Lord of the Source

Chapter 275 Underground City

"See the general, I don't know what the adult is here?" When the team of skeleton soldiers saw the virtual shadow, they immediately came over respectfully and saluted.

"Gaga, my skeleton children, you patrol here every day, and I'm here to see you. Well, it's an honor for our family to be able to guard the entrance. Guarding this place, we guarded the throat of the whole cemetery. The virtual shadow smiled twice and then said 'kindly'.

But it's a pity that his voice no longer allows him to speak like this.

What's more depressing is that those skeleton soldiers also laughed.

Jiang Feng and Fang Hong hid in the grave and tried their best to restrain their breath. The smart Jiang Feng deliberately sucked the dead air around him and surrounded them to confuse the skeleton soldiers outside.

Seeing that the skeleton soldiers went elsewhere again. Jiang Feng also breathed a sigh of relief, but his eyebrows never stretched. It can be said that I was deeply trapped here.

From the skeleton soldiers just now, Jiang Feng was shocked to find that their abilities were equivalent to the level of human martial arts king. What kind of concept is this? A team of patrols is so powerful and more advanced. God level, still higher.

"Fang Hong, the only way now is to figure out the distribution here and look for opportunities to go out. I can't feel the strength of the virtual shadow behind just now. Even above us. And you must have felt the strength of that team of patrol soldiers. Now it seems that in the rumor, the divine tomb is also a Jedi of human beings. Jiang Feng calmly sent a voice to Fang Hongdao.

"Well, it's up to you. I believe that the ancestors must have a purpose for us to come here. Fang Hong thought in his heart that his ancestors would not harm him anyway. Now that she has come, she has no way out.

"Okay, let's wait here first. When we find out the patrol situation of these soldiers, we will take a chance to go there. With that, Jiang Feng was not talking, but closed his eyes and began to practice.

Seeing that Jiang Feng didn't even let go of such a short time, Fang Hong secretly admired himself from his heart. At such an age and such strength, it is not played every day. In addition to opportunities and talents, one's own efforts are even more important.

In the tomb of God, it is in no particular order. There is no such thing as day and night, but Jiang Feng also found a little. It seems that these skeleton soldiers also have their own work and rest time. At this time, he noticed the so-called color change of the sun in the sky.

The sun in the sky is naturally not a real sun, and the sun is just a simple lighting, let alone understand. After observation, Jiang Feng found that the sun would change two colors. One is naturally a common white, and the other is light yellow.

It's like day and night, although it has always been in the light. However, whenever the pale yellow sun appears, all the skeleton soldiers become a little lazy.

"Let's rush in. Although we don't know what's waiting for us, there's nothing we can do, can we? Jiang Feng said calmly.

At the same time, he made a move around, and a strong dead spirit condensed towards him. Both of them made the same action.

From the outside, the appearance of the two people can no longer be seen.

It's just two strong dead air.

"Go!" Just as the skeleton soldiers walked away, Jiang Feng shouted coldly, and then his body shot into the depths like a rainbow. Fang Hong naturally did not dare to fall behind and flew to the depths with Jiang Feng.

Both people dare not relax. At any time, they are paying attention to the situation around them. Once something happens, they will attack without hesitation.

The two groups of dead air flew aimlessly. They didn't know where the direction was and could only keep moving forward.

"Well, our two brothers are really unlucky. You can't be as high as the dead, but you can't even patrol everywhere like a skeleton soldier. A bloodless human on his face sighed against another partner against the wall.

"Don't complain. Who doesn't know that the Necromancer belongs to the direct jurisdiction of the five monarchs. And the skeleton soldiers are also managed by one of the three generals under the bloodthirsty king. They are all status figures, and the treatment that ethnic groups naturally enjoy is different. There is no hope there, like us, alas, without offspring. It seems that sad things were mentioned, and another yellow-faced and thin person also echoed it.

They belong to the most common family in the divine tomb. Starving ghosts, these starving ghosts are not in this tomb. It is the people who have starved to death in Yuanguang mainland for many years. Anyone who starves to death, this tomb will have a mysterious force to suck them here.

This is used to increase the popularity here. For many years, in addition to starving ghosts, it has also absorbed the souls of some strong people. Those strong human beings who have passed away also rest here. This divine tomb, like hell, specializes in absorbing some souls.

However, it is not absorbed by ordinary human souls. Otherwise, more than a few people died on Yuanguang Continent for such a long time.

"Look, someone over there. God, he is actually the servant of Lord Necromancer. Seeing the two groups of death flying from afar, the 'humans' who guarded the city said in horror.

Jiang Feng and Fang Hong have been flying aimlessly for three days, which is estimated by Jiang Feng. Just when two people didn't know what to do, they suddenly found the city in front of them.

After a brief thought, Jiang Feng decided to get in touch with the creatures here.

So, at this time, I saw two people flying this way.

"I see the messenger of the dead. I don't know if the lord needs us to help here." The two soldiers defending the city said respectfully to Jiang Feng and Fang Hong.

"Well, we are here for business. I will report on your hardships of defending the city, hoping to change some jobs for you." Jiang Feng's hoarse voice came over. There is no flaw at all.

As early as two days ago, Jiang Feng got the information he wanted from some creatures in the divine tomb.

There are five kings here under unified management, and the five kings are an absolute deterrent among all creatures. No one knows what the strength of the five kings has reached, but five kings alone can rule the whole tomb with their strength. At least, their strength will not be weaker than their own.

This is the definition given by Jiang Feng. Unfortunately, Jiang Feng is wrong. And it's so wrong that everything in the tomb can't be inferred by common sense. What's more, this is still the main battlefield of the gods.

Jiang Feng was surprised that there were not only human beings here, but also animals. Here, it seems to be a separate world. However, human beings have no status here. Humans are not even allowed to live in cities. Only after death will the human soul be left behind, and then they will be allowed to move to the city to enjoy.

And as human beings, they must work hard, because when they die, there will be special responsible ghosts to help them calculate their merits and whether they are qualified to enter the city.

For human beings here, death is the real liberation.

After insulting everything, Jiang Feng already has a certain plan in his heart. Therefore, seeing the city at this time is exactly in line with his idea. So, without hesitation, the two entered the city directly.

The city here is a little different from what I imagined. The city here is not as lively as I imagined. Although there are also shops, few customers visit them. The things here are mainly for sale to those human beings. Although human beings are not allowed to live in cities, they can during the day.

Humans can also live in inns in cities. However, there are very few such human beings, because for them, a day's consumption consume most of their merit. After their death, the status will be lower.

Except for those ghosts absorbed from the Yuanguang Continent, other ghosts are obtained from human beings from here. This is the whole face of the so-called underground tomb.

Jiang Feng and Fang Hong walked on the street, whether they were passing humans or skeleton soldiers patrolling. Or the ghost bosses of those shops, who see two people, all of them respectfully salute them.

Neither of them said anything about this. Jiang Feng knew that it was not inconvenient for Fang Hong to follow the customs when he entered the countryside. Originally, he was the queen, and people in the chaotic land had to salute when they saw her, which had long been common.

"Jiang Feng, do you think we will be found pretending to be a necromancer? As you know, the people here have real respect for the dead. It can be said that here, the dead are their gods. We are like this, and I always feel bad." Fang Hong's voice reached Jiang Feng's ears.

"There is no other way. If I had any other way, do you think I would let this deadness wrap my body all the time? I'm a living person, not a personal person. I hate this death the most." Jiang Feng said with some disgust. At the same time, his eyes tightened and stared at the front.

In front, a team of people are coming towards here. Although the speed is not fast, Jiang Feng knows that the person who comes must be a big shot. Although they don't know who it is, the two people can't help but be a little worried.

"Stop!" The team came to Jiang Feng and stopped, and then the soldiers gave way. What made Jiang Feng laugh and cry was that there was a sedan chair behind him. Moreover, it is also like the official sedan chair in the Qing Dynasty in Jiang Feng's memory.

"See the messenger!" While Jiang Feng and Fang Hong were puzzled, a fat ball rolled out of the sedan chair and stopped in front of Jiang Feng and Fang Hong.

"This is!" Not only is Jiang Feng dull, but Fang Hong is also dull. The four people in front of him are particularly short, but the body is extremely fat. It's completely disproportionate, but it was born to such a person.

"In the lord of Langya City, I heard that the venerable of the Necromancer came to welcome him." The fat man was extremely happy at this time and didn't care about the changes in Jiang Feng and Fang Hong's voice at all.