City of Dimlight

Chapter 25 Channel

is night, the sky has no moon, silence and no light. Three adventurers who have been working all day sitting around the campfire, preparing to enjoy the first meal after more than ten hours. The black-eyed chicken strung on the branches made a pleasant "squeak" sound under the licking of the flame. The jumping oil emerged from various places and gathered together. Large drops fell on the carbon fire. With a "sneer", a green smoke came out, and then burned and became calm in a blink of an eye.

Nicole picked up the horned chicken, picked up the thick firewood and beat it a few times in the fire. After crushing out all the open fire, she gently gathered the charcoal into a pile and sprinkled a thin layer of sand. Nicole carefully put down the black-eyed chicken and put it down to let the residual temperature of the carbon fire continue to burn. Then she turned to Leo and asked with a smile, "Am I right what I did today?" On the way, I saw Leo barbecue food. Nicole didn't know why she was clamoring to learn. Leo had no choice but to teach it slowly. Unfortunately, although Miss Nicole was enthusiastic, her skills were really not good. She was often wrong. Recently, although she was basically harmless, she would not hurt herself or cause danger. It's dangerous, but I still often forget the steps.

Leo had a two-point smile in the corner of his eyes: "Today is basically right, and there is absolutely nothing wrong..."

Nicole was overjoyed and interrupted, "Does that mean that it will taste good today?"

Leo said slowly, "Although it's right, it won't taste good."

"Eh? Why is that?" Nicole was a little puzzled: "Didn't you teach it well?"

"There is nothing wrong with teaching, but it seems that you only wiped salt twice on the left half and once on the right side!"

Larry, who was looking at the map, laughed.

Nicole was ashamed and returned the thick wood in her hand to Leo. She ran away and said as she ran, "Well, you bully me. I don't care today. Go wash your hands first and come back to eat what you made..." The sound went up along the source of the stream.

Dozens of meters up along the stream, there is a small pool at the wall of the cave, where the spring water flowing from the rocks gathers into the pool, and then overflows from the pool and flows down to form this stream. On the pool is a pile of protruding huge rocks, covering the whole pool like a lid.

Leo didn't say anything, just picked up the roast chicken, sprinkled a little water on the side of the salt, and then continued to bake. When the water began to smoke, he carefully turned the roast chicken, water to the other side, and then slowly dried it.

"Ah~~~~" Suddenly, a scream came from the distance. It was Nicole.

Leo's body moved and was already a few meters away.

Nicole stood on the edge of the pool, pointed to the pool, and said to Leo and Larry, "Look, look, is this a skeleton?"

There were two bowl-sized fluorescence in the pool, which shot out through the sinking pool. With the ripples of the pool, the bright light shakes. With this fluorescence, how can the pool not look like a skeleton?

Leo knelt by the pool and buried his head in the water with a "bang". Leo opened his eyes, but saw that the pool was clear and transparent, but it seemed to be very deep. At the bottom of the pool, there were several glowing nocturnal algae entangled.

looked up and told them what they saw. Coupled with Larry's map, the three agreed that this must be the skeleton shown in the map.

"The skull's eyes refer to the place where I found something."

Larry read this sentence several times, and suddenly his heart moved and looked at Leo. The two walked around to both sides of the pool and began to climb up along the stone wall.

The wall of the cave went up vertically, and there was a lot of moss, which was wet and slippery. Leo climbed more than ten steps, and it was already difficult to move forward. As soon as he gritted his teeth, he pulled out a dagger from his waist, and even chiseled a pit to make a ladder and slowly went up. Nicole, who was waiting for the two people with this perseverance, was a little sad.

When Leo arrived, Larry had been up for some time. This made Leo a little depressed and couldn't help asking, "Uncle Larry, you're really good. It's been so long since I came up, but you seem to have been up for a long time?"

"Oh, nothing, I have the wooden stake nailed by the adventurer in front of me..."


With the help of the rope that Leo put down, Nicole easily climbed up from the wall of the cave that began to pull up, even staining his clothes. Before they fully stood firm, from Larry's cheers, the two knew that they had found the place where the adventurer had found his arm.

On top of a stalagmite in the pile of stones, there was an obvious tapping mark, with several fragments of the same material and arm scattered next to it. Larry narrowed his eyes and looked at it carefully.

He turned his head and said, "It seems to have fallen from above, but I don't seem to see the hole!"

Leo raised his head, just a few meters above, there was a pile of messy weeds and shrubs. He thought for a moment and climbed up along the stalagmite.

The bush grew in a strange posture, and Leo's hand had reached out. Touching the middle of the bush, he suddenly grabbed it hard and immediately pulled off a handful of wet and slippery shrubs. The bush brought down a thin stone. Suddenly, a head-sized hole appeared in front of Leo.

Leo reached into the hole and touched it left and right. It was just a thin layer. He broke hard and banged, and the gravel fell down with a gray body.

The body has been completely air-dried. He looks quite short, shorter than the dwarf, thin and weak, but his head is large and his fingers are slender. After falling down, it fell into several pieces, and Larry put the bodies together to make everyone see a general outline.

Leo jumped down, stood next to the body and asked, "Maybe this is what you call a dwarf?"

Larry squatted on the ground and examined the body inch by inch: "How did he fall?"

"It was a tunnel, but it didn't get through. At that time, he might be leaning against the hole, so when I opened the hole, he fell down... Eh? Look here!" Leo picked up the dwarf's left hand, which broke with his elbow, and on the body, there were steel nails connecting some metal to the bone.

Lari took out the metal arm, which was quite consistent with the fracture.

"It turns out that this arm is used by dwarfs. It's really a wonderful technology and a magical science!" Nicole sighed and asked, "Leo, what's going on? Why did the arm fall below, but the body was not found on it?"

Leo glanced at the distance, looked at the stones that fell at the beginning, and said to Nicole, who looked forward to it, and Larry, who looked forward to it: "I made a guess that these dwarfs don't know why. In short, they decided to dig a channel and prepare to It came out here, but it stopped when there was still a thin layer at the end..."

Leo pointed to the body.

“... He estimated that he was the last diger. At the last moment, he didn't know if it was anger or other reasons, he smashed the box hard on the stone wall, smashed a hole, and lay on the wall and died.

"So this box was held by a metal arm and stretched out the stone wall and hung in mid-air. After so many years, the connection of the arm broke and fell down."

If this dwarf is not dead, he will be very surprised. What Leo infers is not much different from what he saw that day. In this world, imagination can be said to be quite rich.

Leo changed his angle and pointed to the hole above and said, "This exit is not big. Although a hand is stretched out, it is not easy to see below, and it is full of moss and shrubs, covering the hole."

"In addition, there was no one here ten thousand years ago, so no one would have found it many years before it was full of shrubs and moss."

Speaking of this, Leo looked at Larry intentionally or unintentionally.

Lari is calm and expressionless.

After searching for a long time, the body had only a shiny sign engraved with incomprehable symbols, which was worn by a chain and hung around the body's neck. There is also a dark stick, which is as long as a finger and has many uneven lines.

Leo rudely put the sign around his neck and threw the iron stick at Larry.

Simply cleaned up, ate a few pieces of the half-charred black-eyed chicken and wooden fruit cakes, removed the traces, and several people climbed up the pile of stones again and entered the passage.

Except for the slightly wet entrance, the channel turned out to be abnormally dry. The accidentally stirred up the flying ash, which made several people cough. Larry took out a small magic crystal lamp, and everything gradually became clear under the light.

The channel is not big, and the three have to crawl to move forward, and when it is excavated here, it seems to be very urgent, but it is just dug up. The place to be reinforced is not reinforced, and the place where it should rest is not rested. It is not more than one meter high and only half a meter wide. Naturally, it is very crowded. Carelessly, the three of them were head The stone on the top touched it a few times.

The channel was very long, about hundreds of meters, and several people were silent, just following Leo crawling forward, and the heavy breathing sound was quite harsh in the channel.

After climbing for a while, suddenly everything became cheerful. Leo stood straight and looked left and right. He saw a very ordinary mud house, but 10 meters square, and the room was empty, but there was a ladder in the middle, leading to a hole in the zenith.

"This looks like a room," there was a groaning sound behind her, but Nicole had climbed out of the passage: "But why is the door on it?"

Leo meditated and didn't answer, but it was Larry. He only leaned out half of his body, took a little look and said, "This is not a room. This should be a knotted room."
