City of Dimlight

Chapter 39 Meeting

When the footsteps of the city defenders broke the silence, the noise began to poke their heads out of the houses.

When Boban pushed the door in, the door was dressed and ready to set out to train a group of family elders and guards: "Listen: the expression is fierce, the eyes are evil, the tone is rough, and all the hands are pressed on the handle of the knife - even in the face of the palace guards, you should make him feel that you are here to take debt!"

Everyone agreed, frowned angrily and murderous, rolled up their sleeves and touched the weapon back and forth, looking like they were suffering and deep hatred.

The door is very satisfied with the fierce appearance of the guard: "Yes! That's it! Overwhelm them first!" As soon as he turned his head and saw Boban, he greeted him with a smile: "How's it going? It's enough to attend the meeting of elders like this!"

Boban understood what he meant and replied respectfully, "It seems that you are determined to officially enter the palace today, big brother!"

The door is quite proud: "Now we have found the three princesses and destroyed the bloody thief group. The 3,000 soldiers of the family have been equipped with the most sophisticated dwarf weapons - the east of the whole kingdom has been controlled. Let me see what the storm harp can use to install the big-tailed wolf this time!"

Boban still showed a little worry: "But there is no evidence to point to Randall in this assassination. Will he use this as an article?"

The door waved his hand: "Yesterday, I communicated with His Majesty happily. I won't mention this matter for the time being. Even if he raises it, we still have a way to deal with it. But we now have an urgent matter that we have to do what we want. If they catch the first opportunity, it will be more troublesome.

Boban asked, "Is it the decision of the Presbyterian Congress this year?" - It is not difficult to guess that one of the major events every year must be the martial arts competition of the Kingdom of the Free Alliance.

The door raised his eyebrows: "In addition to the martial arts competition, this year's conference is also going to directly appoint the first as the martial arts chief of the Black Forest Castle - that's a good position under one person and above tens of thousands of people!"

Boban understands the meaning of Mendie. As the largest Warcraft settlement in the Kingdom of the Free Alliance, the Black Forest has not only vast and dangerous, but only has a half-river passage to enter. As the last stop, the Black Forest Castle, whether it is selling weapons, bows and arrows or potions, food profits are extremely considerable, and the magic crystals and gems purchased are much better than other places. Anyone who controls this place is extremely convenient and rich.

Boban is worried: "Well, brother, we don't seem to have any swordsmen who can definitely win the championship in the martial arts competition..."

"Don't worry about this," the door came close to Boban's ear: "Kunnas has officially joined our family."

Quinas is a distant relative of the Mendie family. He was accidentally attracted by the "Twilight Sword God" and brought him to learn swordsmanship. He has not appeared for more than ten years. Now it is said that he has reached the peak of the seventh level. As a secret weapon, he was entrusted to the Solomon family by the royal family at this critical moment. The meaning contained in it goes without saying. And metaphor.


At the end of the circular round table, there are 18 elders of the Presbyterian Church and several alternate elders on the periphery. Randall, the patriarch and the president of the Storm Harp Mercenary Corps Union, automatically sat down in the two places farthest from the house, with rows of elders with different positions in the middle.

Duke Miweig, the chief elder and marshal of the kingdom, sat upright, like the last insulator between the two poles, with several guards in black armor behind him, full of indescribable power - only the chief elder could bring the guards into the field.

Duke Miwiger made an opening speech, mainly because the situation is difficult, and everyone must open up personal grievances, put the overall situation first and other irrelevant words.

Then the finance county officials reported the main income and expenditure of the kingdom this year (all the elders began to yawn.)

Workers' and Peasants County officials reported on the main grain revenue and urban defense construction (yawning turned into drowsiness).

Criminal county officials began to report on the main urban security situation (the rhythmic purring has begun).

Military county officials reported on the main military and border situation (Duke Miweig patted the table to remind everyone that the highlight was about to begin. The elders began to rub their eyes and drink tea and moisten their throats to prepare to speak).

The executive county began to report on people's livelihood and disasters in various places this year. All the elders began to nod and respond, saying that they were listening to the voices of the people attentively. Then officials began to ask about this year's martial arts competition.

The highlight begins!

An elder first spoke at Randall's sign, making a request for the competition: he must be a national registered in the Kingdom of Free Alliance and have more than three levels of strength.

The camp of the elders began to sneer: they were afraid of losing and become this virtue, so they only allowed their own losers to participate. And it is proposed with strictness and righteousness that anyone who has the ability can participate, and in the end, the kingdom can choose the best.

Opponent's counterattack: In order to avoid mixing into the spy, you must also choose a reliable person.

The elder's camp is sarcastic: thinking about money is crazy, and I don't want to think about what the Black Forest martial arts chief does. The most important thing is that in case a powerful warcraft appears in the Black Forest, he can lead the defenders to turn the tide, and finally affectionately calls the opponent elder a creature at the beginning of the word "X" and the end of the word "X".

The opponent counterattacked again: pretending to be as smart as a pig, a group of businessmen who don't know martial arts and military, know a bird!

The two sides began to scold, expounding the specific circumstances and circumstances of their super-friendly relationship with the other party's direct collateral women, and expressed their doubts about the authenticity of the other party's bloodline...

Speaking of the intensity, the two sides began to pick up the teacup and make various provocative actions, and listed all kinds of bad deaths that may be caused by the other party...


Duke Miwigg patted the table and roared, "Enough, what's your style?" Followed by a sound of knives coming out of its sheath.

Although he knew that Duke Miweig could not really arrest himself, he had to give face. All the elders sat down again and put down all kinds of utensils, revealing a kind and kind gentleman.

Duke Miwigg said rudely: "Can you change something fresh next time? Every time it's like this, I have to be pissed off by you!" The duke is high, powerful and much older. Like a lesson to his descendants, no one dares to say more.

There was a smile in Mendie's heart: the more chaotic the scene, the better. As long as it is not won first by the people of the Storm Harp Union, no matter who wins the championship, there will not be much loss to themselves. Looking at today's situation, it is estimated that this martial arts competition will be extremely chaotic, and it's better to end it.

Duke Miwig turned his head and asked the executive county official, "What do you think is better?"

Everyone was surprised: Duke Miwigg rarely asked the opinions of the reporting officials. Today, the elders present did not ask but asked him, which must be a reason.

Mendie's heart is bright: the elders present belong to two factions, and only the analysis of the executive county itself is the most in line with the current needs of the kingdom, and is the most fair and objective.

The officials looked at the elders on both sides, and then looked at the Duke's expression, and said, "We feel that there are few strong people in the kingdom now. Compared with the Sorus Empire and the Atlantis Empire, the gap in high-end force is too big. In a few years, if a war really breaks out, we will never be their opponents!"

"That's what you mean..."

"In private, we all believe that we should break the routine this time. We should not only relax the restrictions on the martial arts competition, but also find a way to make it the first martial arts competition in the mainland," the official said frankly: "At that time, it will attract some strong people to our country and take the opportunity to attract some parts of them to strengthen our country."

Duke Miweig smiled and praised, "Yes, that makes sense. It seems that your executive county usually makes a lot of effort!"

"Then it's decided to hold an unprecedented world's first martial arts competition, Elder Mendie, Elder Randall, what else do you have to say?"

Seeing that the old Duke's idea had been made, it was really not appropriate to refute it. Randall bowed and said, "The Duke is reasonable and I admire it." He stared at the door fiercely: "I didn't expect that the door had come up with such a way to report all the work to the officials. It was definitely the idea of the old fox Boban - why didn't you kill him last time? This joke is really big!"

Although it took the expected effect, the door is still a little surprised: this official is obviously not his own person, why did he speak clearly help himself and openly without showing traces? When did Wang come up with such a talent who can outstandingly favor his side? Seeing Randall's angry eyes, the door sneered and looked at the top of the cave on his head, with an expression of "I'm dying of you", but he didn't say anything - it made him more angry than saying something.

Duke Miweig cleared his throat: "Then this year's martial arts competition has been decided: this martial arts competition is named "the first martial arts competition in the world", and the momentum has been relaxed. Your executive county will come up with a specific plan for prizes and official positions. I would like to ask your majesty - everyone to work together for a complete success. It's really valuable!"

The elders below smiled and echoed, saying that they were approving the wise decision of the old Duke. It is no wonder that although the old Duke did not personally command any of the legion, three legions of the six legions of the kingdom were his disciples, and his prestige was high in the kingdom. Randall once said that offending the emperor is nothing more than demotion and so on. It's so easy to die, but if he offends the old Duke, don't say he will do it. His group of powerful disciples alone can eat the whole mercenary regiment without seasoning - tens of millions Don't go against the old duke!

The six legions of the kingdom, with a navy in the southeast and northwest, have built a strong defense system. Although the number of people in the underground world is rare, each legion still has more than 50,000 regular soldiers, a total of 300,000 troops. Due to the wealth of the Free Alliance Kingdom, the army is well equipped and well trained, which is absolutely not to be underestimated.

At this time, the old Duke's bodyguard hurriedly opened the door and broke in, whispering in his ear - everyone was quite surprised by this rude behavior.

"What?" Duke Miweig shouted, his hand rattled the back of the chair, and the muscles on his face twitched uncontrollably. Obviously, there was a very bad news.

The old duke said word by word: "Quick horse 800 miles, undead creatures appeared in the mountains of Karas, and the commander of the Hegel Legion thought that the black tide had begun again!"

"Fuck~!" Mendie and Randall rarely reached an agreement, and many elders in the southwest of the royal capital were shocked and asked one after another.

The old Duke's face was solemn: "It's really a wave after wave. No one has been selected for the Black Forest, and the black tide in the mountains of Karas has rise again. It seems that this year is destined to be turbulent - this is the matter of the martial arts competition. All the elders with full-time positions, come with me to the palace to meet your majesty!"

The elders agreed and moved quickly.