Lord of the Source

Chapter 299 The Coming of the Archangel

Children's shoes, today is the first update. Support!!!!

In Jiang Feng's secret room, Ling Tian was sitting cross-legged, and a stream of white smoke kept coming out of his body. From time to time, the pores on his body will excrete some black substances.

On the other side, a girl is also practicing cross-legged.

For Shuanglin, Jiang Feng did not give her divine dignity to let her absorb. Generally speaking, only the deity that you have condensed can perfectly match yourself. Only when fighting can you exert your super strength.

For Ling Tiansuge, it's not that Jiang Feng looks down on Ling Tian, but because Ling Tian's age is there. Even if he is allowed to practice for a thousand years, if he has not made any progress, how about it? There is nothing we can do about talent. However, Shuanglin is different. Today's Shuanglin has reached the divine master.

Although there is still a big difference from the pseudo-god level. However, don't forget that she also has Jiang Feng, the eldest brother of a god-level alchemist. In the divine tomb, Jiang Feng did not get many benefits. This is also the interest on his work for the space master.

At this time, the frost is also absorbing a ten-thousand-year-old sea cucumber. This is very useful for her future cultivation and breakthroughs. It is not a waste to use such a medicinal material at this time. Moreover, compared with the feelings in his heart, Jiang Feng doesn't care about this.

Ling Tian has entered a mysterious world at this time, and now he has forgotten everything around him. It seems that he is surrounded by fire elements, and he feels that his body has turned into one of them.

Jiang Feng is the clearest about the changes in Ling Tian. He, who has been tightening his face, is relieved now. I have to say that devouring other gods is a relatively dangerous process. Of course, this danger lies in whether the god was powerful or not. And Jiang Feng gave Ling Tian just a god of an intermediate true god.

Jiang Feng has already thought about it in advance. Even if Ling Tianzhen can't absorb this divine deity, he will help him. However, Ling Tian's talent is not weak. Over the years, if Yuanguang Continent has the power of the universe. Maybe Ling Tian can really condense his divine style.

However, once the time passes, there will be no more. However, despite this, the foundation of Ling Tian is still there.

In the secret room, the temperature has become higher and higher.

At this time, the outside was even more in a panic. Because in the south of the earthy continent, the sky over the blue fluorescent city, known as a peaceful place, is red.

"It's really troublesome. It seems impossible to hide it from them. In this case, I will come openly. I would like to see what you are fighting with me. Jiang Feng naturally felt the changes outside. After thinking about it carefully, Jiang Feng decided not to hide it anymore.

With a flash, Jiang Feng has left the secret room. Before leaving the secret room, he had already arranged a formation around Shuanglin. In this way, it will not be affected when the frost is absorbed by sea cucumbers for ten thousand years.

And Jiang Feng is floating over the blue screen city at this time.

Looking at the panicked people everywhere, Jiang Feng sighed in her heart. Civilians have their own blessings. However, once civilians encounter something, they don't know how to deal with it. They can only pray in their hearts, hoping that the God in their hearts can save them.

However, Jiang Feng knows that there is no god in this world. The so-called god is just a person who has reached a certain level of strength. In the final analysis, they are still human. However, these people have been able to dominate the life and death of others.

"Don't worry, everyone, this is the auspiciousness of the gods and augu of the eternal prosperity of our Jiangtian Empire. Everyone, just do your own thing. Jiang Feng's loud voice seemed to come from the sky. Almost everyone heard it.

When they raised their heads and saw the great prince, they suddenly felt much better. What are they worried about if they think a good prince will protect them? Soon, after praying to the sky for a while, all the people were busy with their own affairs again.

However, such a big movement can deceive ordinary people, how can they deceive those masters? In particular, the Turkish continent is very close to the headquarters of the Holy See.

In the depths of the Holy See, an old man's closed eyes were opened at this time. Originally ordinary eyes, but at this time, two lights burst out.

"Such a strong momentum can never be wrong. What kind of person can get the divine character? Moreover, it seems that he is still an intermediate god. If I get it, then my strength, even if I can't surpass the blood king, is enough to compete with him. The old man's voice echoed around, but his figure had disappeared.

Jiang Feng, who was in the air, suddenly felt that a strong momentum was coming here not far away. Jiang Feng will never give them a good look at these people who dare to spy on their secrets.

"Hmm!" With a cold hum, and then a strong divine thought hit the exploratory divine thought fiercely.

"Bang!" A slight low sound was remembered in the center of the collision of the two gods.

"Boom!" The true God is no longer what people in this world can imagine. Although it was only a slight collision of thoughts, there was a shocking thunder after the slight 'pop' sound in the sky.

Jiang Feng was unmoved and felt the power of rebound. With a gentle wave of his left hand, it was resolved.

Ten miles away from him, under a big tree, an old man sitting cross-legged suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood.

"How is that possible? This divine idea is very strange, not the blood king's. Is it the person sent by the predecessor of the Sword God? It is impossible. According to our agreement with the predecessor of Sword God, he will not interfere in managing the affairs between us until the major forces are divided. Who is it? Where did so many real gods come from on this continent? The old man muttered to himself. His eyes kept shining with uncertain light.

It seemed that he also felt the location of the old man, and Jiang Feng sneered.

"Fang Hong, I have something important to leave for a while, and the protection of Elder Ling Tian will be handed over to you for the time being. No matter who, no matter which force, dare to spy on and kill without mercy!" After Jiang Feng passed on a divine thought to Fang Hong, his figure had disappeared in place.

"I don't know who you are? Why do you want to spy on the secrets of my Jiangtian Empire? Unconsciously, Jiang Feng has come to the old man. Looking at the old people around him, Jiang Feng had a trace of understanding in his heart.

"You sent out that divine idea just now." The old man did not seem to feel strange about Jiang Feng's arrival. Moreover, he seems to be deliberately waiting for Jiang Feng here.

"You are waiting for me on purpose, if I guess correctly. You must be the archangel of the Holy See of Light. Jiang Feng said lightly. For the people in front of him, Jiang Feng would have been a little afraid before, but today Jiang Feng is different from the past. If he completely unsealed, even the dominant figure can fight.

"Ha ha, archangel, it's just a respectful title for me. I am the messenger sent by the angel god to save the world, so I can't be regarded as an archangel. I can only say that I am a divine messenger. The old man also said lightly.

Jiang Feng sneered at the old man's tongue twister. He knew that the old man obviously didn't want to say what he meant first and waited for himself to ask.

"That's the same sentence, it's no one's turn to take care of the affairs of my Jiang family. I don't care if you are a divine messenger, an archangel, or a real angel god, but I warn you that similar things should not happen again. Otherwise, I don't mind declaring war on your Holy See. Jiang Feng said coldly, and his tone was very tough.

Hearing Jiang Feng's blunt tone, the old man's eyes obviously shrank. He also knew that Jiang Feng must not be good when he came today, and he even thought about a lot of words. However, Jiang Feng didn't give him a chance to explain at all, and directly gagged his mouth.

"Little brother, it's better to leave a little room for words. You can insult me, but you can't insult the angel god. You are blaspheming the gods, and you will be punished by God. The old man looked at Jiang Feng with a gloomy face. Obviously, Jiang Feng has touched his bottom line.

"Oh, if you think I'm insulting you, you're wrong. Because you, and the bullshit angel behind you, are not qualified to insult me. Saying this, Jiang Feng stepped forward, and a powerful god pressed towards the old man's pavement.

At the same time, Jiang Feng's hands tore to the right, and a huge space crack appeared in front of him. His hands shot some strange runes, and the surroundings suddenly became dark.

"Space shift, how can you do it?" I felt that there was darkness around at this time, and the old man felt afraid for the first time.

He is so familiar with this place. In the universe, he didn't expect that Jiang Feng could just open the space cracks and find the passage to the universe in such a short time. What's more, it has performed space displacement that has disappeared for a long time.

At this time, a faint shadow appeared where Jiang Feng and the old man were just now. This virtual shadow gradually condensed, and he was a middle-aged man with an ordinary appearance. If Jiang Feng is here, he will definitely recognize it. This person is not the sword god or anyone else.

"Strange, I clearly feel that there are divine fluctuations here. However, in such a short time, it disappeared. The sword god frowned slightly and didn't know what had happened.

"However, Ling Tian is lucky. Finally got what I wanted, which is also good as adding some strength to my reincarnation. In the future battle, although they are not the main force, they are also a force that cannot be ignored. But I wonder where his deity came from. Is it there, that boy, has accepted the inheritance of space domination? In this case, I'd better resurrect the master as soon as possible. With that, the sword god's body has disappeared.

In the dark universe, the two figures stood against each other, and Jiang Feng's face was full of jokes. And the old man's face was a little nervous.