Lord of the Source

Chapter 346 You forced me

In the star domain where there would be no wind, there was a strong wind at this time. People who are not far around feel two strong breaths, and they have always known that the two masters must be in the decisive battle.

Some people can't hold it down and follow the direction of energy fluctuations. As they approached, they were stunned to find that the fluctuation of the breath around them was no longer the person they could tolerate. Everyone strives to feel it forward with their own skills. They all know that this is a rare battle of the Lord God. Some main gods naturally feel it. However, due to identity, in addition, when the two main gods fight, if other main gods participate, they will be regarded as accomplices.

This is a taboo in the main god, so although many main gods want to watch the battle in person, they can't come forward in person. They can only distinguish a divine consciousness and observe this way.

Jiang Feng sensed the changes outside, and immediately frowned deeply.

"Is it strange? Haha, these are all people in the star domain. There are the divine consciousness of the Lord God and even the God King, and the others are some gods, in order to hope to find a breakthrough opportunity in the battle oppression. And if you fight by yourself, death often happens. Although it may be affected in other people's battles, it reduces a lot of danger.

"Do you know why I don't hide my breath? Because I just want them to come here. As people in other star domains, cross-star challenges are a taboo. Even if we fight to the end and we both lose, you can't escape. Haha..." The wild laughter echoed back and forth around.

Some close people have naturally heard it.

"What if you are full of scheming? Today, you will disappear forever. The light of the beginning, the destruction of the world, rebirth. Jiang Feng didn't expect that it would evolve to this point. Originally, he wanted to keep a low profile. But now in the first war, I'm afraid he can't keep a low profile.

Today, if he loses, even if he escapes, there will never be many people who miss him. The divine power of Taichu has a fatal ** power against both the Lord God and the God King. Therefore, today, he can't be defeated, and he still has to win strongly.

However, now he has not even been able to fight head-on with the sky, and can only keep chasing the sky. Outsiders may think that the sky is not his opponent, so they are running away. However, Jiang Feng knew that the sky wanted to consume with himself, and then captured himself at the hands of others in the star domain.

Jiang Feng doesn't know how strong the empty shark gang is. If he is really like the general main god, or just like the sky thinks, it is just a three-series source, he may have the way of the sky. However, today, the sky is doomed to be disappointed.

Since he wanted to win a strong victory, Jiang Feng had to withdraw his original desire to fight a war. Because if you are weak now, you will be involved with Xiaotian. It's better to directly burst out the strength that can shock everyone and make them completely lose the courage to fight. Even if there are still people who pay attention to themselves, after all, if there are fewer people, they will reduce a lot of troubles.

At the same time, Jiang Feng secretly blamed himself for when he became like this. Can't you really treat it fairly for a battle? As long as you can defeat each other, there seems to be no reason for fairness. Just like the same, if an adult fights with a child, is it possible for an adult to become a child?

"Alas, a person of the same level can't do it after all. That's all. That's all for today. Broken, mirror, sky, you really let me down. Come in, my dreamland!" Jiang Feng shouted in a low voice, and at the same time, the white light on his body surged strongly.

Then, all the people who were close to him found that they seemed to be unable to move.

"You..." Kong Tian's eyes widened in horror. Anyway, he didn't expect that Jiang Feng dared to break his oath. Yes, Jiang Feng used the power of space. He forcibly put himself into Jiang Feng's inner world. Not only that, but all the people around him were sucked in by Jiang Feng.

All the divine consciousness of the Lord God completely disappeared at this moment. At the same time, the main gods who have been closed in different places opened their eyes at the same time.

"So strong..." All the same answer came to their hearts.

"How dare you break your oath? Aren't you afraid of the highest law?" The sky has a frightened voice, but it is regretful. Now that he has entered Jiang Feng's inner world, he is at a disadvantage. My original continuous energy supply has been replaced by Jiang Feng.

However, he is not so scared. Because he did hear Jiang Feng's oath. In this way, as long as he insists, when the highest law comes, Jiang Feng will naturally not escape the bad luck.

At this time, the sky is in a chaotic world. Around his body, the dark breath protects him. The source of darkness barely opened up a small space in Jiang Feng's inner world, which is a temporary place for the empty sky.

"Welcome to my small world, the land of dreams! If the unaffable person sits still, I will naturally give you a show of creation. If you want someone else's, then you can continue to stand. Let me see if you have that kind of courage. In the sky, you don't have to worry about my affairs. You really disappoint me. In this case, you can completely disappear here. My excess, I am the real master. Jiang Feng's voice was illusory, and many people had panic on their faces. However, when hearing Jiang Feng say this, most people immediately sat in place.

They can't feel any external existence and know that they have entered Jiang Feng's inner world at this time. If Jiang Feng kills them, they will have no power to fight back. Of course, some confident people hold their chests high, as if they don't believe what Jiang Feng dares to do with them.

"Who do you think you are, slaughtering a strong man in a star domain? If you are dominated, do you think you can escape?" I don't know who it is, and a sentence came out.

After hearing this, everyone immediately felt that it made sense. Although they can't see each other at this time, they can hear the sound.

"I said that here, I am the master. Since you like to make a head bird so much, I'll show you first. Do I dare to kill you? Jiang Feng didn't like others threatening him all his life. Now, a person who is like an ant in his own eyes threatens himself with wild words.

"Ah..." After a scream, some people familiar with the man just now found that his breath was not there. Suddenly, they only felt their scalp numb. Today, did they really meet the killer?