Lord of the Source

Chapter 312 Counterattack begins

Jiang Feng didn't stay in Longdao for long. Then he just learned about Longdao and left. However, he got a good thing before leaving. This thing is not for him, but for Guanglong.

That is the body of a dragon. Although the dragon clan is very strong, it will also die due to some accidents. For example, the natural disaster, especially for powerful creatures such as the dragon clan, is very horrible.

And Jiang Feng got the body of a high-level god. The dragon corpse of the senior god is a precious thing of the dragon clan. In particular, the dragon clan is an arrogant race, and it is not easy for them to send their bodies out. However, the light dragon is the inheritor of the ancient virtual dragon, and the Dragon Emperor naturally does not mind these.

Earthy Continent, Blue City.

It has been a month, and the army of Blue City has been fully combined. There were a total of 800,000 troops, led by Long Yi and Jiang Feng's second brother Jiang Long, divided into two roads and swept inland.

Jiang Feng had already returned to Lanying City. At this time, he was sitting next to the queen and saying goodbye to the queen.

"Jiang Feng, this time you attacked the Dark Holy See, which is very dangerous. However, I believe that my son is definitely the strongest. Remember, no matter what happens, save your life, you know?" Wang Xueyi looked at her son. She knew how much Jiang Feng had paid to make the whole family strong.

Childhood does not exist at all for my son.

"Okay, mother, don't worry. It's just the dark Holy See. Don't you trust the power of your son? Well, I'll go first. I'm afraid the army has arrived in Phoenix now. After Phoenix, there is a confrontation with the forces of the Dark Holy See. I have to organize the overall situation there, and my father will be taken care of by a mother. Jiang Feng looked at this mother and didn't know what it was like.

"Okay, you go, home, don't worry." Wang Xueyi knew that Jiang Feng would leave anyway. She hopes that her son will become famous and that her son will be promising. Even if she is very reluctant, she will still let Jiang Feng go.

"Mother, take care of yourself, and my son is gone." With that, Jiang Feng resolutely stood up, kowtowed three times to Wang Xueyi, and walked out of the palace.

Looking at Jiang Feng's back, Wang Xueyi's eyes have long been soaked with tears.

"Okay, Xueyi, Jiang Feng is just going to war. Moreover, with his current strength, no one is his opponent in the whole Yuanguang continent. Don't worry, so as not to worry about your son and affect him instead. Jiang Aotian didn't know when he appeared behind Wang Xueyi. Holding Wang Xueyi, he comforted him.

The dark Holy See has known the actions of the Jiangtian Empire for a long time. Therefore, all the strength of the Dark Holy See was concentrated in the strait, preparing to give a fatal blow to the army of the Jiangtian Empire.

Liu Xiu was sitting on Lanxi City at this time, paying attention to the layout of the wall. His face was extremely gloomy, and the news that Jiang Feng was not dead until now. He didn't expect that Jiang Feng was so strong that he did not die under the space storm.

"Sir, the blood king has ordered us to defend Lanxi City. The elder and the blood king's relatives will help defend the city. The young man who thought he was full of blood came behind Liu Xiu and said respectfully to Liu Xiu.

"Recovering Blood King, I, Liu Xiu, will definitely coexist and die with this Lanxi City." Liu Xiu's eyes sprayed cold light. At this time, he couldn't wait to find Jiang Feng immediately and let Jiang Feng kill him. Nowadays, his strength is not something that ordinary people can peek at.

The intermediate true god has approached the strength of the blood king. Today, in the dark Holy See, his status is only the blood king. As for the destruction of the world, it depends on his face now.

Thinking of this, Liu Xiu's face showed a smile.

Jiang Fengfei flew over the army and followed the army towards Phoenix. Phoenix is across the sea from Lanxi City. Both sides are easy to defend and difficult to attack. However, with the existence of Jiang Feng, the true god, all this is no longer a natural danger.

After Jiang Feng, he was followed by Muyun, Xiaotian, Meng Zhan and others. At this time, Meng Xing and Long Yi were commanding the army in the commander's camp.

"Master, what do you think will happen to our victory or defeat in this operation? Wouldn't it be easier to win if Her Majesty Fang Hong were called together? Xiaotian was a little strange. Jiang Feng didn't let Fang Hong come. Not only that, Jiang Feng also left a large number of masters in the Blue City.

"In this move, the guards of Blue City will definitely relax. With grandfather and Her Majesty, as well as many masters, even if someone wants to pay attention there, they have to think about it. Moreover, Fang Hong and I can communicate with our thoughts at any time and leave her at home, just to pay attention to the changes in the family. Jiang Feng smiled and then explained.

Jiang Feng came in person to give face to the Dark Holy See. Jiang Feng will not worry about the rules that the true god can't do anything in the mortal world. Even if it attracts the highest law, it's a big deal, just let Xiao Jinwu eat it. Last time, after Xiao Jinwu ate the highest law, his strength improved a lot.

Even if Jiang Feng doesn't unsea it now, he will hardly be the opponent of this Jinwu. That is to say, this Jinwu, whose strength today, has reached the level of a high-level god.

Two true gods exist, and even the blood king of the dark Holy See will die here again.

"It's arrived. Unexpectedly, we will come back one day. Phoenix, in those years, it turned into flying ash under the flood. How many people died under this current? Today, Jiang Feng came to cut off this possibility. With that, Jiang Feng flew towards the wall.

Today's Longyi has already arrived in Phoenix. As for Jiang Feng's second brother, he led 400,000 troops to the wooden continent at this time. Help the wooden continent to resist the army of the dark Holy See.

Almost all the masters of the Dark Holy See are in the Turkish continent. Therefore, with the help of Jiang Long's army, the wooden continent immediately came back to life.

In the camp, Long Yi was thinking about how to break through Lanxi City. He knows that fighting across the sea requires a lot of consumption.

"Long Yi, why don't you attack?" Just then, a voice suddenly sounded in the big tent.

Several Longyi's guards suddenly became nervous, and the weapons in their hands pointed to the people.

"See the young master!" However, when they saw the person coming clearly, they immediately put down the weapon in their hands excitedly. These people are all old people of the Dragon Legion. For Jiang Feng, they have a deep memory. Jiang Feng's new training method has multiplied their fighting. In addition, Jiang Feng's strange tactics make them feel that Jiang Feng is also a god.

Who is a soldier who doesn't want his general to be talented? In this way, they will have more chances to live.