City of Dimlight

Chapter 63 Ambush? Counter-Ambush!

The team escorting the prisoners walked for hours, and Leo watched their team gradually loosen up, often leaving a few behind - now everything has become his hope.

The last detour of this road is between two huge stones, and then suddenly opens up to the steep slope, followed by a sharp turn, walking along the protruding rocks on the edge of the valley, and finally a cliff and a steep slope on the other. Leo and Simon looked at each other and smiled, which was the right place for the two to raid.

In front of him was Camilla, the vampire Baron. He was assigned to escort this group of people back to the castle, and the ghost dragon could not wait to fly back. Now he is riding a skeleton horse lazily in the middle of the team.

More than 40 zombies, seven or eight mummies and a few dozen skeletons move forward at a relaxed speed. The vampire barons control skeletons and zombies, while the mummies have their own ideas, and they freely distribute the team in the middle. Although these monsters are more than expected and more dangerous, they are also within control.

Nothing happened when the first skeleton stepped on the steep slope, but when the last mummy stepped on the steep slope, Leo launched a sudden attack from behind.

Leo suddenly appeared from the shadow, and his machete drew a snowy light and directly cut a zombie in half. Then he turned to the other direction and found a long sword facing him. Leo also had time to fight with the skeleton holding the sword. He shook his hand and the machete of his left hand threw an arc in mid-air - the stupid skeleton's eyes raised his head with the sound of the machete.

The raised neck is a good target. Leo's right machete accurately cut on the joint, and the skull fell to the ground with a click, and then he stretched out his hand to catch the falling machete. Leo continued to move forward. He kicked the headless skeleton as he passed it by the way, and then rushed into the pile of undead.

Camilla was shocked, and his spiritual instructions spread out one by one. The skeletons and zombies howled and rushed to Leo, desperately trying to get rid of the tingling sensation in his brain.

Instead, the mummy was squeezed to the front - they disdained to be with such a low-level undead.

Camilla looked at the undead who were confronting the enemy in the narrow passage with a sarcastic smile on her face, but this smile soon solidified on her face - the enemy was very powerful, and the channel was too narrow, and her troops were at a disadvantage.

He felt something was wrong, and he looked left and right, hoping to find a solution.

Suddenly, he heard a horse hiss from behind him, and at the same time, a wave of pressure came from the same place.

Before the vampire baron could turn around, he heard an angry shout behind him: "A bunch of bastards! You can't even deal with one person?"

Advanced undead! He turned around in a hurry and faced the people.

A dark knight appeared in front of him. The armor all over his body sparkled under the reflection of ghost fire. ** The skeleton horse was majestic and powerful, and the four-shoe flames were burning.

"Your Excellency, you have seen that it's not that we don't try our best, it's really the terrain..." Camilla hurriedly explained that the army under the ghost emperor must appear here, and the Dark Knight himself could not afford to provoke.

"Huh!" The Dark Knight snorted, and a flame spewed out of the skull horse's nostrils.

"Call your troops to make way, and I'll deal with him!" The Dark Knight gave the order directly without discussion. At the same time, he pulled out his sword and prepared for the sprint.

"Please wait a moment, please..." Camilla answered with a mental fluctuation. Regardless of the possibility that the mummy disobeyed him, he directly gave orders to all the undead. With the dark knight behind him as the backing, he was much more confident.

The mummy directly paid tribute to the senior undead. They obeyed unconditionally and squeezed to the edge of the cliff while pulling all the prisoners together.

Camilla also hurriedly pulled the skeleton horse close to the cliff. He did not rush to the North Dark Knight. It was a wise choice to get out of the way. He glanced at the enemy opposite. He stared at the Dark Knight, crossed the machete in his hand, fell to the ground, and made a hedging posture. Is this unself-sufficient human being ready to hedge against the Dark Knight?

The skeleton horse hissed, raised its front hoof and stood up, and then stepped heavily on the ground.

The skeleton horse began to accelerate, and the dark knight above him leaned over and raised his sword!

Camilla's nerves have been tense, and he is ready to watch a big play - what ability does this human have to fight against the Dark Knight?

The Dark Knight roared past it!

A flash of knife!

He just felt that he suddenly flew into the air!

When it rolled in mid-air, the corners of its eyes swept to a horrible scene: the Dark Knight's knife cut down heavily and split the mummy's head and shoulders, revealing the withered internal organs.

"It's broken..."

The last words that appeared in my mind were two words...

While Simon sprinted, Leo also rushed through the skeleton group and directly slaughtered the mummy - as long as he killed all the controllers and then eliminated the mummy, the remaining zombies and skeletons were not afraid.

The plan was carried out smoothly - Simon secretly cut off the head of the vampire Baron Camilla, destroyed all the mummies with Leo, and then the two slaughtered the miscellaneous soldiers.

The people who escaped from the storm harp mercenary union also broke off the rope at the same time and picked up the weapons on the ground to fight back.

Although Randall and others have no power to deal with the dead-winged ghost dragon, there is no pressure to deal with these skeleton soldiers.

A shadow suddenly fell from the sky!

The dark shadow fell to the ground, and the wings and claws gradually shrank in full view of the public, and they entered the body and became a big man in black.

This big man has now squatted down and rolled on the ground with a smile.

Leo took a look, and then guessed from the expressions of the storm harp. He turned to face Simon and saw that the Dark Knight had stood and began to gather together like a big enemy.

"Abby?" Leo approached Simon's side and asked softly.

Simon didn't look at him, just nodded and said in a low voice, "It seems that they found it! After a while, when I fight with him, you will find an opportunity to escape, -- these people," he looked at Randall and others: "If you can't save it, you won't save it!"

"But you..." Leo seems to be ready to say something.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Simon interrupted him and raised his voice and shouted, "Do as I say!" He freed a hand and patted Leo on the shoulder: "Don't worry, the teacher is not so easy to die!" He grasped the hilt of the sword again and focused his attention on the forehead.

Ebi smiled for a while before raising his head: "It's so funny! Human beings are so naive that they think that my great dead wings will be deceived by a summoning creature!" There was murderousness in its eyes: "None of you can escape!" A unique dragon power gushed out like a wave, covering the whole area.

The Dark Knight trembled a little under pressure, but he was still straight on the horse and did not give in like a long gun. The skeleton war horse under him made a whining sad cry, but it also felt the master's fighting spirit. Although the four hoofs could not stand up, they still struggled to stand firm and did not retreat.

"That's good, you can still hold on!" Urbi was a little unexpected. He increased Longwei again. The skeleton horse knelt down with a bang, and his whole body trembled and couldn't help crying.

At the moment of falling to the ground, Simon had jumped up, and a gray-black sword light flashed in the air.

The Dark Knight seems to have done his best to pour out several major skills of corruption, aging and corrosion, all of which are coated with the sword body and flying obliquely to Urbi to cut down head-on!

With a wave of Urbi's hand, a virtual shadow appeared in the air. In the shadow, the ghost crying wolf howled and showed the shape of a ghost dragon. It didn't say anything casually, and with a "dang" sound, it had hit Simon for several meters.

The Dark Knight fixed his figure in the retreat, and there was a smile on the corners of his mouth.

Urbi looked down and saw a piece of gray on his arm. The gray and black can't help squirming, like a living thing slowly spreading.

"Unexpectedly, you are a small dark knight who can also understand the advanced superposition of skills - secretly added erosion to corruption," Urbi's praise suddenly rose: "If time goes on, you may not be able to upgrade to a nightmare knight. Seeing that you are a little new, in this way, I will give you a chance to survive: as long as you surrender the fire of your soul to me, I will give you a way to live." Urbi sneered and by the way, a black fog rose on his hand. The fog fell on his arm, freezing the gray and black on his arm like ice and snow, and formed a piece of ice shell.

He flicked gently, the ice shell shattered and fell off, and his arm was not well at all.

Leo's heart was stunned. It seemed that Simon himself was also a little big. He couldn't help but find out Simon's original intention: stop the ghost dragon and let Leo escape!

As Simon, Leo is extremely important to himself. He has tried his best to come up with this at this critical juncture!