Lord of the Source

Chapter 260 Return

It's just a flash. The so-called secret room of the color bell seemed to have no blocking effect at all for Jiang Feng, so it disappeared into the secret room. When he appeared, he had already come behind the ringtones.

"Are you all ready? If it's ready, then we'll leave today. Perhaps someone is waiting for us to leave. Ringtone, you take all the skybirds first. After arriving at the earthy continent, you find a person named Muyun. Then, give him this purple gold token, and he will naturally arrange it for you. Jiang Feng's voice is much more delicate than before.

The color bell, Guanglong and blood ginseng all looked at Jiang Feng curiously.

Several people's faces showed thoughtful expressions, and they all found that Jiang Feng had changed and became more and more mysterious. If Jiang Feng used to be as sharp as a sharp sword, then now Jiang Feng is as dangerous as a gloomy poisonous snake. This is the same idea of several people.

At this time, Jiang Feng's breath was completely restrained, and several people could not feel the energy fluctuation on Jiang Feng's body. However, Jiang Feng floated in the air like that. How can ordinary people do this? Even if they are god-level strong, or even sword gods, there will always be a trace of energy fluctuations around him inadvertently.

But Jiang Feng, what happened to him? If he is standing on land, then everyone will think that he is incapacitated. However, he is floating in the air. What the hell is going on?

"Don't look at me so surprised. Now I don't understand what's going on. I can't even feel any energy fluctuations in my body. Moreover, I don't have Dantian and the world of consciousness. As for why I can still fly, even I can't explain it myself. Jiang Feng shrugged his shoulders and said that he didn't know what had happened.

"And I really want to have a feeling that as long as I want to do something, I don't have to be as troublesome as before. It seems that I can do the same as long as I have one idea. Jiang Feng frowned for the first time after he came out.

He looked at his baby-like hands and always felt a trace of enlightenment, but he couldn't grasp them all.

"Okay, I don't want to, Xiaotian, come here. I have successfully refined the Sanxian elixir, and I can also solve your seal. Ringtone, you take your people to leave first, and this chaotic place is about to be really chaotic. I still have some things to do. When I finish it, I will naturally go back. Jiang Feng thought for a moment and thought it would be better to meet Yang Hong or the chaotic queen.

After all, this time, he made a lot of noise on other people's territory. In the future, there will be a need for chaos to contain the golden continent.

In the past, Jiang Feng would only think that the golden continent was just a paradise for magicians and alchemists. However, after his own experience, he found that the continent may not be as simple as he thought. In a vague way, he even felt that this golden continent seemed to have the ambition to dominate the whole world.

Moreover, I don't know how many years the gold continent has been prepared. If the strength of the Bright Holy See and the Dark Holy See had not been powerful against them, I'm afraid they would have launched a war against other continents.

This time the source light world is closed, I'm afraid the golden continent will no longer tolerate it. In this case, you must go back as soon as possible.

"Okay, everything is up to you, so I'll go first." After saying that, the body of the ringtone disappeared in mid-air. The Skybird clan doesn't have so much to pack. For them, they usually fly high in the sky. Only in this way can they absorb the power of the pure sun in the sky and help them practice.

So, when you leave at this time, there is nothing to clean up.

In fact, after Jiang Feng and Cailing made an agreement, she was ready to leave at any time. Just now, when the whole mountain was shaking, she ordered all the birds to fly high into the sky. At this time, she could just leave with them. Although there is a trace of reluctance, the color bell has no hesitation.

Because, as a warcraft, she sensitively feels that the chaotic land is about to change.

After the ring bell left, only Jiang Feng, Xiaotian, and two monsters were left in the sky.

"Master, are you all right?" Although seeing that Xiaotian is fine, from the perspective of the need for closure, Jiang Feng must have been injured before. Therefore, although Jiang Feng was fine, Xiaotian couldn't help asking with concern.

"It's okay, Guanglong, Kirin, I don't have a conscious world now, and I don't know where your mother can be. Why don't you live in this ring first? Blood ginseng, now my conscious world has disappeared, which can also be regarded as solving the shackles for you. Yuanguang Mainland is about to be in chaos. Presumably, you have noticed it. Saying this, Jiang Feng looked up at the sky. It seems that you want to see through it.

"There are not many people who can really help me, and there are very few people I trust. So, now, I need you. I will condense a body for you as soon as possible, so that your strength should be better than before. At least, we can earn a place in future wars. That's enough." Jiang Feng's voice couldn't help but be tired.

"Xiaotian, let's go down first, and you can restore your strength first. Then, we went to meet the real owner here. Maybe it's time." After saying some inexplicable words, Jiang Feng landed first.

Following that, Guanglong and Xiaotian also landed.

The chaotic city has caused panic here because of the vision between heaven and earth. However, after Yang Hong, the city owner, led all the family to run around to comfort him, it was temporarily stabilized.

Yang Hong, who was finally finished his work, dragged his tired body back to the hall. At this time, the hall was extremely deserted, and only a masked man stood in the middle.

From the figure, it can be seen that this is a woman. She was looking up at the ceiling and fell into deep meditation.

"Queen, all the civilians have been appeased. However, this is only temporary. There must be some alert people among them who have found something, but at least in the short term, it is still stable here. However, after a long time, I'm afraid there will be turmoil. Yang Hong's respectful voice sounded behind the man in black.

"Do you have any news from Jiang Feng?" I ignored anything else. The beautiful voice of the Queen of Chaos did not care about anything else, but asked Jiang Feng about the situation. For Jiang Feng, her inner emotions are very complicated.

On the one hand, he hated Jiang Feng for destroying the only place his mother left for him. However, on the other hand, she is also curious about this person. What strange thing about him that makes the elders willing to give up the chaotic land that they have been painstakingly managing for many years and show his goodwill to him?

"Jiang Feng hasn't heard from him yet, but I believe he should be fine. Otherwise, Guanglong will not have come to pick up Xiaotian. Presumably, Jiang Feng has suffered some injuries. At this moment, he is healing somewhere on the island. When his injury recovers a little, he should come back to us. Yang Hong thought for a moment that if he were Jiang Feng, he would certainly do the same.

After all, this time he, a guest, caused a lot of trouble for them here.

Time has passed day by day, and seven days have passed since the world changed. However, Jiang Feng has never appeared. The city master's mansion was still deserted at this time. Yang Hong took his daughter and wife to the second floor. Only there can he feel much relieved. As for the Queen of Chaos, she has been waiting for Jiang Feng in the city master's mansion.

Yang Hong has been working for many days, and now he has finally recovered. At this time, he was sitting in the hall dealing with his own affairs. Suddenly, a soldier ran in in panic.

"Report, there are two people outside asking to see the city owner. He said that he came to thank him face to face. Lord, I don't know if he was allowed to come in.

"Oh, what does it look like? Forget it, I'll go out and watch it myself. If only they had been there. After so many days, I finally got news from him. The queen won't always be so worried. It's okay. It's okay. After saying that, Yang Hong was not in charge of his work, so he rushed out of the hall and rushed out of the door.

Outside the gate of the city's main mansion, two well-dressed teenagers waited quietly. It was Jiang Feng and Xiaotian. At this time, Xiaotian was very different from before. To Jiang Feng's surprise, the practice that Xiaotian has been insisting on during this period is not without any effect.

At the moment when the seal was lifted, Jiang Feng found that Xiaotian's energy seemed to have reached a bottleneck. Just like breaking through, Jiang Feng couldn't help but be surprised.

So, he put up with a few more days of delay and helped Xiaotian successfully break through the peak level of Wuzong with his strange and uncontrollable energy. Today's Xiaotian's combat effectiveness, even in the face of Wu Zun, also has the power of a battle. Don't forget that although he hasn't broken through Wu Zun, he is a whole martial arts sect.

This is also a unique genius in history.

Bo both of them spoke silently at this time, although they were delayed for a few more days. However, Jiang Feng has also mastered a lot of this new body, and he knows how to use his new energy.

Just as the two were thinking about their own affairs, a rapid footsteps came from the gate.

"Jiang Feng, you can make me wait." The person who came was Yang Hong. He didn't know what his feelings were about Jiang Feng. He knew that he was that kind of handsome friend.

"Lord Yang, thank you for your kindness. Jiang Feng came today. There is nothing superfluous. I just came to thank you. Thank you for giving me such a good place to refine the elixir. Thank you very much, and I will definitely repay the lord of the city in the future. Jiang Feng finished speaking and bowed sincerely. Naturally, the same is true of Xiaotian behind him.

"In addition, I have one more thing, that is, today, to say goodbye to you. I believe that the lord of the city also knows that the land continent of my hometown is now in chaos, and it is the time to need me. Now, I have been out for nearly half a year, and it's time to go back. Jiang Feng said slowly.

Actually, this is his real purpose.