Lord of the Source

Chapter 116 Reincarnation and the Land of Chaos

A burly figure stands here on the Turkish continent, looking at the direction of Kyoto. He was shrouded in black, his whole body was evil, and a cruel smile appeared at the corners of his mouth.

A slightly fat man walked behind him and looked at him with a haggard face.

"Why does the prince have time to come here? Is it also to come to see there? Don't worry, it will always belong to you soon. The plain voice sounded, but there was a coldness in the plainness.

The person who came was the culprit who provoked the war in the Jiangtian Empire in the mainland, Jiang Feng's uncle, Jiang Aofeng.

"E elder, I have been waging the war for three years now, but the results have not been good. Now I only have one-third of the territory, and my army can't defeat Jiang Aotian's royal legion. Do you think, can I not be in a hurry?" With some reproach, the fat man said to the man in black standing in front of him.

"Oh, don't worry, you won't wait too long. After waiting for so many years, do you still care about these years? As long as the master orders, we can launch a full attack. Aren't you afraid of your grandfather? Now he hasn't appeared and hasn't found a way to solve him. Do you think you can stay on the throne at ease? Turning around and looking at this fat middle-aged man, the man in black was a little impatient. Anyway, he was also an elder of the Dark Holy See, not to mention a prince. On the fire and water continent, even the emperor was respectful to him.

Not only that, even in the Dark Holy See, his status is not lower than that of the Great Elder, because he is the law enforcement elder of the Dark Holy See. He holds the law enforcement hall of the Dark Holy See in his hand, and the combat effectiveness of this chapel is unmatched even the Holy Cross of the Holy Cross of the Holy See of Light. If it weren't for the small number, I'm afraid that the law enforcement hall alone could fight against the whole Holy Cross.

"Yes, it's been three years. Hasn't the chess piece you arranged in those years still appear?" Don't want to be entangled in this issue, the man in black said to Jiang Aofeng.

"Stop it, I sent someone to inquire about his whereabouts, but there has been no news, and I don't know if he is dead. He disappeared mysteriously in those years. I think he may have been scared by the disaster of that year!" Jiang Aofeng still knew something about the natural disaster in those years, otherwise he would have been a prince for nothing.

However, Jiang Feng's disappearance made him very angry. Since years of training has been wasted, more importantly, his wish has been delayed. At this time, if you find Jiang Feng and let him take care of him from the inside, you can easily deal with Jiang Aotian's royal army. Moreover, the betrayal of his son will certainly be a great blow to Jiang Aotian, which will have an unexpected effect on the hearts of the people.

"Fighten to send people to inquire. If he is willing to listen to us, he can get twice the result with half the effort on our major events. In addition, speed up the contact with the Magic Gold Business Association. For them, they are now the gods of the people. If they are willing to help you, the throne can be said to be at their fingertips. The man in black said to Jiang Aofeng.

"I know these. You still find a way to help me solve those masters quickly, and I will naturally deal with the rest. Don't forget our agreement. In addition, if I fail, it can be said to be an extremely huge blow to your march on the whole continent." Jiang Aofeng said coldly, and then turned around and left.

Looking at Jiang Aofeng leaving, the man in black did not have any anger.

"The bird knows the ambition of Honghu, hum! A small empire is not our purpose. As long as the master resurrects the blood king, it will not be easy to seize the whole Yuanguang continent at that time. Slowly, his figure disappeared here, and it seemed that he must also be a god-level strongman.

Just when everyone was worried about him, Jiang Feng had been in a coma. The blood sword still floated quietly. At this time, the valley of the dark forest fell into chaos. Ziguang is still there, it is difficult for outsiders to enter, and the chaos inside cannot be leaked out. Slowly, a trace of red silk still flows to the blood sword as slowly as five years ago, and the blood sword has become much more blood red than five years ago.

"Wake up, wake up!" A voice from far away continuously called Jiang Feng, who was in a coma. At this time, his body had been wrapped in red silk, and a huge red silk cocoon completely wrapped him like a silkworm cocoon. However, the cocoon is not red, and it is also blood red.

"Where is this? What's wrong with me?" Jiang Feng slowly woke up and found that he was just a consciousness and was in a chaotic and confused place.

"This is a place of reincarnation chaos. You are Jiang Feng, right? Yes, a genius like you has really appeared in my Jiang family. I am Jiang Xueqi. You may have heard of me, but I am not only Jiang Xueqi, but also the real ancestor of the Jiang family. Naturally, you will know in the future. The distant voice kept echoing in Jiang Feng's mind.

"Jiang Blood Festival, you are the person who has been talking about blood sacrifices to cherry blossoms. How could I come here and what happened? In those years, I only remembered that the last reincarnation source road appeared. I didn't want to be inhaled, so I tried my best to destroy it. I didn't know what happened later. Jiang Feng was very puzzled. He remembered that he used all his strength at that time, but he didn't know what the result was.

"Later, you came here. This is a channel connecting the chaotic land of reincarnation. At that time, I was also brought here. Only when magic and martial arts are completely integrated will it appear for five years. Now, the time is approaching, and I have to wake you up. The ring in your hand has our Jiang family's things. Remember to take it out. Jiang Xueqi's voice was still ethereal, and Jiang Feng couldn't guess where the voice came from.

"Well, I know, but how can I get out?" Jiang Feng didn't want to pester, because he just heard the man say that he had been in a coma for five years. In the past five years, he was very worried about his parents. He knew that his uncle would not wait so long. He did not know how many masters of the Dark Holy See had sneaked into the earth continent, and without him, the strong men of the dark forest would not have come out. Go to help his father deal with the people of the Dark Holy See.

"Don't worry, it's okay outside. I don't know where you come from, but I can't fully read your memory. I'm just left with a remnant soul and can't leave here. If it hadn't been for my reincarnation, I'm afraid it would have disappeared long ago. However, I didn't expect that you were also reincarnation, but it seemed that your body was not pure, so after the highest law appeared, I directly wanted to send you back to the source of reincarnation for purification. But you must have met Kirin. He is my good brother. He was also implicated by me in those years. Alas, I'm sorry for him!" The voice sighed full of vicissitudes.

"Kirin, you are Kirin's good brother, you know him." Jiang Feng said with some surprise that Kirin is the same secret as he came here from modern times. In his heart, it can be said that these two secrets are the biggest.

"Well, well, time is running out. I have nothing to explain. Remember, no matter what happens, don't give up. As long as you insist, everything is possible. Also, if there is anything in the future, find a person called Sword God, and he will help you. When you have the strength, he will also tell you. Your body has purified you again. Now your body is the purest body of reincarnation, and the source of reincarnation can't stop you. Go ahead, kid. I'll wait for you here." The voice said this, and Jiang Feng felt that he had returned to his body and slowly regained consciousness.

Slowly, Jiang Feng felt that his body was stuck by a lot of blood, which made him unable to move at all.

"What's going on?" Just after mastering his body, Jiang Feng was depressed and found that he could not move. The more he tried to talk to the light dragon and blood ginseng in the conscious world.

"Young master, you finally woke up, and we don't know. We only know that you have been trapped here for many days, and we can't wake you up. If it hadn't been for the blood outside, I'm afraid you would have died at this time. Now you don't have a valley, and food is indispensable. However, these blood have changed your conscious world. We don't know exactly what it is, but now that you have woken up, do you want to leave here? Blood ginseng came from Jiang Feng's conscious world with a happy voice. Although it has been nothing for them in the past five years, it has still grown a little. Jiang Feng has lost consciousness, or has lost his soul for five years.

In the past five years, Jiang Feng's body has been like an empty skeleton. If the soul in need can occupy it at this time, including blood ginseng and light dragon, but none of them can be seen. It can be seen that for Jiang Feng, they are the masters in their hearts.

"Yes, since I have mastered my body, I will naturally go out. However, before that, I still need to do one more thing." Jiang Feng suddenly found that the blood outside contained a lot of energy. Now he also felt that it was time to break through, so he wanted to take this opportunity to break through.

Slowly, Jiang Feng adjusted the energy inside his body. Although it did not operate for five years, under Jiang Feng's solid foundation, soon, the energy inside his body was pulled by him to run slowly.

The magic element was also mobilized by Jiang Feng, and his identity as a senior magician seems to want to take this opportunity to change. No one has ever made a breakthrough in magic and martial arts.

Jiang Feng's body began to absorb energy crazily, and the stars inside his body were shining with hot light, and they also seemed to become excited because they were about to have companions.

The blood outside Jiang Feng's body began to turn red. Slowly, each blood ray emitted a faint blood light.

No one found that inside the dark forest, a giant silkworm cocoon with light is slowly shrinking.

(I apologize to everyone. I have been decadent every day these days, and the novel has not been well written. Xiaoyue will pay attention to it in the future. Hurry up and reward everyone's tickets)