City of Dimlight

Chapter 79 Core

He hesitantly stepped on the narrow and barrier-free path, and when his confidence gradually increased, he began to speed up. This path seems to go straight to the exit to the other side. Even if the protrusion is only two feet in the widest place and much narrower in the narrowest place, but the light-handed soldier walked through without any difficulties. He suddenly came to the front of the bridge, which was a narrow stone arch bridge.

He walked on the stone bridge and was about to move forward when he suddenly heard some noises - he immediately climbed to the ground.

A huge colossus came out from under the bridge and wandered clumsily in search of unusual things. The colossus is eight feet high and three feet wide. It is bigger and stronger than any living person. It is almost the size of a giant, and it has also been given power beyond nature by magic.

"I knew it was not that simple." He crawled down and began to move forward easily. When he came to the middle point of the bridge, he began to walk down the curved back to the wall along the other side of the pit, with a wider protrusion. At the end of the bridge was a faint tunnel, emitting a little light, just like the ones he had just left on the upper floor.

The colossus climbed over the head without finding the enemy, still looking for the invisible enemy.

"A guardian statue," he told himself and thought of another question: "Where is this place? Why is there such a thing as a guard statue? He regretted that he didn't ask the little angel Aurora about this question, but soon he began to comfort himself: "It doesn't matter. It will tell me when I go back."

So he hid in the shadow with his agile footsteps and dodged into the tunnel. The demon statue did not see him.

He returned to confirm that he had left the dangerous area, and the demon did not chase or find himself. He was relieved and began to observe the tunnel.

The tunnel is very short and has only one door. He soon found himself standing in front of a tall and gorgeous metal door engraved with the creator's weapon - the hexagonal trident, and below are some mysterious words. His heavy breathing proves that his apparent calmness is false.

"I don't know what's behind, but I have to try!" He comforted himself and gave courage with this sentence, then took the machete and pushed it to the door.

The huge metal door was gently opened by him, as if there was no weight again. He saw a short passage inside with a black curtain at the end. The pendulum-like blade hung in the middle of the aisle with hostility, and underneath was a pile of white bones.

He chuckled in a cold satisfaction. He paused when he passed the blade and walked to the black curtain, and then summoned up his courage to open the last barrier leading to the room.

He grunted with determination and lifted the curtain to both sides. Ah~" He shouted and raised the machete, but as soon as he saw the scene inside, the knife condensed in mid-air. The destruction he has seen anywhere has not been more complete than here: the bones are like mountains, scattered on the ground, and whatever has ever been here has been crushed into powder.

"Did the statue do it?" He asked himself, but while he asked himself, he also saw a huge hole in the wall. It was not a slender tunnel around the gate, but a big hole, as if some magical tool had blown up the stone.

"What kind of ability can do this?" He asked again, as if hoping that someone could answer this question. - No one answered it, but he also found the answer himself.

He quickly found a clue - inadvertently he caught a glimpse of the curved shiny thing on the floor, thinking that it was a pool of dark **. However, when he bent down and looked closely, he found that it was not ** at all, but a scale, darker than the darkest night, and almost the size of a person.

"Dragon!" He blurted out - he recognized the unique shape - holding the edge of the scales and lifted it to observe more carefully. Then he turned around quickly and began to observe the size of the hole and tunnel. He quickly found an answer: I don't know why a dragon attacked here, and then he didn't know whether it was because he found something he wanted or there was no way to pass through the tunnel. It stopped destroying and left, leaving the tunnel and a complete bridge. And guard the statue.

He left the big hole and continued to look for it, but no matter which room was, it was destroyed quite completely, and he couldn't find anything valuable - the materials were not included.

But he was quite lucky: after all the searches, he checked the bedroom by the way - it was also very damaged, but only half of the ** reminded him of some human habits, such as setting up a dark compartment or cabinet at the head of the bed.

prompted by this idea, he began to look for it, and successfully found the dark grid and took out several small bags and a stone inside.

The size and shape are exactly the same as described by the little angel. He intuitively told himself that he had found the right one, and then quickly left here and returned along the original road - the atmosphere here really couldn't make people stay for another second.


"Blacker than black," Aurora whispered, once again naming the most frequently mentioned name of that fateful day hundreds of years ago. The master told me this," the little angel explained to him. He called it a dragon born by demons, and its darkness is darker than black. The dark dragon killed many of their masters and drove us out.

"Master?" He remembered the previous question: "Where is this? And who is your master?"

"Here? The space of the gods!" It soon began to explain because it felt the core: "This is a place created by everyone for recreation, but after the whole world lost its gods, it became a refuge for the descendants of gods - my master is the descendants of God!"

"How did God disappear?" He was shocked by the news: "And how could the gods need to take refuge?" He couldn't believe what he heard: "The gods are all powerful and supreme forces in legend, and they will be killed?"

The little angel snorted disdainfully: "Maybe the gods are powerful in your place, but here it's just a reptile - the dark dragon can easily kill us!" It began to tell history: "The Dark Dragon does not belong to this world. It comes from the shadow world, which is a dark image of the bright world, which is not known to the residents of the world, except in their darkest nightmares that are far from reality. The fangs belong to a high rank there, are older, and are also highly respected among the dragons that rule that world. But when the stupid and greedy gray dwarfs who once lived here dug too deep into the darkness below to open the door to his realm, the dragon came easily. He easily subdued all the gray dwarves and began to implement his own plan: devour enough divine descendants, and then create his own character to become a god!"

"The blatant found the divine descendants of this plane, so it began to capture us until this last hiding place." The little angel continued to explain that he found that he could not accept so much for a moment, so he began to slow down and wait for him to sort out his thoughts.

"And then?" He began to ask questions.

"Then?" Aurora let out a wailing: "The Dark Dragon broke through the final line of defense and rushed in and swallowed all the gods - my master was not spared in the end." Its sadness began to turn into anger: "But it forgot that the gods here have a weapon left by the Creator. Although no one can control it, once someone controls it, it will be easily killed!"

He raised the machete in his hand and said hesitantly, "Are you talking about it?"

"Hm - don't underestimate it." The little angel clearly pointed out his doubts: "Once it bursts out, it must have overwhelming power!"

"Oh, oh!" He prevaried and asked his own concerns: "So can we get out of here?" He added, "At least you should be able to escape?"

"You don't have to worry about this! The Dark Dragon has already left this plane. It should be looking for gods elsewhere - as long as you put the core on me, I can leave this altar and take you away!"

He took out the core: "Where is it?"


According to the little angel's instructions, he put the core in a groove on the angel's back and then retreated to the side. The little angel quickly grew a pair of metal wings at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then soared into the air and circled happily in the air.

"I'm out, and I can finally come out! - I don't need to be guarded on the table anymore!" It moves rapidly in the air and touches it everywhere.

"Hey!" He waited for a long time, saw that it really didn't mean to stop, and couldn't help reminding, "Where are we going out - you don't want to regret it?"

The little angel flew in front of him and danced his wings: "No! I'll take you away now!" It thought for a moment and asked a question first: "Where did you come in?"

Where did you get in? What do you mean? He doesn't understand.

"Oh, that's stupid! It means to ask you which magic array you came in - the master created two magic arrays to lead to the human plane in order to escape, and you must have come in through one of them - is there any sign of the magic array that you came in?

He thought carefully: " a broken house with a pool at the door!"

"Oh? Let me think - is it in the house, not in the cave?" It asked, "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure about this," he nodded with certainty: "It's in the house, not the cave!"

"That's simple!" It flew to the front: "I'll take you out - by the way, what's your name?" The little angel finally thought of the question he didn't want to ask: "I don't know how to call you!"

He thought for a moment and gave himself a name: "You can call me Allen!"