Lord of the Source

Chapter 214 The Body of Water

Three days have passed since the magician competition, but the people of the main city can't help showing shocking eyes every time they talk about it.

For them, many people who went to watch the game well died in the event.

The battle three days ago can be said to be earth-shaking. The madness was finally driven crazy. He forcibly split a huge space crack with his body and then went away.

When he left, he once complained that he would come back to settle accounts with Honglian, and his sad shouting also became Honglian's nightmare.

Xu Hong is not a fool. He also woke up to the play played by Honglian's father and daughter just now. The slaughter has escaped, and he has no evidence, so he can only secretly write it down to Hongfeng.

With the departure of the slaughter, the disaster has not ended. The space crack he tore was big enough, and a large number of alien creatures rushed out of the space crack and raged wildly in the city.

Fortunately, the alien creatures that came out this time are only equivalent to the third-level monsters on the Yuanguang continent, and there are not too many. However, even so, it still caused great losses to the main city.

For ordinary people, these three-level monsters are like their life-threatening ghosts. Where alien creatures pass by, there are almost no survivors.

Although Ling Tian finally ordered the other four giants to take action, many people had died at that time. Xu Hong couldn't think of anything but feel depressed about this. The madness escaped, and he had no evidence to prove that Honglian was responsible, so he could only bear all this alone.

The main city is centered on the competition platform, and everything within a radius of five kilometers has turned into ashes. According to statistics, more than 700,000 people have died, and it goes without saying that those were injured.

While the main city was busy building buildings and appeasing people's hearts, the green light flashed in a coastal area not far from the main city.

A green light wrapped around a girl's body, and next to the green light, a handsome teenager guarded it.

The two are Jiang Feng and Shuanglin. Although Jiang Feng does not know what direction Shuanglin will change, this is also the time when opportunities and dangers coexist. However, Shuanglin obviously started the change after excessive absorption of water elements. In this case, a large amount of water elements must be needed.

Where is the most dense water element? Naturally, it is in the ocean. Jiang Feng came here with Shuanglin with his keen perception. He has also mastered a lot of the power of space, but it is still a great burden for him to forcibly cross the space with a person.

For three days, Jiang Feng has been guarding the frost, while Jiang Feng has recovered from his injury. Honglian's attack was very horrible. Although Jiang Feng hid in the space at a critical moment, he was still seriously injured by the collapsed space.

In the past three days, Jiang Feng has completely recovered from his injury with the help of this water element, and now he is just waiting for Shuanglin to wake up.

Looking at the peaceful Shuanglin with his eyes closed in front of him, a smile appeared at the corners of Jiang Feng's mouth. This girl gave Jiang Feng a good impression from the first time she met, so he deliberately completed her.

Feeling that the powerful water elements in the sea are constantly absorbed by the frost, Jiang Feng was also shocked. The changes caused by this combination of skills are really small. It took three days to absorb energy alone.

"I don't know how much your strength will be after you completely change. Originally, it is the strength of the holy intermediate level. If it succeeds this time, I'm afraid it will break through to the peak. Although it can't break through to the divine level, it must not be far away. Looking at this shy girl, Jiang Feng remembered the scene when she met her for the first time. Naturally, Jiang Feng smiled at the corners of her mouth.

"Well, is this... Is it the legendary body of water spirit?" While Jiang Feng was in a daze, a strange voice made Jiang Feng shiver.

As the sound fell, the figure of an old man suddenly appeared not far from Jiang Feng.

"Little doll, who is this? That's right, it's actually evolving the body of water spirit. But you can know how much ocean energy will be consumed. The old man took a look at Jiang Feng and said coldly.

"Jiang Feng, the younger generation, has met his predecessors, and I don't know which hegemony in the sea. This is the younger sister. Just because of the sudden change during practice, I saw her pain and kept calling for water before she fell into a coma, so I brought her here. Sure enough, she eased her pain here. As for the loss to the ocean, the younger generation doesn't know, please don't blame it. Although Jiang Feng was secretly shocked by this man's strength, he had guessed that his identity must be a god-level strongman in the sea. Otherwise, it would not have been possible to approach them so quietly, but he didn't find it.

Seeing Jiang Feng's respectful appearance, the old man's face was obviously a little relaxed.

"Well, it's normal that you don't know. After all, only we old guys know something about this water spirit body. I'm the octopus overlord. Maybe you know me, because I feel the breath of the magic whale boss in you. The old man looked at Jiang Feng and said lightly.

"It turned out to be the octopus overlord. Indeed, I was lucky enough to meet the elder of the magic whale. The elder gave me this thing and asked the octopus overlord not to be surprised because we are all juniors." Jiang Feng said and drifted closer to the octopus.

Then, Jiang Feng had an extra brand in his hand. Under the control of spiritual power, Jiang Feng sent the sign over. Now, Shuanglin can't be disturbed by a little external force.

"Well, this is indeed the boss's token. He can give you this, which shows that he still trusts you. Well, I don't care about your stealing ocean energy, but you still have to be careful. I feel some changes in the ocean, as if they are all for this little girl. These changes come from the deep sea. Looking back, the old man looked at the deep sea, and his face showed solemnness.

"In the deep sea area, isn't the ocean world ruled by the dragon turtle predecessors?" Hearing the deep sea area again, Jiang Feng was a little confused.

"Do you also know the senior dragon turtle, and also know the deep sea area?" Looking at Jiang Feng, the old man was a little surprised.

Jiang Feng also felt uneasy at this time. Even the fear of the god-level strong man was what it was. At this time, he was thinking about how to let the overlord stay to help himself.

"I heard the Elder of the Magic Whale say once that he told me that the deep sea area was very horrible and deliberately asked me to have ships when crossing the ocean." Jiang Feng nodded.

"Since you want to know, I'll tell you. We have several forbidden areas in Yuanguang Continent. There is a cave deep in the dark forest of the earthy continent, which is the gate connecting another place. As for where it is, I don't know where it is. Even the strength of the dragon turtle predecessors in those years has returned. Secondly, it is the bottom of the evil blood pool of the Dark Holy See and the fountain of angels of the Holy See of Light. There is also a chaotic space in a chaotic place. Saying this, the old man showed an expression of memory.

"Four forbidden places, I have been to the chaotic space. If it hadn't been for the rescue of the dragon turtle, I'm afraid I would have been buried there now. Think about it, decades have passed. The old man said as he recalled.

"But does this have anything to do with the deep sea area?" At this time, Jiang Feng gave full play to his good quality.

"The deep sea area was the most horrible existence at that time." When it comes to the deep sea area, the old man seemed to recall something and couldn't help trembling.

"In the deep sea area, there is a cemetery, which is said to be the cemetery of the gods. In those years, the true gods once fought here, and many gods fell there, which became the burial place of many gods. However, the true god is inherently immortal, but after the divine nature is broken, they can no longer cultivate into the true god. Therefore, they turned into dead gods. The strength of the dead has not been reduced, but has become much more horrible than before. Saying this, the old man sighed. He didn't know whether he was regretting that he had not cultivated to become a true god or for those gods who had fallen.

"The tomb of the gods, this..." Jiang Feng looked at the octopus in disbelief, but there was not much change in his heart. In Kirin's memory, the true gods also fought with each other before. In order to get the benefits of better and more cultivation, they did not hesitate to launch a war. Because it was the best place to plunder resources at that time.

"Yes, the tomb of the gods. There are still a large number of preserved gods, but the dead can no longer be used, but they don't want others to get them. Therefore, they have many strong men there. According to records, there were many god-level strongmen in Yuanguang Continent. They went to the land of the gods together, but only the senior dragon turtle could come back. This is also the reason why the dragon turtle predecessors focus on defense. I know all these from the senior dragon turtle.

The octopus recalled the trembling appearance of the dragon turtle when telling these things, and he couldn't help trembling.