Lord of the Source

Chapter 242 Refining Land

At night, Jiang Feng followed Hang Yi to the hall of the city's mansion. According to Hangyi, the place to prepare the elixir for Jiang Feng is ready.

"Master, Brother Jiang is here." Hang said respectfully with Yang Hong's back.

Jiang Feng also learned from Yang Jiaxun that Hang Yi was an orphan and Yang Hong raised him since he was a child. Not only that, but he was also taught the method of cultivation. Although this also includes Yang Hong's talent for Hang Yi, it cannot be denied Yang Hong's kindness to Hang Yi's upbringing.

"Jiang Feng is here, and the place you need is ready. Shall we go now or tomorrow morning? Seeing Jiang Feng coming, Yang Hong said happily.

This time, I was able to talk to the Skybird family with Jiang Feng, which not only saw the legendary Skybird. In more than that, an agreement was reached with the Skybird family. This is undoubtedly more stable for his position as the city lord.

What's more, he is also very excited to see Jiang Feng's alchemy with his own eyes. You know, Jiang Feng said that he could refine the elixir that led to the three-color disaster.

"Let's go now and end the things here early. I also need to go back to the Turkish continent. The city owner also knows that today's earthly continent is in an extremely chaotic land. My father needs me, and I have to go back. Jiang Feng had a good impression of Yang Hong's family, so he did not hide it.

"In this case, I'll take you there in person. Only I'm qualified to enter there. As for your apprentice, just let him stay here. Don't worry, we will take good care of him for you. Yang Hong smiled, so he turned around and gave an order to Hang, and took Jiang Feng out of the city owner's mansion.

"Jiang Feng, follow me closely. Don't be surprised what will happen." Yang Hong flew out of the city owner's mansion with Jiang Feng, and then came to the edge of a cliff.

"Good!" Although he didn't know where Yang Hong took him, Jiang Feng was secretly alert. When he goes out, he usually doesn't absolutely trust anyone.

Yang Hong came to the edge of the cliff and did not stay at all or fly out, but jumped directly.

When Jiang Feng saw this, he didn't say anything, but jumped down.

"Converge your mind, don't use magic and power, and let your body fall freely." Yang Hong's voice came, but Jiang Feng, who was preparing to use magic, stopped. Although he didn't know what was going on, he saw that Yang Hong also did not use any energy. In this way, it fell down out of thin air.

Jiang Feng stared at Yang Hong's body closely, and even did not let go of Yang Hong's action.

Yang Hong's whole body went down flat at the beginning, but in the back, his whole body turned into averted form. Jiang Feng did not dare to hesitate, because he had already felt a strange breath covering his body.

So, he also stood upside down. Both of them began to rotate like two upside-down tops. Of course, it's not that they want to turn, but the gas around them that guides their bodies to turn.

Jiang Feng was stunned to find that he had lost contact with his own power and magic power. The only thing that hasn't been cut off is his spiritual strength.

"Jiang Feng, don't be afraid, this is the yin and yang channel. The place I took you to was established by the Queen of Chaos. Here, it is completely isolated from the outside world, so that you can also avoid the baptism of natural disasters by refining elixir. Because there is enough yin and yang qi here, which can completely be used to baptize the elixir. Yang Hong's voice came again at this time.

Just now, he has also been observing Jiang Feng and found that Jiang Feng has become unsurprised. He actually followed his own trajectory without making any mistakes. It can be seen that Jiang Feng's observation is so subtle. No wonder Jiang Feng can make a success. With his observation alone, even a god-level master is not necessarily better than him.

The powerful airflow swept the two people to rotate faster and faster. If it were an ordinary person, the spirit would have dissipated long ago. However, Jiang Feng's consciousness world is shaped by the source fluid of reincarnation, and it is not so easy to fall into a coma. The powerful spirit not only wraps his body and protects him, but also divides a part to analyze the frequency of yin and yang outside.

I don't know when Yang Hong has been wrapped in yellow light. By this time, he had fallen into a coma. Although he is already a god-level master, he can't stand it under the dizziness of yin and yang. However, he looked very peaceful, as if he had known this for a long time.

"Does the yin and yang qi here really form the yin and yang qi of the world?" Jiang Feng thought, and at the same time, his spiritual power burst out with all his strength, and a large amount of yin and yang outside.

Slowly, with Jiang Feng's adjustment, he found that the yin and yang here actually appeared in shape, like a small snake, shuttle back and forth. Although they are small in size, they shuttle very fast, and they always drive strong airflow. And their own speed is not affected at all in the powerful airflow.

Jiang Feng found that not only that, but there were also many yin and yang around him.

It seems that those gases want to break through his defenses, but they are afraid.

However, Jiang Feng is not afraid, because he will not be afraid of the spiritual power of his reincarnation liquid refining in front of the highest law. What's more, these yin and yang qi don't seem to be as horrible as the highest law.

On Yang Hong's side, Jiang Feng found that the gas actually penetrated into Yang Hong's body and shuttled back and forth in his body, as if he was still very happy.

Jiang Feng looked at it and found that it was precisely because of this that Yang Hong's body fell into a coma.

"It seems that this yin and yang gas is harmless to people's health, but it can also increase people's cultivation, but I don't know if it has any effect on me." Thinking of doing it, Jiang Feng began to slowly concentrate.

The power in the body cannot be mobilized, and so can the magic element. Jiang Feng can only mobilize his spiritual strength to practice. Perhaps, for others, spiritual power is not very effective, and even alchemists are only used to control alchemy. But Jiang Feng is different. In addition to alchemy, his spiritual power can also be explored. Jiang Feng is even wondering if he can use his spiritual power to directly attack the other party's mind.

If he can do it, then no matter what level of character he fights in the future, I'm afraid the situation will be reversed.

Jiang Feng's spiritual power began to try to contact with the yin and yang gases of the outside world, but those yin and yang gases actually retreated in fear, but they still surrounded them for a long time. It seems that Jiang Feng's body gives them a very familiar feeling.

"Oh, can they still communicate?" Jiang Feng was surprised to find that they actually made a chirping sound, which was beyond the frequency that humans could hear. If it hadn't been for Jiang Feng's special spiritual strength, I'm afraid he wouldn't have found it.

"Who are you?" Jiang Feng slowly adjusted the frequency of his spiritual power and received such a message.

"My name is Jiang Feng. Who are you?" Jiang Feng sent out a message with great interest that it was also very interesting to be able to talk to non-humans.

What's more, Jiang Feng has never heard of before, not to mention him. Even in Kirin's memory, Jiang Feng has not found any information about this yin and yang.

How did he know that the qi of yin and yang was spontaneously purified after the reincarnation source liquid came out of the reincarnation channel. It is also a relatively special existence.

"Who are we? We are yin and yang! There was a name given to us by someone who could talk to us like you. Hee, we have always lived here and feel so lonely, but we dare not go out, because after going out, we will dissipate. After receiving Jiang Feng's message, those yin and yang gases actually moved happily.

For so many years, although they have seen human beings many times, they can't talk to them. Every time they want to do this, they always make others dizzy and make them very depressed. Now they finally meet someone who can talk to them. How can they let go?

"Will you dissipate after you go out? I don't know if my spiritual world can take you out. Jiang Feng thought about it and boldly sent a message. If these yin and yang qi can enter their own spiritual power, then it is undoubtedly the best quenching for his spiritual power.

"Yes, of course. Just now, we felt the smell of mother from you. In those years, it was not good for us to escape from our mother's arms, which also led to the dissipation of many of our brothers. Fortunately, we found such a corner here and hid. Those gases talked excitedly with Jiang Feng.

"What's the smell of mother?" Jiang Feng was a little confused. Of course, he didn't know that these things ran out of the source of reincarnation. Moreover, when Qilin broke the hole, he escaped with Jiang Feng.

"Bear by the way, you are the person at the beginning, and I remember." Suddenly, a more excited voice came.

"That person at the beginning?" Jiang Feng was even more stunned. What the hell is going on?

"That's the man. At the beginning, by thunder and lightning, you came to your mother's arms. I have been eating my mother's milk. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't have come out. At that time, there was also a strange thing at the end of the period, which tore the outside of my mother, and we also escaped together at that time. Another news came, and obviously, other yin and yang spirits couldn't help reminding him.

"Who are you? From the source of reincarnation?" Jiang Feng looked at the gas around him confidently. At this time, he finally understood. These things also give him a very familiar atmosphere, and it is precisely because of this that he can communicate with them.