Lord of the Source

Chapter 102 Out of Customs

Jiang Feng left the cave and replenished the energy of the Tianyuan array when he left. From the outside of the array, only a small pit can be seen, and no one will notice that there is a black hole there. At this time, Jiang Feng did not have the time or strength to explore, but he did not want others to find out, so he supplemented the energy of Tianyuan array.

There is no suitable way. Even a god-level strong man can't break the Tianyuan array at this time. For this reason, Jiang Feng paid the price of three imperial magic cores.

Jiang Feng left, but there were no creatures in the cave, except for the mysterious black hole. Just as he disappeared, a figure came to the bottom of the cave where he had just stood.

"This junior of the Jiang family is very good. He actually broke through this array and took away the keel of the ancient dragon. The keel was taken away by him. Fortunately, he did not destroy this formation, otherwise the mainland may fall into chaos again. There, but leading to..." The long voice echoed in the cave, and his figure disappeared.

Jiang Feng returned to the secret room. Except for one person, no one knew that he had not been in the secret room for more than one day. Naturally, this man was a god-level blood sacrifice cherry blossoms.

In the secret room, the bat king appeared in front of Jiang Feng.

"Young master, we are not warcraft or beasts, and I don't know what we are. But because we are nothing, we will be excluded no matter where we are. Now we have followed the young master, hoping that the young master can be kind to my people. The Bat King has already collected his fangs at this time. Except for his red eyes, his appearance is no different from that of ordinary people.

"Don't worry, since you have decided to follow me, what you promised will naturally be done. But there is really no good place to give them at this time. Let them live in the space ring first. Don't you think they don't need to eat? You don't want them to be hunted down by others as soon as they come out!" Jiang Feng naturally knew the use of these bats. Jiang Feng is still very happy to sign a contract with Bat King.

Although the Bat King's strength is still very low, it is still surprising for Jiang Feng that they can produce all holy blood. Jiang Feng still likes this monster when the Bat King can say that he doesn't * follow him. Although they don't have the same life skills as Warcraft, their number of horrors can be made up for.

Bat King said that with just one drop of all holy blood, they can breed tens of thousands of their peers.

"Since the young master said so, it makes sense. I'll go back first." After saying that, the bat king turned into a green smoke and attached to Jiang Feng's left arm, and a bat head tattoo was formed at Jiang Feng's arm.

Jiang Feng is also curious about signing a contract with a living creature for the first time. Whether it is the light dragon nuclear blood ginseng or a soul state, he can live directly in his conscious world, but the bat king with an entity is not good. Originally, Jiang Feng was worried that he would be hit by others when he wandered on the street with a monster, but at this time, the bat could turn into a tattoo and attach to himself, which saved Jiang Feng a lot of things.

Jiang Feng is no longer thinking about bats. He knew that on this continent, everyone can sign a contract with five Warcrafts. Once he wants to increase in the future, he must choose to give up the Warcrafts subdued in front of him.

There are also three ways to sign a contract. One is to forcibly subdue it, which has a certain danger. Once the ability to subdue the Warcraft in the future is stronger than the owner, it will turn devour the owner; the second is an equal contract, which can only be signed if the Warcraft is willing to. Of course, there is another way to find the eggs of advanced warcraft to incubate directly, which is also possible; the third method is also the most advanced one, which must be an adult warcraft, and it must be signed with Warcraft as the main if it is willing.

Jiang Feng and Guanglong and Blood Ginshen are naturally the third kind, and the second kind when signed with Bat King. Jiang Feng didn't care about this. For him, these are all small things. As long as he treats them sincerely, they will naturally treat them sincerely. He knows that Warcraft is not as cunning as human beings.

Taking out Feng Tian's handbook, Jiang Feng read it carefully again.

Three days later, Jiang Feng's lost door opened. Muyun, who was guarding outside, saw Jiang Feng coming out and hurried forward.

"Brother, how's it going? Is there any breakthrough in this retreat? Why is it still Emperor Wu? I thought you were retreating for Wuzong this time? Muyun looked at Jiang Feng and joked.

"You think I'm a rocket, why is it so fast?" Jiang Feng rolled his eyes and ignored the evening clouds but walked towards the garden. As he walked, he stretched his already stiff body. Reading motionless for three days is indeed a torture for Jiang Feng.

"Rocket, what's the matter with rockets?" Muyun didn't know what Jiang Feng was talking about, so he asked.

Unfortunately, only Jiang Feng's continued white eyes were welcomed.

"Bear by the way, how's Xiaotian?" At this time, Jiang Feng suddenly remembered Xiaotian. At the beginning, he let Xiaotian think about it by himself, but now he doesn't know what's going on.

"Oh, he came out once, ate something, and continued to retreat. However, when he came out, he had reached the peak of Emperor Wu, which made me envious. Brother, anyway, I'm also your little brother. Did you give Xiaotian something good to eat? Give me some. Muyun directly ignored Jiang Feng's white eyes just now and asked Jiang Feng with a dead face.

"Do you really want it?" Jiang Feng looked at Muyun and laughed in her heart. It was not so easy to obtain, not because of its high grade, but because its materials were too difficult to find.

"Of course." Seeing Jiang Feng's appearance, although Muyun's heart was not good, he still said bravely.

"Swallow three imperial magic nuclei. When do you have the ability to swallow it and tell me about it?" Jiang Feng suddenly said with a smile that he was waiting for Muyun's affirmative answer.

"What, three emperor-level magic cores, don't you want me to die? Forget it, don't think about it unless I reach the divine level. Muyun knew that Jiang Feng must have had something to fix himself, but he didn't expect to make him so depressed.

Swallowing three imperial magic cores can indeed forcibly improve a person's cultivation, but you have to stand it. One is not good, and the body explodes directly, which makes me feel so happy.

"Okay, I won't joke with you. I refined that elixir, but I don't have any materials at this time. I will naturally leave it to you when there is a chance. I will call Xiaotian. I have to go out for a while. If you send these letters out, my Uncle Wang must send them to you in person. He is very optimistic about you. Jiang Feng took out a few letters and handed them to Muyun.

Although Mu Yun complained about Jiang Feng's decision, he still did it.