Lord of the Source

Chapter 328 Space Transport Station

The arrival of Jiang Feng and others did not cause much change, because at this time, not only Jiang Feng, but also flying people everywhere. Everyone was a little surprised that the outside world is really not comparable to a small place in Yuanguang mainland.

"Well, now is not the time to sigh. This is just a small transit station. When we reach the two-dimensional world, it is the world of true gods. Jiang Feng naturally knew the loss in several people's hearts.

In Yuanguang Continent, maybe they are already the strongest. However, when they went outside, they found that they had become ordinary people.

Several people followed Jiang Feng to the continent. Suddenly, Jiang Feng ordered everyone to stop. Jiang Feng knew that flying was prohibited in some places.

"How many people dare to ask, do you need to take a spaceship to the two-dimensional universe?" Just as they landed on the mainland, a waiter came over.

However, Jiang Feng was a little shocked. Obviously, this person is just a small role in this space. However, his strength has reached the level of intermediate gods.

"Yes, we just came from far away. We need to go back to the two-dimensional universe. This time we came to the one-dimensional universe to do something. Jiang Feng doesn't want to say that he is a novice, because it will be difficult for him to walk in a strange environment.

"Ha ha, I know the rules, don't worry. Please come with me." Of course, that person also knows that Jiang Feng and others must be the people who have just broken through in a continent. However, they will not neglect such people. After all, no one knows whether any of these people will become famous in the two-dimensional world in the future.

Moreover, Jiang Feng's cultivation can't see through him. Although Jiang Feng is the lowest in strength on the surface, he will never misread it with his view of countless people. I'm afraid that this person's strength is far above others.

"Let's follow him." Jiang Feng also knows the strength of the space transfer station. These strengths are formed by the combination of some huge gods. Their beliefs, even if they are masters, will not pick out any flaws.

"It must be the first time for several people to go to this space transfer station. We have a rule here, that is, anyone who comes here for the first time to take a spaceship can take it for free." This middle-aged man has obviously experienced this kind of thing for a long time. He did not say that Jiang Feng and others were newcomers, but his transit station.

is undoubtedly telling them that all newcomers can take it for free when they arrive at their transit station.

Jiang Feng didn't say anything about this middle-aged man who was so knowledgeable.

"This is indeed the first time we have come to this transit station. Since there are such rules, we thank you for the transit station." Jiang Feng said with a smile. At the same time, he is also thinking about how to understand the world. The two-dimensional universe, although it has the memory of space master and Kirin. However, it has been so long, I don't know if there are too many changes.

"This friend, I don't know if your transit station collects things. When we came out this time, the crystallization of the divine power we brought was exhausted. Jiang Feng said kindly. He has always been like this. If anyone respects him a foot, he will return it to others. Jiang Feng still has a good impression of this middle-aged man.

"Receivable, but we will only collect some good things here. As you know, this is just a small transit station. Our funds are limited. Hearing that Jiang Feng was going to sell something, he was a little confused. For these newcomers, they will still sell them some good things from time to time. However, there are very few such people after all.

"That's troublesome, my friend. I think the things I sell should still be more valuable." Jiang Feng was well prepared for this coming out. Moreover, there are a lot of good things in his hand.

After all, his current identity is the inheritor of the space.

"In that case, those few people come with me. Fortunately, there are still two days left for this space portal. You can take a break here now. The middle-aged man took Jiang Feng and others to a large house.

Entering the large house, Jiang Feng found out. This is a sea of people. There are hawking everywhere. This is a large trading floor with many floors.

"This is a place for us to improve our transactions, and I think everyone should know it. For here, it is also a platform for everyone to trade. Please follow me. Anything that sells to our transit station is on the third floor. The middle-aged man said with a smile.

led Jiang Feng and others all the way to the third floor.

"Why did you come here? Who are these people? An old man suddenly felt a little confused when he saw that a middle-aged man had brought several people here.

"Chief, some of these things want to be sold to us at the transit station. So, I brought them here." The middle-aged man was obviously respectful to the old man.

"Oh, that's right. I don't know what needs to be sold to our transit station. Several people also know that we still need to maintain a huge amount of money in the war. The old man also said that it's not a good thing, and they won't accept it.

"Ha ha, this friend has already mentioned it to me before coming. Manager, I don't know, do you want this thing or not? With that, something the size of a walnut appeared on Jiang Feng's palm.

"God?" When the middle-aged man saw this thing, his face suddenly changed. The divine, even in the two-dimensional universe, is very useful.

"This is a low-level god, belonging to the dark system. It's also a good thing, worth 50,000 magic crystals. The old man is obviously a person who has seen the world.

"I don't know how much magic crystallization is needed to take this spaceship." Jiang Feng frowned a little, and he was still a little dissatisfied with the price. In the memory dominated by space, the low-level divineness and value should be at least above the crystallization of 70,000 divine power.

"If you take a spaceship, you will be charged 20,000 yuan per person. As you know, the horror of space storms. Even as a space god, it is difficult to get through. The old man's voice is stable.

"In this case, I have ten gods here. The attributes are different. I don't know if the price will be higher. Jiang Feng took out a lot of gods one after another.

Such a move, even the old man as the general manager can hardly sit still.

"Are you sure these gods will be sold to us?" The old man's voice is no longer as stable as before. After all, the power behind the people who can show so many deity at once is not simple. After all, the old man was the one who had been sitting in this position for a long time. After a brief shock, he slowly calmed down the shock in his heart.

"Indeed, I don't know, what's the price?" Jiang Feng asked calmly.

"If ten gods are sold together, I can give you 60,000 gods." The old man said insipidly. In his heart, he was calculating. He planned to buy these ten gods in the name of his own dead, and there were also the gods he needed.

"Well, I don't know, what if you add these ten gods?" Jiang Feng showed a trace of disappointment, and at the same time, a fist-sized god appeared in his hand. This divine status is exactly what Jiang Feng got from killing the firebird's grandfather.

This is a god without attributes, freely condensed by itself, and no attributes have been selected before, so this pure god will appear.

The price of this divine style is definitely above all divine grids.

"Middle-level god without attributes?" Seeing this divine spirit, even with the mentality of the old man, he inevitably lost his voice. At the same time, a trace of greed flashed in his eyes. How can you escape Jiang Feng's eyes for the change of the old man?

However, Jiang Feng didn't say much.

At this time, the middle-aged man who led Jiang Feng and others in only felt that his back was a little cold. His back was even more wet with sweat.

"Why, don't you accept it?" Jiang Feng said that he would take back all the gods.

"No, accept, accept, of course. I personally bought this intermediate god for 500,000 yuan. I don't know if my friend can sell me a face. I also bought the remaining ten gods for 70,000 yuan. I don't know, what do you think?" Seeing Jiang Feng, he was about to withdraw his divine identity, and the old man suddenly stood up.

His move undoubtedly came down to several people who came with Jiang Feng. In their eyes, this old man is just a god of intermediate peak strength. However, this is other people's territory. If it really happens, neither side will be happy.

"Happy cooperation!" Jiang Feng was also relieved to see that the goal was achieved. It's better not to have a grudge against these big forces.

"Thank you for your success." There was a smile on the old man's face. At the same time, he took out a space ring and handed it to Jiang Feng.

"Well, no more, no less, just 1.2 million magic crystals. General Manager, it seems that the price of this space ring has not been included yet. Jiang Feng knew that in the real realm, the space ring is not a rare thing. However, it is also something valuable.

"No, my friend is willing to complete the old man. This ring is even a thank-you gift from me. If a friend still has a divine style, just take it out, and I will be with him. Quickly put away the deity on the table, and the old man was obviously a little happy.

"Oh, that's it! I don't know if I can find a quiet place. Although there are only you here, but..." Jiang Feng's meaning is self-evident.

"Of course, please follow me." With that, the old man nodded to the middle-aged man who led Jiang Feng, and then took Jiang Feng upstairs by himself.

"You are waiting for me here. I'll come as soon as I go." Jiang Feng said to the people behind him, and at the same time, his figure disappeared at the entrance of the corridor on the fourth floor with the figure of the old man.

"Everyone be careful. The young master asked us to stay here to prevent them from being caught." After all, the dragon turtle is a creature that has lived for tens of thousands of years, and he still knows something about people's hearts.