Lord of the Source

Chapter 221 The Covenant of the Sword God

Jiang Feng sat alone in the garden of Jiangtian Empire's own original palace. He was thinking about what he should do next.

Originally, he wanted to find a person with reincarnation. However, no matter what he does, he can't feel the existence of these people. He had no choice but to start from other places. Moreover, his strength has not yet reached the dominant level. True strength is just the peak of a high-level god.

He was surrounded by a faint fog. This is the power of credibility. After unifying the Yuanguang mainland, Jiang Feng's statue was carved in every corner of the continent. Especially on the earthy continent, he has become the highest existence in people's faith.

"Here it comes." Suddenly, Jiang Feng's eyes tightened and stared into the air.

The space there was slightly distorted, and a middle-aged man appeared here.

"Sword God, you finally appeared." Jiang Feng's voice was a little flat, but his eyes looking at the Sword God were not afraid at all. Now he already has this qualification.

"I didn't expect that in just a few years, you have changed so much. Some time ago, I fought with the archangel, and it must be you. The peak strength of the senior gods is really surprising. However, do you think your current strength can compete with the superior master? The sword god's voice was also very flat. He looked at Jiang Feng and didn't know why, it made him feel a little palpitated.

"The predecessor of Sword God came today, and he must not be a guest. Although Jiang Feng has no strength to fight against the master, no one can pinch it. Jiang Feng's tone has shown his attitude.

Seeing that Jiang Feng was so humble and not arrogant, Jianshen frowned slightly. Today, he came here and was actually ordered to attract Jiang Feng. However, looking at Jiang Feng's appearance, he can't be easily recruited.

"Jiang Feng, many things are not what you think. The reincarnation master has now been resurrected. As long as it takes a hundred years to recover, the master can return to the peak of that year. At that time, it can also help you become the master. The voice of the sword god is full of **. However, these obviously don't work for Jiang Feng.

"I know that the reincarnation master has this ability, and I also know that the reincarnation master is the most powerful of several masters. However, it is not what it used to be. There are four enemies who dominate reincarnation. No matter how strong he is, he can't beat four hands with two fists, and I'm afraid he will fight in the end. It's not necessarily possible to win. If it were you, would you take such a big risk? Jiang Feng sneered in his heart, and he naturally knew the attention of these people. However, he has his own ideas in his heart.

"Okay, I can't tell you. Today, I came to pass on the order of the master and invited Jiang Feng to visit him. As for whether to go or not, it's up to you. With that, a space ring appeared in the hand of the sword god.

"Indeed, as you said, I don't know whether I will go or not." After taking the ring thrown down by the sword god, he scanned it, and there was a map inside. Obviously, it is the place where reincarnation dominates now.

"That's the same sentence, the master is waiting for you." With that, the sword god disappeared.

Until the Sword God disappeared for a long time, Jiang Feng remained unmoved. Instead, I fell into thinking.

"The master of reincarnation now let me go. I don't know what the idea is. However, with my current strength, there should be no problem to escape. It is said that although the reincarnation master is powerful, it must not have returned to its peak after so many years. Am I going or not? Jiang Feng is very contradictory.

Originally, he had to meet the master of reincarnation. However, the words before the blood king left made him hesitate. The master of reincarnation is likely to have something to do with a different world. If you go to see him by yourself, I don't know whether it's good or bad.

"Forget it, it's a curse, not a blessing, it's a blessing that can't be avoided. So what if I go to see him? Humph, I don't believe it. I have the knowledge of two different worlds, and I can't compete with an immortal. Pinching the ring in her hand, Jiang Feng had made a decision in her heart.

"Fang Hong, you take care of Yuanguang mainland first. I'm leaving for a while." Jiang Feng passed on a divine idea to Fang Hong, and then his body disappeared.

In a dark world, everywhere is full of reincarnation. At this time, a middle-aged man sat cross-legged.

The figure of the sword god slowly appeared in front of him.

"Master, the news has arrived. However, Jiang Feng is a little unruly and doesn't know whether he will come or not. The voice of the sword god was a little helpless. For Jiang Feng and his master, they were the kind of reverent people.

"I know, Jiang Feng has a good appetite with me. Presumably, he already knows a lot. If you know, you will know. Humph, he will definitely come. Because he doesn't allow him not to come. The voice of the middle-aged man is full of domineering. There was a confident smile on his face.

"He left, hehe, I hope this boy won't let me down. I don't want to solve such a character with my own hands. After all, he was my carrier before. Kirin, don't you think so? A fiery unicorn beast was lying aside at this time. The firelight on its body was completely restrained and hidden in the dark. If you don't pay attention, you won't find it at all.

At this time, Jiang Feng has appeared in the universe. At this time, his face was calm. Since he has decided to see the master of reincarnation, he naturally has to adjust all his state before going. Otherwise, it's not good to have some accidents.

"The master of reincarnation, I don't know what kind of person you are. Maybe it's time to return the ring you left on me. Jiang Feng na na said to himself, and at the same time, with an acceleration, he disappeared into the universe.

Ten days have passed. However, Jiang Feng still hasn't appeared yet.

The Sword God stood behind the master of reincarnation and stayed quietly. However, his mood became a little anxious.

"Sword God, your mood has passed for so many years, and you are still not calm enough. Jiang Feng will naturally come. Today, he will definitely come here. The closed eyes of the reincarnation master opened at this time. At the same time, the sleeping Kirin also woke up.

"Oh! I smelled a familiar smell, as if I had smelled it before. Besides, it feels so kind. Is he here?" Kirin stood up, and the flames all over his body burned again at this time. The darkness was immediately illuminated by a burst of fire.

"Hehe, that's right, he's here. Sword God, you leave first. The next thing is the private matter between Jiang Feng and me. The reincarnation master said faintly, and at the same time, his eyes looked into the distance as if he could see through the universe.

There, a red light is coming towards here.

"Yes, Master!" With that, the sword god disappeared.

"Kirin, go meet him. Ha ha, I haven't seen you for many years. I don't know if he still knows you. After reincarnation bamboo said a faint sentence, then continued to close his eyes and practice.

Jiang Feng walked here alone according to the record of the map. He has traveled through a lot of space. On the way, I passed many continents like Yuanguang Continent. Although he really wants to see the strange world, he also knows that time is running out.

"It should be here. Well, the spirit of reincarnation here is a little strong. On the contrary, the atmosphere of the universe seems a little thin. Presumably, it is the place where reincarnation dominates the retreat. Jiang Feng thought, just as he wanted to move forward, suddenly, a fire appeared in front of him.

"Is that Kirin? Ha ha, I didn't expect that he hasn't seen him for many years. He has grown so huge. Seeing the things clearly, Jiang Feng couldn't help but feel a trace of kindness in her heart.

Although, the old Kirin took advantage of his suspicion. However, after all, it saved itself. He is still very emotional for Kirin. Nowadays, many of his memories are Kirin's. Now, he has completely inherited the memory of Kirin, and he also knows something about the battle in those years.

"Are you, Jiang Feng?" Qilin came to Jiang Feng's eyes and looked at Jiang Feng. There was a trace of surprise in its eyes, but there was still some uncertainty. Jiang Feng's body has a feeling that makes him very intimate. Just like my father.

"Ha ha, little Kirin, I'm Jiang Feng. For so many years, we haven't met when we hatched you. Judging from your appearance, you seem to be doing well. Jiang Feng talked to Kirin as if she had seen an old friend.

"You are really Jiang Feng. I smelled my father from you. Sorry, my father had no choice. The memory my father gave you was also copied in my mind. I apologize to my father for what happened back then. Kirin's huge head lowered to Jiang Feng.

"Okay, little Kirin, what are you doing? We are also friends. You came here to pick me up. Let's go, otherwise it's not good to wait for the reincarnation master for a long time. Jiang Feng was a little helpless, but this little unicorn was a little emotional.

How did he know that Kirin was not an emotional creature. However, because of the power of blood in his consciousness space, he was affected by his emotions. Today's little Kirin has more humanity.

"Well, that's right, come with me." With that, Kirin turned his head and flew forward.

Seeing this, Jiang Feng shook his head. I don't know whether this change of Kirin is good or bad. However, it seems that it has nothing to do with him now. Secretly stabilized his mind, Jiang Feng chased after Kirin.

The speed of the unicorn, like a red light, shoots sharply into the distance. It seems that we need to see if Jiang Feng can catch up.

Seeing that Kirin wanted to compare his speed with himself, Jiang Feng shook his head helplessly. This unicorn is still like a child.

At the same time, Jiang Feng naturally would not lag behind and chased after Kirin. His speed was not fast or slow, and he followed behind Kirin.

(Children, I'm not feeling well today, and I haven't been able to come out until now. Sorry, everyone, there will be another chapter later.)