City of Dimlight

Chapter 88 Sailor Life

The crew walked through the window one by one and took a plate full of beans and cakes from the chef. The beans were mixed with dried meat. It seemed that Captain Locke had a good meal for everyone.

Aurora looked at Alan eating beans. "It seems that you like the food here very much," he said, with a sarcastic smell: "You didn't spit!"

Aron took a bite of the cake, "The food is too expensive to spit," he made a joke. In just a few days, Allen adapted to this bumpy life, ate well and slept well, which surprised the little angel.

Suddenly, Allen's eyes were attracted, as if he were staring. He didn't have time to put down the plate and stood on the watchtower and shouted, "Birds! Birds!"

Hearing the shout, Captain Locke appeared on the bow, and the sailors below also boiled up in an instant. They began to put down the plates in their hands and stood in their respective positions and began to prepare.

Silver birds rise and fall on the sea. This scene simply shows that they have met a group of fish, and it is a group of fish on the sea, which is suitable for fishing and is the main catch of fishing boats.

"There are many birds, which is a big group of fish." Locke grinned, "Hey, young man, come down and help!" After greeting, he directly issued an order: "Turn right three and a half times, the front sail is half lower, and the tail sail rises!"

"Turn right three and a half times," the helmsman repeated loudly. At the same time, the rudder in the handle turned to the required position. The main sail fell, and the speed of the ship immediately dropped. The sailman behind him skillfully adjusted the angle, and the ship became more flexible and rushed straight to the fish.

"Prepare to get off the net!" Seeing that the ship was getting closer and closer, Captain Locke gave another order.

Soon after putting down a large net at the stern and dragging the fishing net through the fish, the boat began to turn around and collect the net by the way.

The winch creaked, and the fishing net gradually left the surface of the water. Looking at the heavy fishing net, Old Locke shouted, "It's a long tail!" Longtail is a very valuable fish. Its meat is delicate and juicy, fat and with few thorns. It is mainly edible, but this kind of fish generally catches relatively small. If this net has more than 100 long tails, then it is good luck.

The sailors cheered and went out to sea to make money to support their families. Who doesn't want to earn more?

Three or four hundred fish were knocked down on the deck, and the fishing nets were put down again.

Allen and Puke turned around the fish pile and threw the long tail and other valuable edible fish into a large wooden barrel.


When the glowing algae in the lake gradually extinguished their light, it came late.

The Nautilus had a big harvest today, and the net fish fell seven times before dispersing. This time, the fish news not only caught more than 200 long tails, but also a few hard-headed trout. Although they are only two or three feet long, their value is not low.

Dinner was fish. Several large plates of fish were cooked and put on the deck, and everyone poured a bowl of ale wine. "Today's harvest is good," Captain Locke shouted, "Everyone can get at least four gold coins!"

instantly cheered and thundered, and the sailors laughed loudly and began to pour wheat wine, fantasizing about the later harvest. A sailor picked up the wine bowl: "Thank you to this new young man - the fish news he found!" His name is Allen," Captain Locke picked up the wine: "Come on, let's toast him together!"

Allen also raised the wine bowl in the cheers of the crowd. "It's just good luck," he said modestly.

But the sailors don't. Sailors at sea have a tradition. If every new sailor can find good fish news, it means that he can bring luck to the ship and is loved by everyone. On the contrary, if he has never met good fish news or he can't find it in advance, then people will think that he is bad luck and can only go to the deck in the future. Come and scrub the deck until your luck improves.

Although Allen shirked the culph, he was still filled with several bowls. Everyone laughed. Their life is very simple and straightforward. If they like it, they just like it without any pretentious behavior.

After the crowd dispersed, Allen lay alone on the deck. "Little guy, today's things are really interesting," Allen smiled: "This kind of life is actually good!"

"What? Don't you want to know who you are?" Euler flew down from the mast and made a buzzing sound.

"Actually, what does it matter if you know who you are?" Allen smiled and said, "Maybe I'm actually a very bad person, wanted or something?" He stretched out his waist and said, "It's none of his mind. Let's talk about it then!"

"You should help me find the Dark Dragon for revenge!" The little angel objected: "You are the person selected by Shuo Ying!"

"But I don't know where to find your enemy," he retorted, "And I'm not that capable," he pulled out his machete and looked carefully, but didn't see anything strange. "Look," he raised the knife to Aurora: "This is not like a knife that can kill the Dark Dragon at all!"

"Whether it looks like it or not, it is!" The little angel said a motto: "You are like a fisherman and a sailor, but you are actually a magic swordsman!" It points out this: "There is no specific relationship between whether it is or not!"

Allen was confused by this long series of tongue twisters, and he didn't want to figure it out, so he turned around and pretended to fall asleep.

Aurora flew to the mast again, "Well, the more you think about it, the more I can't let you go," it began to think with its special skills: "I must find a way to restore your memory!"


"I've met the elder!" Bosk saluted politely and began his planned negotiations with a smile on his face.

"Oh, I didn't expect the leader of the blue mermaid to be so young," the elf elder sighed, "What a heroic teenager - we are really old!"

"The elder is flattered," Bosk said politely, "I don't know why the elder is looking for a guard this time?" He directly turned the topic to the topic and was ready to talk about the commission as soon as possible to avoid more troubles in the night.

The elder said, "Mainly because of this: our business group will come to several countries here for exchange every two years, mainly buying some things that our kingdom does not produce - such as iron and some materials, gems, etc. - generally we don't have many people, but we have to buy a lot when we go back. Food and materials must be transported and guarded, so we have always needed to hire some mercenaries to help us on our final return.

"Oh, that's it," Bosk nodded in agreement.

"But this year's situation is very special, not only because it is not easy to find mercenaries because of the black tide, but also because China is ready to make a large number of arrows and weapons to deal with this situation, the magic materials purchased are multiplied - worth more than one million gold coins, and professional mercenaries must assist us. In case of accident!" The main point of the elder's explanation is here, but Bosk clearly knows that due to this year's black tide, the prices of many things in the Kingdom of the Free Alliance have risen, such as food and materials, but the prices of some jewelry, handicrafts, etc. have fallen. The Elf country took the opportunity to buy it. It is estimated that there are many things. Accurate Prepare to go back and sell it to the orcs and dwarves, and then transport food and weapons to trade.

"In this case, what price is the elder going to give us?" Bosk opened his mouth rudely. Since you are going to make a profit, we can't miss it!

"Then it depends on the strength of your mercenary regiment," the elder smiled. "If we can meet our requirements, we can pay 50,000 gold coins. If we can't reach it, we can only pay 20,000."

"This... elder, why is the price so different?" Bosk pretends not to understand.

"Oh, don't get me wrong. Our elves calculate the employment fee according to their strength. Naturally, you have more to meet the requirements. If you can't meet them, you must be less." The elders continued to elaborate their theories.

"I understand - does the elder mean that the stronger the mercenary is sent out, the higher the price will be?" He asked deliberately.

The elder nodded. He knew very well that the blue mermaid had only one seventh-order swordsman and was unable to meet his requirements at all. He could only accept his offer of 20,000 yuan. And now, according to the situation, these human beings are mainly used for vigils and carrying goods. Except for a few strong men who can help in battle, they basically have little effect.

The blue mermaid has been hiding Larry's snow.

Bosk scolded in his heart, "It is said that the elves are very honest, but in this way, this elder is basically the same as an ordinary businessman. He is completely a profiteer!" He pretended to continue to ask, "What should we do if we overtake it?"

The elf elder looked at his appearance and thought that Bosk was still pretending, so he said very boldly, "If you can send an eighth-order strongman, we will naturally pay at the price of 50,000 yuan," and finally said half-jokingly that he regretted for more than half a year: "Of course, if you can If you ask a ninth-order sword god or magic god, our business group can pay up to 200,000!"

Really? Didn't you coax me?" Bosque.

"Really! We elves keep our word - but if we don't have two seventh-orders, we can only bid 20,000!"

Bosk smiled, stood up and opened the door, "You two come in and ask the elders to confirm your qualifications!" He said to Larry and Kozmo outside the door.