Lord of the Source

Chapter 226 Haitian's Force

In the high air on the sea, Jiang Feng floated alone. From the moment he came out, he found that he could no longer find the breath of frost. In this way, even the breath of the sky can't be felt.

The two Hailong brothers have left. When they left, Hailong looked at him interestingly. From the other party's eyes, he saw the plea. What did you mean at that time? What did you let yourself help him? Naturally, Jiang Feng did not know that Hailong was very attached to Jiang Feng's strength, plus the relationship between Jiang Feng and the magic whale.

If you get his help, it will definitely help you regain the hegemony in the future.

If you can't figure it out, Jiang Feng will stop thinking about it. Anything that can't be figured out will naturally be understood when it's time to understand. This is Jiang Feng's character.

"Senior Ling Tian, I don't know if it's still there." Jiang Feng's body slowly fell back less than half a meter away from the sea, and then said to the surrounding air.

"Ha ha, the young man is good. It is worthy of being the descendant of the blood sacrifice old ghost. He has such cultivation at a young age. Ling Tian's figure appeared not far from Jiang Feng. As if he was already there, the air did not fluctuate even a little.

From just now, Jiang Feng knew that this person had exceeded the divine level. At this time, he was not surprised to see his amazing realm.

However, Jiang Feng was surprised that Ling Tian actually appeared on the body. I remember that what he saw last time was just a projection, and it was only discovered by integrating it into the air with mental strength.

At that time, just one projection made Jiang Feng feel difficult to compete with. However, now the real body is in front of Jiang Feng, but Jiang Feng does not feel any oppression. It seems that although Ling Tian is there, he is not there.

"The senior praised me. This time I came to the Jin mainland and did not inform the senior. It was Jiang Feng's fault. Please don't be surprised." Jiang Feng said and bowed to Ling Tian from the air.

Since he came to the Jin continent, Jiang Feng doesn't know how many times he has been respectful, but only he knows whether his heart is really respectful or not. Anyway, on the surface, he is very respectful.

"Well, since I know that you are the descendant of that old ghost, you naturally know the character of your family. You are so similar to that old ghost, and you must be the kind of person who is unrestrained. Your grandfather and I are good friends, so these etiquettes are unnecessary. At the end, I have to thank you this time. If you hadn't done it in time, I'm afraid this girl would have been ruined. Ling Tian's face was with a faint smile, and no one could see what he was thinking. Even Jiang Feng couldn't see through it.

"I regard Shuanglin as my own sister. Since I saw her, I have felt a sense of kindness. At that time, I also subconsciously took action." Jiang Feng said with a smile.

"Well, I won't talk about the polite thing. Shuanglin is coming to an end. Let's witness the miracle together. No one knows the real power of the water body, so that many people are not very optimistic about them, because once they are purified, the abilities of all other departments will disappear. This also limits their strength development, but is it true? With that, a transparent energy mask appeared around Ling Tian, and then he entered the sea casually.

Listening to Ling Tian's inexplicable words, and then seeing Ling Tian enter the sea, Jiang Feng had different feelings in his heart.

Things are always different at the extreme. Isn't that the madness like this? His single wind ability can be said to be relatively strong in his peers. If Shuanglin can fully understand the true meaning of water, then her strength is absolutely outstanding among her peers.

More importantly, as long as the water spirit body is in a place where there is water, it will not die. Although it is not very absolute, as long as its strength is strong to a certain level, it can still forcibly kill the water spirit body where there is water.

However, that is the strength that is above the power of nature, that is, the true god. However, the true god, Jiang Feng knows a lot in Kirin's memory, but there are only a few on the Yuanguang continent.

Jiang Feng is not hesitating. He knows that as Ling Tian, he will never be unfavorable to him. Of course, it is still possible to kill people with a knife. However, when Haitian came just now, he didn't do it, which means that he won't do it.

The white light surrounded Jiang Feng, and he had to do so because he found that there was a hidden murder in the sea at this time. It is not a threat from living things, but from the power of nature.

In the sea, it is naturally the element of water. Jiang Feng felt that the water element in the sea was very irritable at this time. He had never seen it before that the meek water element could have become so murderous.

At this time, the sea was extremely calm. It was because of this that Jiang Feng was more cautious. Originally, the battle between Hailong and him, although in the air, was extremely fierce. Although everyone uses only a skill, it is earth-shaking horror.

Even if the distance is far away, it can transmit energy through air.

At this time, the sea was surprisingly condensed, and even Jiang Feng did not feel any breath of life in it. What's going on?

Although he was a little curious about what had happened, Jiang Feng did not ask. He followed Ling Tian tightly and entered the water.

As soon as he entered the water, Jiang Feng felt a strong pressure from the sea.

The sudden change made Jiang Feng a little difficult to adapt. Fortunately, he prepared in advance, so he was not squeezed out to the sea by the water.

"This has now become the world of water. You'd better inject water elements into your shield, so that the seawater will repel you much weaker." Ling Tian's voice came to Jiang Feng's ears at this time.

According to Ling Tian's instructions, Jiang Feng entered some water elements into his shield and found that it was much better. Dare not to stop, he hurriedly chased Ling Tian's steps and dived down.

The further down, Jiang Feng found that the pressure was getting greater, but Ling Tian did not mean to stay. The light around him did not change at all, but the white light around Jiang Feng had been mixed with a lot of blue light. There is no way. If this is not the case, even with Jiang Feng's strength, I'm afraid he will be squeezed out by water pressure.

Suddenly, a blue light appeared in Jiang Feng's vision.

"This is..." Jiang Feng came to Ling Tian, who had stopped not far from the blue light, and asked in surprise.

"This is Shuanglin, which has entered the late stage of purification." Ling Tian was very calm, but his shining eyes betrayed his mood at this time. It can be seen that he is also very optimistic about the body of water.

"Jiang Feng, you are very strong and intelligent. You are a blessing to the land continent. But do you know that for other forces, you are the biggest stepping stone. So the last time the Dark Holy See would take action to kill you in the cradle. Similarly, for our golden continent, your threat doesn't even need to be small in the two Holy Sees. Ling Tian's voice was very flat, but Jiang Feng heard a hint of meaning from it.

"I don't know what the senior means?" Jiang Feng's voice was also very plain, but his heart became tense. If he is a god-level master, he still has the strength to fight, but this is beyond the god-level existence, and he doesn't even have any confidence.

"Jiang Feng, I, Ling Tian, have a deal with you now. If you don't agree, even if you are an unjust person, I will kill you here, because your existence makes me feel afraid. Don't deny that if you are given enough time, your future cultivation will definitely be above me, and even you will reach places I can't reach. Therefore, I must leave a way back for the golden continent. Ling Tian's eyes suddenly became sharp when he looked at Jiang Feng, and at the same time, a faint breath locked Jiang Feng.

As long as Jiang Feng dares to act rashly at this time, then Ling Tian will definitely take action without hesitation. Although this is against his conscience, he has to do so for the sake of his own hard-blooded continent. In many cases, loyalty can't be both.

Fee Ling Tian's change, Jiang Feng sighed in his heart, and what should come was still coming.

"I don't know what the seniors have to do, just tell them." I have to bow my head under the eaves. Besides, it is not the time to break with the golden continent, and there is no need for that.