City of Dimlight

Chapter 114 Infiltrated Enemies

"Who else?" Aurora continued to ask questions.

"And..." The dark elf suddenly realized that the other party was trappering her words, and she was furious: "You are cheating me!"

"It seems!" Allen also smiled. He pulled the child behind him and pulled out another machete in front of the enemy.

"Then I'll find what I need from your body!" The dark elf waved his hand, and the priest's snake's first whip began to disturb excitedly, looking forward to the upcoming killing. The handle of the snake's head whip is a very simple gold, but the whip body and whip head are living poisonous snakes. And this six snake whip couldn't wait to dance and push, wrapping itself along the belt into many knots.

However, when Allen stared at the snake whip, the first attack came from the spider elf - the bow string sounded softly, and the arrow rain shot at him like lightning - the spider elf's arm could shoot three arrows at a time!

With endless sound, Allen danced a knife light with his machetes, blocking most of the arrows! But at the same time, six snake whips also flew over - he could clearly see the blue light of venom on the snake's teeth.

Obix rushed out from behind, and the half-moon machete flew out at the same time. After scratching the snake whip, five ugly snake heads fell to the ground, and the venom made a "squeak" sound on the floor, corroding the floor.

"No!" The dark elf shouted and even covered the scream of the snake's head. She quickly pressed to prepare for the next attack.

Obix jumped into the air and caught the left-handed machete flying back - while the right-hand machete flew back towards the dark elf.

Now it's the dark elf's turn to dodge - she has never seen this weapon and can only retreat to find a chance. But the child didn't give her a chance, and he rushed to the dark elf. At the same time, the magic released by the little angel began to flash, and a flash of lightning quickly shot at the opposite side, forcing the opponent to dodge.

An axe cut the air around the child and almost hit him. He blocked the opponent's first blow, and the other axe split over. The child began to dodge hard, but it was too fast to dodge.

The power of the first blow has made him start to lean back!

What blocked the enemy's axe was the shadow he was familiar with! - Allen has also rushed over!

After blocking the knife, Allen began to attack directly against the dark elf - the corners of his eyes saw the child reaching out and catch the machete flying back. Although he was still lying on the cold board, he knew that the little angel could take care of his safety.

He forced the enemy away with a knife!

Obix has now calmed down and is confident that he can solve these two enemies. Now he has two knives in his hand, and the dark elves are resisting Uncle Allen's attack and has no time to sneak attack himself.

When the spider elf with the axe suddenly rushed forward after taking a step back, raised the axe in his hand to make full use of this good opportunity - the child rolled over the monster's swollen body, he stabbed out with all his strength, and then dodged under the spider's body fluids all over the sky.

The monster hissed in pain, and then death firmly grasped it. The spider elf tried to escape, but still fell down, and the ** in his body kept pouring out and spilling on the ground.

When Obix turned around to face another monster, he found a shadow behind him pressing down.


He was crushed to the ground by the shadow, but when he got up, he found that it was another spider elf - now half burnt, emitting a strange smell - this is obviously the masterpiece of the little angel.

The dark elf retreated under Allen's attack. After dodging the machete again, she looked next to her, but found that the gap between what she saw and her hope was too big - a spider elf had been smoking all over her body, and the other was just opened!

The two spider elves fell on the deck one after another, with a time difference of less than ten seconds.

She was shocked!

Although she also guessed that the enemy was not easy to deal with, the reward conveyed by the Dark Queen was really an irresistible **. She tried her best to summon two spider elves, and who knew that the enemy's charge was completely eliminated!

Her surprise lasted only one second - less than a tenth of her pause, and the machete accurately scratched her throat!

The body fell to the ground, and blood began to flow around.

"It's over!" Allen put away the machete, looked it all with his night eyes, and said, "This fragment seems to be remembered by many people - we need to be double careful!"

The little angel nodded: "I increasingly believe that this fragment came to an artifact - the way the dark elf summoned is very strange. According to this situation, I guess it should be an order from the Dark Queen. Just one fragment is so big, which shows the incomparable importance of this fragment!"

"But," the child raised his own question: "Why did you send such an enemy?" He was surprised: "She's not strong!"

"She was not sent by the Dark Queen!" The little angel was very sure: "Maybe it's just that I got the news and wanted to earn the bonus by myself - if the Dark Queen knew that we were here, she would have sent much more troops than this anyway!"

"But now maybe the Dark Queen - even the whole Dark Elf family has known our news," Allen said: "The continuous assassins behind will be endless!" He patted Obix's head and made a joke: "Well, you have a lot of opportunities to practice your knife skills!"

The child laughed, but it was not that he didn't guess the worries behind Uncle Allen's joke.

The little angel looked at the three bodies and said, "It doesn't matter!" It made a very simple move: "No matter how much it is - we will not suffer in front of the dark elves. But--it pointed out another possibility: "It's possible that the Dark Queen doesn't know our exact location, but this guy found us--but by their nature, he won't notify the Queen first." It raises a critical question: "From the character of the dark elf: if she finds us and finds the fragments, she will definitely be rewarded; but if she reports the Dark Queen, she will definitely be sent to complete the task, and once the mission fails--" it squeezed its eyes.

"Will she be punished?" Allen said the second half, "So she won't report first?"

"Yes!" The little angel was very sure: "This punishment will probably be executed!"

"What a despicable race!" Obix said aside: "More despicable than the caveman!"

"That's natural," the little angel showed a contemptuous look: "They like conspiracy and assassination more than all races!"

"Forget it," Allen began to check the dark elf's package: "Let's not think so much about it. Let's calm the heart of the old fox first!"

There is no valuable property in the dark elf's package except for some simple utensils. After searching, Allen is ready to return to the deck with the two.

There was some trouble when I walked to the top of the stairs - the exit of the cabin had been firmly sealed and could not be pushed open.

"This damn old fox!" Allen scolded, "We will start to close the cabin before we come back!" He shouted, "Is there anyone? - We have destroyed the monster!"

"That's natural," the little angel said, "Their fox clan will always be the first to save their lives!"

A voice came from above: "Mr. Allen, is it you?" As soon as I heard it, it was Tomma's.

"Yes!" Allen's voice fully expressed an unhappy attitude: "Open the hatch!"

There was a burst of anger from above: "Who told you to seal the hatch? - Didn't I say that you must wait for Mr. Allen to come back?" Then came a noisy wooden board, which was estimated to be a seven-handed wooden board that began to open the cabin.

"Look," Allen smiled playfully: "Mr. Thomas is really considerate - now he definitely has to deal with his men!"

The little angel and the child will laugh heartily.

Toma was far more excited than Allen thought. His expression after seeing the body was completely shocked: "I didn't expect such a monster to slip onto the boat - Mr. Allen is so brave!" He looked behind him and said, "You all have to learn from Mr. Allen. What's your expression when you see a monster?"

Several chamber of commerce guards around him showed admiration and looked completely sincere. Only Allen knew what was going on.

Leave your own guard to protect yourself and send hired mercenaries against the enemy - although this trick is simple, it is very practical and effective. As a businessman, Tomma must be deeply accustomed to this way.

The only one who sincerely thanked may be the captain, "Thank you, Mr. Allen!" The Tauren hugged Allen's indescribable affection: "Without you, my boat might be over!"

Allen finally got rid of the warm welcome ceremony: "Well, don't have too many gifts - this is what we should do!" He asked, "Where have we been?"

Toma came over: "It's almost here - there are still three days at most! I will trouble Mr. Allen at that time!"

"Hmm," Obix finally found an opportunity to express his attitude: "Don't worry!" He grabbed Allen's clothes: "My uncle is first-class!"

"I know, I know!" There was a sound of praise around. How's the battle going?" A guard asked.

The child began to talk excitedly about the battle process, but very cleverly omitted those dialogues.

Aron slowly stepped to the side of the boat, and the old fox followed him closely.

He looked at the rolling waves on the port of the ship: "I don't know if it will go well then!" Allen looked at Torma: "Only you know what monsters are there? Can we deal with them?"

The fox businessman smiled: "I guess you have no problem, Mr. Allen!" He said his plan very clearly: "We won't dock. We will stop for a few days away from the coast!"

"That's good!" Allen shouted, "Let's go! Go back to rest!" All this may not be so simple, he knows it very well, but the puzzle will only be solved when it gets there.

Obix walked out of the crowd with his head held high and followed Allen to the front cabin.