Lord of the Source

Chapter 205 Joining the team

Jiang Feng did not resist and directly followed Lin Hua to the lounge in Lin Huacheng.

"Master, Miss!" Seeing Lin Hua appear, the team members who were still discussing countermeasures immediately stopped and saluted Lin Hua and Lin Xianer respectfully.

"Okay, don't be too polite. You told Shan that I sent two people to him this time, which is a little help to Lin Huacheng. Lin Hua waved his hand and then disappeared again.

Jiang Feng and Xiaotian have been left, but Lin Xianer has been left. Those team members still bowed their heads respectfully, because although Lin Hua has left, Lin Xianer is still there.

"Why are you still standing here and don't discuss countermeasures? Although they are better than us, we can't give up. Oh, Xian'er, why are you back?" A middle-aged woman walked into the lounge. Because Lin Hua appeared in the lounge directly with Jiang Feng and others just now, she didn't find Lin Xian'er and others when she came in.

"Aunt Shan, my father brought me back. This time, Dad asked me to join Lin Huacheng's team. Lin Xianer said sweetly when she saw Shan.

"Okay, our winning rate has increased a lot this time. These two are..." Walking into Lin Xianer, Shan found Jiang Feng and Xiaotian.

"This is a powerful team member brought to you by Dad. You have to arrange it well. Dad said that Lin Huacheng must win the championship this time. Lin Xianer ran over and took Shan's hand, and then put her fragrant jaw on Shan's shoulder.

"Oh, I haven't asked your name yet." Compared with Lin Rui, Shan is completely different. Although Shan is not as beautiful as Lin Rui, she is really incomparable.

"In Jiang Feng, this time I came to think about President Shan's hug. I hope the president will not make Jiang Feng have to leave like Chairman Lin. Jiang Feng said half jokingly and half seriously.

"Ha ha, I have long heard that there is a cultivation genius in the mainland. Today, when I see it, it is really extraordinary. Don't worry, I am different from that woman. Although your treatment may not be as much as Lin Rui's, there will never be less respect. Shan let go of Xian'er's hand, walked to Jiang Feng, and looked at Jiang Feng.

This is respect for the same level. She did nothing else, because once she salutes Jiang Feng, it is too much, which makes people feel that she is hypocritical, but she is different from standing with Jiang Feng like this. This is the real respect for Jiang Feng.

"Thank you, President. I don't know if you can introduce me to the team members. I don't know if they welcome me." Seeing Lin Rui like this, Jiang Feng also felt much more comfortable. Anyway, getting the respect of others is what Jiang Feng wants most.

"Haha, Jiang Feng, right? My name is Shuanglin, the captain of this team. Welcome to join our team. With your joining, we will definitely break into the top three. A burly young man first walked to Jiang Feng and stretched out his hand to Jiang Feng.

Shuanglin is not very handsome, but his burly body is matched with his mature breath, which makes many girls unable to resist his attraction. Most importantly, he is a bold man, at least on the surface he is such a person.

Jiang Feng also stretched out his hand and gently shook his hand with Shuang Lin.

Then, a girl shyly walked to Jiang Feng.

"My name is Shuanglu, and I'm Shuanglin's little sister." Shuanglu lowered her head, and her pink face was already covered with red clouds. I don't know why, when she saw Jiang Feng for the first time, she had an uncontrollable feeling of heartbeat. Similarly, she stretched out her white little hand.

Because she lowered her head, Jiang Feng couldn't see her appearance at all, but when she saw such a shy girl, Jiang Feng still wanted to laugh.

However, he still stretched out his hand and was ready to shake hands with Shuanglu.

As soon as he touched his hand, Shuanglu's hand shrank back like lightning. Jiang Feng didn't expect her to react like this, so she immediately raised her hand and stood there in embarrassment.

"Rier, what are you doing?" Seeing Jiang Feng's embarrassed appearance, Shan looked angrily at the frost dew still with her head down, and then smiled awkwardly at Jiang Feng.

"I'm sorry, this is my apprentice. I've been very shy since I was a child, so please don't be surprised."

"How come? You don't have to shake hands like this. Anyway, we will be teammates in the future. At least, I'm a teammate before the end of the competition. Just say the name, otherwise Jiang Feng can't call his name when he sees someone, which will make outsiders laugh at me. Jiang Feng withdrew his hand and said with a smile.

"I, Zhao De, welcome you to join us." A cold young man nodded to Jiang Feng and barely squeezed out a smile, but it was worse than crying.

"Forget it, let me introduce it to you. Zhao De met an electric eel in the sea when he was a child, and the muscles on his face were damaged by the electric eel, so he..." Shan came over and looked at Zhao De's appearance, and her face showed pity.

"Just now, Shuanglu, Shuang'er and Zhao De have been introduced. Our team members have no substitutes, only five. This is Phoenix, and this is Leng Tian. They are all my apprentices, but it's a pity that Zhao De. He has the talent of a samurai, but he doesn't leave me to find another master, alas!" Shan looked at Zhao De and couldn't help sighing.

"Master, you saved my life, and naturally I will be by your side. Can't I also practice magic?" Zhao De looked at Shan, and his eyes were full of respect and gratitude.

In those years, Shan went to sea because of something. After the mission was completed, she was about to come back, but she heard a cry for help. Her kind nature then flew in the direction of the call for help. When she arrived, she saw a huge electric eel devouring a person's body, and there were many boat debris next to it. A little boy cried and grabbed a board.

Obviously, this is a boat that went out to play, but encountered an electric eel. The electric eel itself is a relatively advanced carnivore in the ocean. Although there are also magicians and warriors on this ship, it is the world of electric eel in the sea. Under the attack of the electric eel, the ship turned into flying ash, and Zhao De's parents were buried in the mouth of the electric eel.

There are still some limbs floating on the sea, and the sea is stained blood red.

Seeing such a miserable scene, Shan couldn't recognize it. Although Shan is a demon emperor, she can only barely occupy some of them in the sea.

can't kill the electric eel, but Shan feels that many marine creatures are attracted here because of their blood, and there is no lack of warcrafts that are more advanced than electric eel.

In desperation, Shan could only take the child back to the golden continent. And this child was Zhao De. After returning, Zhao De had a high fever for several days in a row. If it hadn't been Shan's careful care, I'm afraid he would have gone underground to reunited with his parents.

Unfortunately, Zhao De was injured by the electric eel, and his smile was far away from him forever.