City of Dimlight

Chapter 117 Mercenaries

This group of people have been walking east for several days. To their south are the snow-covered sharp peaks - winding mountains, parallel to the road they have taken. After crossing the westernmost peaks into the plain, they will turn south, pass through the path between the mountains and the sea, leave the valley, and walk hundreds of miles in the last desert to reach the periphery of the Elfland Forest.

The Dwarf Kingdom is mainly located in the mountains. They are used to living in caves, close to their favorite minerals and heat. This custom, which is considered dirty by elves, makes the caravans choose to keep going instead of entering the dwarf city in the cave. After leaving early every morning, they kept running to the last glowing moss at dusk and stopping to camp at the last opportunity before the cold wind blows at night.

Then they went on the road again before the first light of the moss began to appear, and everyone was worried and afraid of the future. Of course, the necessary visits are indispensable. After exchanging documents with the Warhammer Port and the Dwarf Kingdom, Regis gathered dozens of mercenaries from the mercenary union of the Dwarf Empire to make the last section safer on the road.

This is all the mercenaries that can be found.

"They are now your subordinates," the elder said when he brought the mercenaries to the station, "you can now manage them and arrange sentries and on duty - as long as you ensure the safety of our goods!"

Larry looked at the long convoy outside the door, "I think these people are a good supplement to us," he smiled at the young mercenaries. "This can save us a lot of effort!"

Dozens of mercenaries on the opposite were puzzled about protecting the elf caravan through the desert, but when they heard that the team was led by the blue mermaid, some mercenaries dispelled their concerns, but some mercenaries expressed their dissatisfaction without concern.

"Why do you want us to listen to them?" One of the mercenaries shouted. He was wearing blue lock armor and holding a long sword made by dwarves in his hand. "We are much familiar with this road, and we don't know it at all!"

Bosk took a few steps forward, and the two mercenaries next to him stood up from their seats and stood behind the speaking mercenaries, indicating that he and he were on the same front. Bosco stopped and heard the whispers of the mercenaries next to him.

The mercenary was proud: "My name is Dero. This is my friends Reno and Dihas - we are the resounding Desert Scorpion Three Mercenary Regiment," Dro pointed to his companions. "I don't care what kind of mercenary regiment you are, but on this road, we must follow our way, otherwise you will not pass. Go!"

Bosk looked at Elder Regis, who was looking at himself with a smile - he turned his face again: "I don't know what you can do?"

Drow is even more proud: "There are many gos in this desert, and now they have grown a lot. There are several large tribes - we used to hire more mercenaries through here, and then several caravans to pass together - if there are more people, they will be afraid and will not attack us!"

"So how many people do you think will be enough?" Bosk is still expressionless.

"It will take thousands of people - at least hundreds of mercenaries!" Nuo, the archer next to Dero, interrupted, "Wither people, you can't get through it at all!"

"Thousands of people are also hanging - wasn't a caravan killed by the gobron some time ago? They have at least 700 mercenaries, a total of more than 1,300 people!" A mercenary interrupted.

"That...that's more!" Derot changed his words: "At least 1,500 people!" He looked at Bosk: "If there are not so many people, we don't have to go - we will die!"

"But we only have dozens of mercenaries now. What do you think we should do?" Elder Regis said, "Now the black tide of the Free Alliance Kingdom has gathered 90% of the mercenaries, and the total mercenaries of the whole Warhammer Harbor is estimated to be less than 300!"

"Dozens?" The mercenaries blew up their nests and were talking about it.

"It's impossible to pass!" A mercenary shouted.

"Our employment this time can't be counted!" Another mercenary also shouted, "We thought there were a lot of blue mermaids to join!"

Bosk raised his hand, and the scene gradually calmed down. We still have dozens of mercenaries at the border, and they have been here for a while longer than us - it is estimated that there are about 80 people in our regiment now!"

"It's still not enough!" The first mercenary called again.

"Then invite the defenders of the Dwarves Kingdom!" Dero came up with another idea: "With your relationship between your elf kingdom and them, you can mobilize thousands of troops!"

"Impossible," Elder Regis said, "The dwarves are not used to living in the desert like us, and the army plays less than half of their ability!"

Mercenaries are talking about it. Many mercenaries who have not signed the agreement began to retreat and prepare to leave here, while some mercenaries who have signed have begun to prepare to give up this task.

"This is your job," Elder Regis said to Bosk, "convince them so that dozens of people can be hired!"

Bosk didn't say much, just opened a box on the table.

A box full of gold coins flashed under the magic crystal lamp, and the whole room rippled in a golden light. Everyone looked at the money and gradually stopped talking.

After a brief silence, Dero began to mutter: "Although there is a lot of money, I still can't get through it!" He looked around and his voice gradually became louder: "The mercenaries of the blue mermaid are also human. I don't believe that we can defeat tens of thousands of golls this time!"

Some mercenaries began to waver again.

"Who said that?" A voice suddenly appeared, accompanied by a voice with boundless murderous intent.

The room was as quiet as a cemetery. The mercenaries began to look around, and some timid people began to sweat.

Kozmo slowly walked into the room, his eyes scratched the mercenary's face like a sword, and the murderous atmosphere froze the whole room - no mercenary dared to move.

Bosk smiled and took a few steps slowly. "This is Mr. Kozmo, the sword god of our mercenary regiment - he escorted the caravan through the desert with us this time!"

"Sword...Sword God!" Several mercenaries shouted, and more so much that they opened their eyes and couldn't believe that they still had the opportunity to participate in the mission with the Sword God.

Kozmo walked to Dro: "Is that what you said?" He snorted, "Is it that we can't get through?"

"" Dro's teeth clucked: "I... I don't know..." He was almost scared to pee in his pants.

Bosk cleared his throat: "This time, the price of passing through the desert is three times as much as usual, and there is a sword god!" He looked around and said, "Is there anything to quit?" He paid special attention to Dro: "Mr. Dro, would you like to participate?"

He is almost sure of Dro's answer.

"I...I'm willing to participate!" Dro suddenly reacted and shouted, "I am determined to participate in this mission with the Sword God - with the Sword God, how many gosmen are not a problem!" The last sentence was almost shouting.

"I also participate!" Me too!" And me!" The mercenaries all shouted and decided to participate in this mission. Bosk appointed a regimental member to sign an employment contract for all of them.

"This is solved!" Bosco smiled. Is there anything else to order from Elder Regis?"


That day, on the fourth day they entered the desert, the caravan came to the cliffs. It also belongs to the periphery of the desert, which is a series of broken hills and narrow rolling hills. It is full of rugged and untamed beauty, and a desolate and compelling momentum makes every traveler who comes here full of a sense of conquest, because he is likely to be the first to see something that no one has ever seen. And just like the feeling in the general wilderness, it brings adventure thrills due to possible dangers. They finally walked into the first ups and downs of the valley, and Garlock immediately pointed out his familiar footprints, the footprints of a large group of goblin.

"It's less than a day away." He told his friends who were starting to get nervous.

"How many?" Bosk asked.

Garlock shrugged his shoulders. At least one hundred, maybe twice."

"Let's keep going." Larry suggested. They are in front of us, which is much better than behind us.

When hunger caught them again, it means that half of the day's journey has gone and they began to camp.

The footprints of the spirit are still in front of them, but Garlock in the back of the hall always looks behind them on the road.

"We have been tracked." He said to his friends' doubtful faces.

"Who is it?" Bosk asked.

He shook his head. It's not like what I've seen. In my opinion, the people who follow us are both cunning and cautious.

"Maybe the gosels here are smarter than other gosels in their understanding of other higher races." Larry said, but he guessed that it was not a landgod, and he knew that the other party was as worried as he was without looking at Bosk.

"If it's really a gobiki, we don't need to worry so much," Garlock summed up his conclusion: "I always feel that I'm a high life, and it's probably not a gobly!"

"Then we'd better find a familiar mercenary to ask," Larry suggested, "Let's see if there are other racial life in this desert - we will try to avoid entering their territory!"

A name appeared in front of Bosco, and he began to laugh: "We can call that Dro here!" He may really know something.

Dero and his two friends were very careful when they appeared in front of Bosk. He looked around and said, "Is Mr. Kozmo not here?" Are you looking for Kozmo? Bosk said curiously, "What's the matter?"

He quickly waved his hand: "It's okay, it's okay!" Dro piled up a smile: "I'm just asking! - I don't know what the leader of the regiment asked me for?" After seeing Kozmo, the mercenary's attitude generally respected Bosk a lot - no one knew who the leader who could subdue the ninth-order god of war was.

"Oh, I just want to ask you about this desert!" Bosk said, "Are there any rumors or inside information that outsiders don't know?"