City of Dimlight

Chapter 85 Escort Mission

Archangel Fortress of the Kingdom of the Free Alliance.

Another wave of attack was resisted. Leader Leris looked at the dark figure standing on the tower and the dark figure in the distance, during which the shaking ghost fire shone out an area. At this time, he could clearly see the densely squeezed dead spirits.

"It's all low-level creatures," he muttered, "I really don't know when those high-end goods will appear!" Thinking of his rotation of soldiers, he smiled and said, "If it really continues like this, all the more than 100,000 troops in the kingdom can be refined into elite soldiers."

The training plan was proposed by the old Duke: arrange all the soldiers and reserve troops that have not passed through the battlefield on the front line, mix them with the soldiers on the front line, and then participate in the battle to train soldiers in the battle with low-level undead creatures. In the future, there will be a greater chance to win against the senior undead.

Looking at the soldiers on the wall cleaning the battlefield, the wounded soldiers were sent down the tower, and the damaged equipment and the used bows and arrows and rolling wood were sent up in batches to prepare for the next battle.

To be honest, the attack of these low-level undead is like a child's play: the wall of the archangel fortress is solid, coupled with countless catapults and fire oil, skeleton zombies are simply harvested below without causing much damage. The only thing that could cause some trouble to the wall was the ghost, but it was soon purified by the garrison's priest.

Leris still has some worries. It has been so long. Not to mention the senior undead in the initial news, even intermediate ones rarely appear. He also raised this problem to the old Duke several times, but he did not find a real solution. Soldiers come to block it, and the water comes to cover it. The old duke said so.

A click came from the stairs of the tower, and a messenger quickly appeared in his sight. Lord Leris, the Duke called you over and said he would hold a meeting!"

He nodded and quickly followed.

He has roughly guessed the content of the meeting. Last night, several young non-commissioned officers put forward a new plan to lead the army to take the initiative to destroy the enemies under the city, and then build a large camp on the mountainside to form a horn with the Archangel Fortress to cover each other - to expand their defense scope. At the same time, get the opportunity to take the initiative. In this way, we may gain an advantage in mobile warfare," said the leading non-commissioner. "This can exert the attack power of our cavalry and make it easier to find out the enemy's weaknesses."

Leris is not unaware of the merits of this plan - he can send cavalry to cover the enemy's rear at any time and quickly attack the enemy's logistics. But he also knew clearly that if the battalion was built, the cavalry was likely to be surrounded by the enemy - to eat a battalion without wall protection, after all, it was much easier than capturing the Archangel Fortress.

What worries him most is some creatures that appear in these armies - they are all alive, whether they are corpse-eating monsters or hateful. After all, they belong to living monsters.

The enemy only showed one finger, and there is really no need for him to see all his strength clearly. But the possibility of this plan being implemented is very high - since the war, it seems that human beings have gained the upper hand, and there is not much loss on our side, and everyone feels optimistic. More importantly, although the proposers of this plan are only a few non-commissioned officers, behind them must be His Royal Highness Howard.

"I'm old and can't protect you for many years," the old Duke said to Lairis in private: "Whether it's the eldest prince or the second prince, don't fight with them head-on, or then... alas... some things, we won't worry too much!"

Liris smiled. It seems that this is another strategy for the second prince to show his skills. As long as he has little to do with himself, why should he be this bad guy?


"I'm going to die!" Bosk rushed into the room, but saw Mr. May sleeping soundly and couldn't help slapping the table angrily. Get up, old man!"

Mr. Mei looked at it with empty eyes and said slowly, "What's wrong?"

"That idiot Kunbu took on a mission to give away - I don't know how to get away now!" He said angrily and viciously.

"Don't want to do it? - Just push it! It's not that troublesome!" Mr. Mei closed his eyes and prepared to continue to sleep.

Bosk grabbed the bottle on Mr. May's table and was about to fall.

" OK! OK! OK! If there is anything, just say," Mr. Mei got up directly: "Put down my wine bottle first. Everything is fine!"

Bosk put the bottle back on the table and sat down with a sad face: "This task can't be pushed away - it's a task entrusted by the elder of the Elf Kingdom!"

Mr. Mei began to pay attention to it. He sat upright and asked about the task carefully.

At the beginning of the Black Tide, a business group was trading with the Kingdom of Freedom Alliance and the Soros Empire, exchanging jewelry, food, magic bows and arrows produced by elves for iron weapons in the human world. Elves are not good at doing business. This kind of business group belongs to the country and trades on behalf of the Elves Kingdom. In the early days of the black tide, the business group just set out from the Elf Kingdom. When it came to the Soros Empire, they knew that the Black Tide had occurred. After all the transactions were completed, the Elf Business Group found that the Free Alliance Kingdom could no longer find any mercenaries to transport goods, so the Elf Kingdom directly found several major Liberty Alliance Kingdoms by the elders. The merchant asked for help, and the Blue Mermaid Mercenary Corps was recommended to the front desk in this case.

"That's nothing," Mr. Mei said easily, "it's just a guard mission - just go to Pazac and Garlock!"

Bosk almost jumped up: "What you said is easy! They pointed out that there should be two guards above the seventh level, the eighth level is better, and the rest must be senior mercenaries - now none of our regiment can escape, and all of them will go!"

"Go and go. What's the big deal?" Mr. Mei has a prevaricate taste.

"So what to do with things here?" He already had a little pleading: "At least you are an elder, you have to come up with ideas for me anyway!" Then he thought about it and added, "Even if you see that every time you buy a big barrel of wine in the group, we can't throw away the market that only opened up here!"

"Yes, it makes sense!" Mr. Mei had a lot of this 'big bucket' of wine** and quickly came up with a solution: "First of all, you pull up the old guy Larry, and then you, Zach and Garlock. You take more than a dozen ordinary league members to do this task. Su will be responsible for the matter here, assisted by Kunbu and Mevis." He smiled and said, "Isn't this solved?" So... what if something happens? Bosk asked in a hurry.

"Isn't there still me?" Mr. Mei gave him a white look: "If it's really something, I'll spill my old bone to help you!" As soon as the words fell, Bosk had jumped up and rushed out of the door of the room. "You said it yourself. You always have something to do!" The last sentence is already ten meters away.

"Bad boy, count me!" Only then did Mr. Mei understand that the reason why Bosk discussed with him was just to let himself agree to assist Su. "When did I not help you bastards?" Mr. Mei sighed: "It seems that you can't live a leisure life!"

Now the Blue Mermaid Mercenary Corps has hundreds of members and is stationed in the city of thousands of sails on the border, not too far from the Archangel Fortress, a city that is not very big. Usually, the main members are entrusted to the stone city, and then earn gold coins, expand their scale and train newcomers. Due to the performance in the early stage of the Kuroshio, the blue mermaid was rewarded as a meritorious official and the garrison. Later, the mercenary regiment completed some difficult tasks in succession, so the Kingdom of the Free Alliance simply rewarded them with this sparsely populated town, or a small mountain village, as a territory.

Compared with the Black Forest Castle rewarded by the martial arts competition, or Shiyan City, where the Storm Harp Mercenary Union is stationed, this thousand sail city is completely a sesame spot on bread. For this reason, people also complained about Zach, who was unwilling to participate in the martial arts competition.

However, after months of painstaking management and efforts, the city has begun to take shape, and the old Duke and the Solomon family also helped to quickly solve some of the initial economic problems, making the Blue Mermaid successfully enter the city of Qianfan.

While sailing smoothly, many new problems have also begun to emerge, the most obvious of which is that he can't make ends meet, so Bosk is so anxious about this escort mission, hoping to receive a batch of gold coins to solve the current difficulties.