Lord of the Source

Chapter 186 Magician Certification

Jiang Feng and Xiaotian stood in front of the Magician Guild like this. Xiaotian was in a daze, but Jiang Feng was thinking about things. But in any case, the two blocked the road.

"Hey! You two, don't block the way, so that no one else can get in. Just then, a strange voice sounded behind them.

"Uh! Sorry, we are the first time to come here from the wooden continent. Seeing that this house is so majestic, we can't help watching it. Let's get out of the way. Jiang Feng woke up and was very funny about the position of the two of them.

Two people are no more or less, just standing in the middle of the magician's gate, which is certainly uncomfortable for others to look at.

Laying Xiaotian, Jiang Feng gave way to the side.

"Ha ha, there is nothing embarrassing. People who see this house for the first time will be shocked. All right, you go ahead. I'm going to patrol. If you need anything, please come to me. I'm Ling Feng, the deputy captain of the guard of Fengtian City. After saying that, the man left.

At this time, Jiang Feng noticed that this man was wearing a military uniform, and there were several ordinary soldiers waiting for him not far away. However, Jiang Feng still felt the fluctuation of energy from his body. It can be seen that this person must also be a person of cultivation.

Xiaotian is still looking at the house of the Magician Guild, but Jiang Feng is thinking about his own affairs.

"Since the Magician Guild has such a high status here, should I also certify it? If I certify, will others find out my details based on this? Jiang Feng is very contradictory. Undoubtedly, since the Magicians Guild dares to build such a house so blatantly, its strength must be very strong.

If there is the certification of the Magician Guild, it will be more convenient for future actions. But once it is revealed by unintentional people, it will completely expose their strength.

After thinking about it, Jiang Feng still walked to the gate of the Magician Guild.

"Hello, this is the branch of the Magician Guild. What can I do for you?" When he reached the door, Jiang Feng was stopped by the two people guarding the door.

"I'm a magician, and I'm here to certify." With that, a green light appeared in Jiang Feng's hand, which was a wooden element.

"Well, please come in!" Seeing Jiang Feng's identity, the gatekeeper was not stopping him.

Xiaotian naturally entered the magician guild with Jiang Feng, but to Jiang Feng's surprise, the whole hall was full of people, which was almost no different from the general trade fair.

"Hello, how can I help you?" A waitress saw Jiang Feng come in and looked left and right and knew that it must be a newcomer. For the magician guild, there is a special person responsible for this area.

"Well, I'm here to certify the magician. I don't know where to go?" Jiang Feng asked politely.

"Well, this is also your first time here. Let me give you a general introduction to our layout. The first floor is the trade union of our magician's guild, and the second floor is still the trade union, but there is a VIP reception there. The third floor is the office of our magician guild, which is also the place certified by the magicians. The fourth floor is the place where several presidents rest. The waiter explained patiently.

"Thank you, let's go to the third floor first." Jiang Feng took Xiaotian directly to the third floor. Although he was curious about the trade fair here, now the most important thing is to get the certification first, and then find Fengtian, so that he can get what he wants.

When they came to the third floor, several people stood here. Judging from the fluctuations of elements, these people are all senior magicians. I didn't expect that the gold continent was so strong, especially the magician guild, and the gatekeeper was also a senior magician. If it is placed elsewhere, although the status of senior magicians is not as good as that of alchemists, they will not be much worse.

"Hail, everyone, I want to ask, I'm newly certified, and I don't know where to go." Jiang Feng asked politely to several senior magicians guarding the stairs.

"Just turn left in the third grid." Those senior magicians didn't even look at Jiang Feng. In their opinion, this is just a junior magician who is eager to get certification.

"Thank you all." Although people look down on him, he is not interested in competing with these people.

With Xiaotian, Jiang Feng went straight to the door and knocked on the door as the man said.

"Come in!" A slightly old voice came from inside.

"Squeak!" With a door ring, Jiang Feng took Xiaotian directly in.

"Oh, are you here to certify?" The magician didn't raise his head, but was just busy with his own business. Although he could feel a slight magic fluctuation on Jiang Feng's body, it was not strong. In his opinion, this is just a junior magician.

"Yes, I don't know how to authenticate?" Jiang Feng didn't agree with the old man's attitude, and Xiaotian next to him was already a little angry.

"There is a magician crystal ball next to it. Just transport the power of your elements into it." The old man still didn't look up. It seems that he is quite busy.

According to the old man's instructions, Jiang Feng walked to the crystal ball and then transported his elemental power in.

At the beginning, there was nothing. Jiang Feng had actually been planning to hide some strength. But think about it, forget it. The Dark Holy See already knows his strength, and now he is not afraid of others to kill him because of his talent. So, go all out, this is what Jiang Feng thinks now.

The crystal ball, which had no response, began to change color under the powerful elements of Jiang Feng. Unconsciously, it has changed seven times. This is not over, and then the crystal ball emits a strong colorful light.

"Bang!" With a soft sound, the crystal ball burst like this. Crystal powder permeated this office.

I don't know when the old man with his head down has become dull. Looking at the crystal powder all over the office, he really didn't know what to say.

"Uh! Well, I'm sorry, I didn't know it would explode!" Jiang Feng was also very embarrassed, and he didn't know why the crystal ball exploded.

How does he know that this is just a place to certify junior to advanced magicians. He is now a holy magician, and the elements he has will naturally burst the crystal ball.

Hearing Jiang Feng's words, the old man quickly stood up. Walking to Jiang Feng, he bent down slightly.

"Dear magician, I am the certifier here, responsible for the certification of junior to advanced magicians, and I am just a super magician. Your strength is far above me, so please follow me and I will take you to get a new certification. The old man is very respectful. After all, in this world, the strong are respected.

"Well, thank you." Jiang Feng also knew that after seeing his strength, this person's attitude towards himself was very normal. This is a law, and no one can change it.

(I don't know why it has been dropped from the collection. If you have any comments, please give it to Xiaoyue. Thank you!)