Lord of the Source

Chapter 136 Serialji

Muyun followed Jiang Feng's father to the secret room, and then turned to look at Muyun, but did not say anything.

"Your Majesty, I have been ordered by Your Highness to send a message to Your Highness that Kyoto is about to be in chaos. Please make a plan in advance." Muyun didn't look at the emperor, which was illegal, so he lowered his head and said.

"Oh, isn't it? Why should I believe in you? You have no evidence, and I can completely cure you for a deadly and misleading crime. The emperor looked at Muyun and said faintly, which made people unable to figure out what he was thinking.

"Your Majesty, this is a letter to me by Your Highness. Presumably, Your Majesty is very familiar with Your Highness's handwriting and should be able to recognize whether it is true or false." Mu Yun respectfully took out Jiang Feng's letter from his arms, which was also the best way to prove it.

"Yes, this is indeed Feng's handwriting, but it's not enough. Shouldn't you show me something?" After receiving the letter handed over by Mu Yun, Jiang Aotian still said lightly.

"This...must be known by your majesty." With that, Muyun took out a token, and the two small swords on it were particularly eye-catching.

"Well, this is indeed Maple's thing. Unexpectedly, even Prime Minister Xiao Cheng, who was the prime minister of two dynasties, turned to my brother. Is this God's will? Am I not as good as him and not qualified to be an emperor? After seeing this golden token, Jiang Aotian finally sighed and said that in fact, when he saw Jiang Feng's letter, he had already believed it, but he still held a trace of illusion. He really didn't want to believe it. Obviously, the 'loyal minister' who was still fighting with the enemy just now vowed to defend the country has now turned into a rebel of the empire.

"Your Majesty, please don't be sad. Your Highness asked me to protect the safety of Your Highness. Please think about whether you can take over the military power of the Xiao family. Although this is impossible, we will have enough time to arrange it if it is disturbed." Muyun knew that this was not the time to be sad, so he persuaded him.

"Yes, it's not that easy to defeat me. It is impossible for the Xiao family to seize the military power, but I still have a way to delay it. Come on, my son must have arranged it for you. How can I cooperate? Jiang Aotian suddenly burst out a domineering spirit, which was the emperor's spirit.

"Well, there are 350,000 national troops in the north, which are under the control of the eldest prince. Xiao Luo, the eldest son of the Xiao family, is the deputy commander, while the south is now fallen and belongs to the sphere of influence of the rebels. In the east, there are 300,000 troops controlled by the second prince. It can be seen that as long as we save it, we will definitely be able to cheer up the rebels. Extermination. The so-called distant water can't save the near fire. Now Kyoto can be said to be controlled by the Xiao family. It is almost impossible for us to keep this place. Therefore, please secretly take your family and retreat to the dark forest with me, where there are masters to protect us. In this way, when the eldest prince and the second prince receive the news, it will be sure. He will lead the troops to meet us. And His Royal Highness the Third Prince will also lead 500,000 troops back to defense, so that the people of the Xiao family can't escape. Muyun simply said what he thought.

"You haven't said anything yet. Don't worry, say anything. I forgive you for your innocence." Although Muyun has said it very well, Jiang Aotian still heard that some processes were deliberately skipped by Muyun.

"Yes, Your Majesty! In the Turkish continent, the West is a natural danger. We don't have to care. Your Highness once told me that this time it is likely that the dark Holy See will instigate behind the scenes, so I am worried that the eldest prince and the second prince will be restrained. In this way, we only have an army of about 500,000 third princes, and if the forces from all over the Xiao family are organized, they will However, it is more than 800,000, and they have been nourished, and we have little chance of winning. If we want to win, we must take risks. Saying this, Muyun stopped.

"Oh, you're telling the truth. Why are you dangerous? Tell me." Hearing Mu Yun's words, it was a pity that such a military genius as Mu Yun was not used by the country, but he also knew that it was obviously impossible to dig people from his son, but he was still very happy about the country's talent.

"It's Your Majesty. I don't know if your Majesty has a map here." Muyun saw that Jiang Aotian's interest was aroused by himself, so he planned to say his thoughts.

"Yes, isn't that behind you?" Jiang Aotian pointed behind Muyun and said to Muyun.

"Well, please forgive me. I don't dare to look around when I come in. So..."

"Oc's it, what kind of master has what kind of servants. Although you look not only a subordinate of Feng'er, but also more like a brother, you must be no different from him after being with him for a long time. Don't be polite. Looking at your uncomfortable appearance reminds me of Feng'er. Jiang Aotian was a little funny. Jiang Feng was such a person. He didn't expect that the people around him were the same. After a while, he sweated on his forehead.

"Yes, Your Majesty! Look, this is the north of the earth continent, this is the Broken Soul Valley, and there are cliffs on both sides. As long as we give up some places in front of us, we can retreat here, so that only 100,000 horses can firmly defend this place. However, those places that have given up are likely to be occupied by the rebels, so that we are bound to be attacked. Looking at the east, this is Yanshan, which is a flat river, but there is a dangerous dark forest, so we can rest assured here. But this also means that the large territory ahead will be abandoned. In this way, giving up two places in a row must be a big blow to the hearts of the people. And, in the same way, if the rebels occupy here, we will be surrounded, so that we will die. Muyun pointed to the map and analyzed.

"Yes, but as you said, if we don't give up those territories, we won't be able to regain the large areas around Kyoto, so that the connection between us will be cut off, and Lanxi City will also be attacked by both sides, so that once the rebels and the Xiao family's army meet, then this war It's difficult for us to think about victory. Jiang Aotian is also not to be underestimated in military. As an emperor, if he didn't even have this ability, he would have been kicked down long ago.

"So, we are going to catch turtles in a urn. The so-called military service is to let the third prince continue to lead the army south to contain the rebels, and then urgently order the eldest prince and the second prince to march towards Kyoto. In this way, it will form a two-sided attack on the surrounding areas of Kyoto, but the dark forest we live in is in the Xiao family. Control range and so on. At that time, we will draw a salary from the bottom of the pot, so that we can take back Kyoto and cause a fatal blow to the Xiao family. However, in this way, we have to compare with each other faster. As long as we destroy the Xiao family before the dark Holy See surrounds us, we can sit firmly north of Lanxi City. Eliminated the internal worries, let the eldest prince and the second prince immediately set out from Kyoto and sweep towards the north and the east respectively. When the internal worries are resolved, we are trying together to attack the south, so that victory is ours. Muyun said excitedly that this is what he has been thinking about. If he succeeds, he will go to history.

"Well, this move is indeed dangerous. If we don't destroy the Xiao family before the Dark Holy See surrounds us, then we will completely lose the opportunity. Even if there are hundreds of thousands of troops, it is only a matter of time for the rebels to win, because we have lost it. When we went to the opportunity to contact outside, other countries just to recognize them, and we became rebels. Jiang Aotian was also excited. He couldn't even think about Muyun's plan.

"Most importantly, this time we are the whole army. If we don't succeed, we will lose both morale and the hearts of the people. In that case, we will definitely lose." Muyun raised a point again, and suddenly, Jiang Aotian's excited heart immediately stopped.

Those who win the hearts of the people will win the world, and those who lose the hearts of the people will lose the world. As long as the emperor understands this sentence, Jiang Aotian has to consider it carefully.

"Of course, there is another plan, which is to make the third prince's 500,000 army make a move to return to the city, but it secretly discharged from the army and some strong people to form a new army to set out to Lanxi City again and cooperate with the defenders of Lancheng to directly attack the Lanfeng Strait. As long as His Highness can break through Phoenix City, This is like opening an opening for the rebels, and our army can insert into the enemy's heart like a knife. When it falls, the rebels will undoubtedly be defeated. Muyun thought for a moment and said what he had just thought of.

"In addition, we also need to prepare for the worst. If we really fail, then the third prince can continue to go south, and the eldest prince and the second prince can also meet. We will also find the opportunity to break through and join them and march towards the south together. The man's military strength will not be able to hold it. As long as the south falls, we It can be guarded, but at that time, we could have changed a position with the current rebels. Only one-third of the territory in the south is less than that of the empire. Muyun said the way out again.

"What a series of plans, just do this. Even if we fail in the end, so what? The rebels in the south have been eliminated by us. Whether it is the Xiao family or the Dark Holy See, it is not right for them to guard this side. Moreover, the Bright Holy See will not let the Dark Holy See invade the Turkish continent. At that time, we will sit Watching tigers in the mountains, when they are tired of fighting, we will never be there. Seeing that Muyun had even arranged his retreat, Jiang Aotian finally made up his mind.

"The top priority now is to control Xiao Luo and let him send back false news to confuse the Xiao family, so that we can have a chance to withdraw." Muyun continued.

"I have done this in advance. Do you think it's easy for me as an emperor? I have noticed that Xiao Jiajun has a different mind, otherwise why can't I not let them go to Lanxi City? I didn't take him to fight the rebels, but to open Lanxi City. At that time, we were the real dead fish. Even if they are not rebels, the Xiao family's army is indeed too strong, and I should take them hostage. Jiang Aotian said lightly.

Muyun was shocked and said secretly in his heart: Sure enough, none of the emperors is weak. With this premmedial means, he can plan a strategy.