but it was not easy for him to attack. After all, this is not their territory.

"220 million."

230 million." As soon as the sound of extinction fell, No. 4 Yajian quoted a new price again.

"235 million."

"300 million." As soon as the price was quoted, a sky-high price came out from the No. 4 elegant room.

At this time, his whole body trembled with anger. This time, he originally came to form an alliance with the Magic Gold Business Association, but on the way, he heard the news from the Magic Gold Business Association, so after discussing with the master, he asked three elders to come and meet them with money.

Although they brought a lot of money this time, it was only 1 billion yuan. Originally, they wanted to eat all three bottles of reincarnation source liquid in batches and attributed it to their forces to buy, which was not a violation of the regulations.

"300 million..."

"500 million." The price of extinction has not been quoted yet, and Jiang Feng in No. 4 once again quoted a price that is unimaginable to everyone.

As soon as Jiang Feng's price came out, he stood up directly.

"I don't know which friend is in it. Can you give this thing to me? I am very grateful on behalf of the Dark Holy See." There is no way. If Jiang Feng continues to raise the price like this, I'm afraid that their dark Holy See can only buy one bottle.

"500 million diamond coins." Looking at the unresponsive No. 4 Yajian, he quoted the price again.

At this time, of course, Mu Tianfeng knew that it was Jiang Feng, but the price of 500 million was enough. She doesn't want to wait any longer, because even if she waits, it has no effect.

"500 million diamond coins, has anyone increased the price, the first time, no, the second time, no, the third time, no. 500 million diamond coins were sold. Mu Tianfeng took out the auction hammer in her hand and knocked on it and settled the deal.

When he heard Mu Tianfeng say that the transaction was successful, he breathed a sigh of relief. He was afraid that the man would raise the price again. Although he wanted to see who that person was, there was also a huge spirit to stop his temptation. He knew that that man was at least a god-level strongman.

At this time, Jiang Feng was sitting in the No. 4 elegant room drinking tea. Next to him sat a woman in white.

"I said where the cherry blossom overlord has been during this period and said that he would protect me. I almost died several times!" It turned out that it was the blood sacrifice cherry blossom overlord who protected Jiang Feng at this time.

"Hehe! Don't give me this set. If your strength is not too strong this time, I won't worry about you to appear, otherwise I don't have to worry about you. The blood sacrifice cherry blossoms whitened Jiang Feng. It is really shameful that one can cross two fields and kill Wu Zun with the strength of Emperor Wu.

"Well, it's just luck, it's just luck. Let the Dark Church buy one bottle first this time, so I'm afraid the price of the next two bottles will not be too low.

"I didn't expect that you could refine the reincarnation source liquid, which shocked me?" The blood sacrifice cherry blossom has been following Jiang Feng. Of course, I know that this is not given by a mysterious strong man.

"Ha ha, it's all said to be luck. When I have time, I will refine some for you and other hegemons." Jiang Feng was too lazy to explain to the blood sacrifice cherry blossoms at this time. Anyway, the explanation did not make sense.

"That's what you said. No one forced you to break through the divine level. I'm really looking forward to it. I think if the dragons and giant apes below knew, they would not come to participate in this auction, and they had no money. It would be difficult for them to watch. This time, the cherry blossoms are coming without stopping the bleeding. As long as they are god-level strong, half of the continent has gathered here.

"What Jiang Feng once said has not been fulfilled." After sacrificing cherry blossoms with white blood, Jiang Feng withdrew his eyes and looked at the twilight phoenix on the stage.

"Thank you for your support in the auction of the reincarnation source liquid just now. You also know that we will auction three bottles this time. Now there is an episode. This time we auctioned a set of armor first." Mu Tianfeng said, and then several people put on a table covered with red cloth from the * table. There is obviously something on the table, but through the red cloth, you can only see about a piece of armor.

Looking at everyone's disappointed eyes, Mu Tianfeng knew that they came to get the reincarnation source fluid this time, but she also knew that not everyone had the strength to buy it, and even if you bought it, you had the strength to protect it!

"It seems that everyone is a little disappointed about this thing? But what I want to tell you is that although the value of this armor is not as good as the reincarnation liquid, it will not be much worse. After saying that, the twilight phoenix opened the red cloth. A colorful light suddenly filled the whole auction house.

When everyone gets used to it, what they see is a set of seven-color shining armor on the auction table flat on the table.

"Please take a look, this is a dragon soul chain armor refined by a divine alchemist with a keel. Moreover, 33 defensive magic arrays were arranged on it. Not only that, it was also inlaid with six supreme magic cores by the master. Not to mention the value of the chain armor, but I'm afraid the value of the six magic cores will not be much lower. Mu Tianfeng introduced to everyone with an excited expression that this set of armor was auctioned by the strong man of the gold continent to their chamber of commerce.

Mu Tianfeng knew that if a single auction of reincarnation source liquid would disappoint many people, but with the things taken out by several major forces mixed together for auction, it would be different.

Sure enough, that armor is not ordinary. At this time, when they heard Mu Tianfeng say this, many people began to calculate in their hearts. They all know that it is obviously impossible to buy the legendary thing today, but they still have a chance to buy this armor.

Many people are ready. As long as the evening phoenix makes an offer, they will try to get it.