Lord of the Source

Chapter 126 Debate

Everyone reported their situation and changes successively. Only Mu Tianfeng had not spoken. She had to wait until everyone had finished speaking before talking to Jiang Feng alone, because this matter was too secretive.

Finally, everyone finished.

"Well, I probably know about these five years. Let's go back first. When I think about the right method, I will let Huanyi send you the message. Aunt Tianfeng will stay first, and Xiaotian will also stay. I still have some things for you to do alone. Let the others break up first!" Jiang Feng knew that she must have something very important to say when she saw that Mu Tianfeng wanted to stop talking.

Everyone did not complain at all, but left the secret room one after another.

"Say it, Aunt Tianfeng, what's the matter?" Jiang Feng saw that everyone had left and asked Mu Tianfeng.

"Well, there are three things that I haven't noticed and have been dragging on. The first thing is the reincarnation source liquid. All forces called on us to start the auction again, saying that they were not fully prepared last time and hoped that we could hold another auction. Originally, this was a good thing, but now it is a war. If the auction is carried out, we will be able to make a lot of finances, and more importantly, we can further expand our influence. The problem is that we don't have the reincarnation source liquid at all. Mu Tianfeng said this angrily. I really can't go on. Obviously, it's a cake in front of you, but you can't eat it. This feeling is really uncomfortable.

"Well, let's put this matter away first. I'll ask the senior if he is willing to entrust us to help him auction the reincarnation source liquid. Isn't there two things? What about the second one? Jiang Feng thought about it and did not decide whether to hold another auction for the time being.

"The second thing is about the olive branches thrown by all kinds of strength. The Holy See of Light has already done so, but now the Dark Holy See has thrown olive branches again. Moreover, vaguely, they seem to have included the earth continent under their jurisdiction. According to my guess, I'm afraid that they must be the instigators of this war. If so, if the Holy See does not take action, I'm afraid the Jiangtian Empire will be dangerous this time. I'm wondering if I should pretend to cooperate and find out more information. Mu Tianfeng knows Jiang Feng's identity. Of course, she knows Jiang Feng very well and knows that Jiang Feng takes family affection very seriously, so she has been hesitating what to do.

After listening to Twilight Tianfeng's words, Jiang Feng fell into deep thinking.

"If we pretend to cooperate with them, our braids will undoubtedly be caught by them. Now everyone in the world knows that our partner is the Holy See of Light. At this time, we suddenly cooperate with the Holy See of Darkness. If the Holy See of Light knows, and we don't really cooperate with the Holy See, The blow to us at that time was undoubtedly huge. In the end, we became people inside and outside. But if we don't agree, we don't know anything about the strength of the Dark Holy See on the Turkish continent this time. Therefore, don't promise the Dark Holy See and observe it for a while. Jiang Feng doesn't know what to do, so he can only say this first.

"The young master is right, and he can only do this first." Mu Tianfeng frowned and said that she had been worried about this, so she had never made up her mind.

Mu Tianfeng left, and Jiang Feng did not go to the palace. He knew that someone would come to him tonight, so he decided to stay and wait for others.

Sure enough, at the time of the third update, a dark shadow appeared outside the gate of Jiang Feng's palace and said coldly to the gatekeeper, "Go and report that someone needs to see the third prince and delay the big event. I'm asking for you."

Hearing this person, the doorkeeper went in suspiciously and reported it. Not long after, Muyun took Xiaotian to the gate. At this time, Xiaotian had approached the level of Wuzong, and his breath was a little unstable. When people outside saw Xiaotian, he was shocked. How did he think that there was such a master in a prince's palace?

He quietly followed Muyun and Xiaotian to the garden. As he walked, he also observed the guardian of Jiangfeng Palace, but the more he looked at it, the more frightened he became. He found that this place was as strong as a copper wall and an iron wall. At the same time, he was secretly glad that he had not broken in, otherwise he would not see the Lord. I'm afraid he had turned into a corpse. Muyun had long noticed that the people behind him were observing, but he deliberately let this person find out, which also saved some people from wanting to sneak in in the future.

Finally, they came to the garden and he saw a teenager in white sitting at a table drinking.

"Here we are. I've been waiting for you for a long time." A plain voice came to people's ears, and a pressure arose and went to the person opposite.

"See the third prince!" The man knelt in front of Jiang Feng in a cold sweat.

"Don't be polite. What did you call it?" It is also a plain voice, but it is full of unfathomable feelings. At least, that's how that person feels.

"I'm here to send a message to my master. The letter is here. Please have a look." Seeing Muyun receiving the letter, the man quickly bowed to Jiang Feng and said, "Since the letter has been delivered, I have to rush back to return to my life, so I will leave first." After saying that, he wanted to leave.

"I said, when I get to my old friend, I have to have a drink before I leave, otherwise people will say that I won't treat guests." There was also no emotional voice, but the man was shocked.

"Royal three-grade officials, with old parents and two newly adult sons, are also officials in the court. Now it seems that they are leading troops to fight on the front line. One wife and two concubines, you can really enjoy it. Jiang Feng's voice sounded like a life-threatening charm in his ear.

"Your Highness is really clear. I didn't expect that the old family could let the young master remember, but what does the young master mean by the old man?" Ma Ding stopped walking away and turned his head to look at Jiang Feng and said. It was Jiang Aofeng who gave him the opportunity to become an official. Today, it can be said that Jiang Aofeng is the greatest help.

Because of this, when Jiang Aofeng said that he wanted him to help him, he still agreed after hesitating. In order to repay Jiang Aofeng's kindness, he even put his relatives on the most dangerous edge. As long as the court knew that he was rebellious, his family would be the first to be killed.

At this time, when he heard Jiang Feng directly pointing out his family background, his heart suddenly had all kinds of flavors. Between loyalty and filial piety, he has been wandering. If he doesn't have parents, he will be numb, but if there is no Jiang Aofeng, how can he be today?

"Now that we have arrived at the Emperor Wu, both sons are seven-level martial arts masters, and one of them is a rare three-series martial artist, which is really enviable, but obviously a beautiful family, why are you willing to let them stay on the edge of death all the time, unfilial , by the way, what is it? I'm curious about what made you do this. Instead of answering Ma's question, he said to himself.

Looking at Jiang Feng's leisurely, but every sentence hit his point.

"I don't know why the prince said so. I just came to deliver the letter. If there was nothing else, I left first." Ma Ding was a little afraid of Jiang Feng. He wanted to escape from here quickly.

"Of course, there is something. Do you want to see your relatives go to the behead because of you? As far as I know, you have been educating your two sons, saying that you must finally become a royal family, and have been telling them how to do it to better serve the country, but what about yourself? Did you do it? If you let them know that they died because of you, do you think they only lost a life? They were heartless at that time, you know? It's heart death. Don't you value family affection so much? Is blind loyalty loyalty? You help your master but push him to death. Is this loyalty? You have plunged the people of the Jiangtian Empire into the pain of life and death. Are you praying for the world? You let your parents bear the stigma when they get old. Is this filial piety? So, who are you and why? What are you doing? You haven't thought about all this for your parents, your wife and children, your master, or the world. Are you just for yourself? Jiang Feng stood up directly as he spoke, and his tone was more and more compelling.

Ma Ding was completely stunned by Jiang Feng. He couldn't imagine that what he had been doing had no purpose.

"Is it just for myself? But if I don't repay the kindness, how can I be a person? But my family." Ma Dian muttered to himself. At this time, he had completely fallen into Jiang Feng's words.

"Didn't you just say that? If you don't help your master, but persuade him to do his best, how can there be danger? He can still live his life peacefully, and he will always have his own dreams in his heart. Now, do you think he will succeed? If he fails, you will not only kill him, but also destroy his dream. This is how you repay, but it opened my eyes. Jiang Feng said aggressively again.

"I..." Ma Dian just wanted to deny it, but Jiang Feng interrupted him again.

"Why do you think I have kept my uncle's dream? I just hope that he can finish his dream quietly, otherwise do you think he can live safely until now? How many times in a year have he entered the palace? As long as he is secretly arrested in the palace, there is nothing today, but I have never done this, just to let him live in his dreams. At least he will live a happier life. But now, he lives in pain every day. One-third of the land is not what he wants, but he The dream can't be achieved. Do you think the Holy See of Light will let the Dark Holy See help people rule the Turkish continent? It's so childish. Think about it. What should I do? Muyun, take him to the VIP room to rest and come to me when he figure it out. After saying all this, Jiang Feng left with his hands behind his back, leaving behind a dull numbness and stunned Xiaotian and Muyun.

How do they know that Jiang Feng's eloquence is so powerful?