City of Dimlight

Chapter 120 Tactics

It was only three hours after the gobron kept up with the caravan again - Bosk guessed correctly. The whole team was only eaten less than 200 gobrons, and the later gobron was equivalent to being streamlined, and the combat effectiveness and size were much larger.

"They are very smart! Although the initial battle was chaotic, they were killed and eaten by weak and old gobmen," Garlock came to a conclusion: "I think this will happen even without this box, they will follow us!"

"Is this the way they survive and develop?" Bosk said, "A cruel and realistic creature!"

"Then shall we do it again?" Garlock asked, "I have also prepared a few boxes."

"You can try it - but I guess it's probably not very useful!"

As expected, the box did not cause much reaction from the goblin this time, but some strong gobls broke out in small-scale chaos next to the box, and others hid aside and did not surround it.

"It has no effect at all," Bosk said: "They can remember this lesson after suffering a loss!" He thought for a moment, "Or because they are full!"

"Forget it, we will attack directly tomorrow!" Finally, he made this plan.


The next morning, Garlock woke him up, "Get up, get up!" He shouted in Bosk's ear: It doesn't look good!"

Bosk turned over and got up from the fire, "What's wrong?"

He said as he climbed into a big car beside him. Look for yourself!" Garlock also climbed up.

The glowing moss is just beginning to shine, with mist-like light on it, but under this light, one-to-one pair of shining eyes in the darkness, like hungry wolves, surrounded the whole caravan.

"So much?" He was a little surprised. He thought that there were only 2,000 govus at most today, and he could kill them once, but now, depending on the situation, it may be more than 5,000.

Some wood was added to the fire and burned.

"Hhehe!" The gobster shouted and retreated, and the tide was as black as the water. But they couldn't retreat far, and they squatted on the ground again and began to grind their teeth and make a squeaky sound.

This is still a group of soldiers and brave, and they don't have much combat effectiveness. When the light is better, Bosk saw this situation. "It doesn't matter much. It's always good to rush to kill according to the original plan - it's always good to prepare some food for them!"

The mercenaries were quickly gathered, and Bosk assigned his own task: " Elder Regis, please take your people around all the vehicles in a circle, and you stand on the roof of the car and shoot arrows." He understands that due to the lack of life elements in the desert, their magic power is greatly reduced, and their combat effectiveness is also reduced. They are left behind to protect their safety.

"Glock, you rushed through the front with 30 mercenaries. Remember, I don't ask you to kill many dignites, mainly to you to hurt them!"

"Dero, 50 of you follow behind with melee weapons, mainly responsible for capturing the injured gobion!"

Dero nodded.

"I will follow all the archers on both sides of you, mainly to cover you!"

"Do you understand?"

"Yes!" The mercenaries replied in unison, although this is only a mercenary, when the enemy is not strong, they can still work together to defeat their opponents.

"The rest of the mercenaries guard the vehicle!"

After a simple arrangement, Bosco took the lead in surrounding the vehicles.

Seeing that humans began to surround the vehicles and shrink the defense, the gosmen couldn't help but get excited and began to move forward - they didn't stop until less than ten meters from the team.

A sudden roar.

A big man came out between the two cars and was like a giant in the eyes of the goblin.

It's our giant Garlock.

He flew into the gob orchid, as if a god had descended to the earth. The big sword in his hand swept over, smashed the bone sticks in the hands of the two goblets, and flew five or six meters away with weapons. When he fell to the ground, he could only spit blood. Garlock laughed, kicked out, and kicked a few gobsters in front of him far away.

The mercenaries who followed him also shouted together and rushed into the govish pile.

The gobland began to dodge, and then fought back with the stones and sticks in his hand.

But these attacks are undoubtedly futile. As long as the stone does not hit the mercenary's head, it will be completely bounced off by the armor, causing no damage; and the stick will be broken in front of the steel weapon, like a toy.

Mercenaries kill left and right in the govity pile, just like a lion rushing into the sheep, no, or more figuratively, the lion rushing into the rabbit.

The goblin screamed and dodged left and right, but it always surrounded the caravan and did not disperse. It was not until a pile of people died that they suddenly realized and began to run farther away.

But lions are also tired. Mercenaries often chase more than ten meters to catch up with a gobion, but before they can do it, the goblanders next to them have scattered far away - on this point they are much better than rabbits.

So the mercenary can only catch one!

and then repeat.

Mercenaries ran one after another and breathed, "I really don't know whether it's a war or running - I've never met such a war!"

Relatively speaking, Bosk's archers are much more efficient, but this also has a problem: the arrows are not enough quickly, and the goblin also runs too far - the archers must chase far to hit the target.

With the passage of time, the mercenary's physical strength began to decline, and a mercenary was accidentally stabbed in the lower abdomen by the bone stick in front of the ghost. Although he was snatched back by other mercenaries, he also lost his combat effectiveness.

"Retreat," Garlock saw that he had caught a lot of gobrons, and began to take the mercenaries back to the encirclement of the caravan.

The gos did not stop or attack them - the first time they rushed to the bodies of their companions and began to swallow desperately.

The caravan walked slowly, "How many have we caught?" Bosk asked.

"There are about a hundred," Dro said excitedly, "I put ropes all around their necks and tied them behind the car."

"Then how much did we kill?" Bosco asked again.

Sean answered him this time. After following Garlock, the young mercenary has estimated how many people have killed the enemy: "Leader, about 600 to 800!"

Bosk closed his eyes with satisfaction: "I guess they will be afraid for a while!"

The gobumps made a miserable cry, like the same strong medicine, scaring the gobiki who fell behind and coveted farther and farther away.

Serors supervised them with long swords.

Everyone saw the regimental commander lying comfortably in the car resting, and their fear of the goblin became weaker and lighter, and finally turned into respect for the regimental commander.

Only Garlock knows what he is thinking.

He sat next to Bosk, "What should I do?" He said, "The smell of blood will only attract more goblets - and now we haven't met large tribes, which can be regarded as some combat effectiveness." He looked at the screaming guy behind him: "At least twice as good as them!"

"I know," Bosk didn't open his eyes: "I came up with a way."


While waiting for the gobron to follow the caravan again, most of the goblanders were already full, but the greed in their eyes did not diminish at all, but was heavier.

"What does this mean, regimental commander?" Sean keenly discovered this and quickly came to report.

Bosk smiled and said, "This is very natural: think, the gobron follows our caravan. Although they have died a lot, these living people will think that as long as they follow the caravan, they can be full, so they naturally follow us!"

"But what they ate was..." Sean felt a little nauseous and didn't go on.

"Yes, although they eat the bodies of their compatriots, they are full after all!" Bosco still looked at him with a smile: "If not, they would have gone long ago!"

"So, when will they leave?" Sean reluctantly continued to ask.

"Go? I guess it's the last meal!" Bosk asked, "Do you know what they have to eat before they leave?"

"I don't know this!" Sean looked at the regimental commander naively.

Bosk pointed to himself and then to Sean.

He immediately turned pale and left.

Bosk also immediately turned his face: "It's disgusting - I vomited myself!"

Glock patted him on the back: "Who told you to pretend? Isn't it disgusting now?"


Bosk arranged to fight with the Gobland again when he camped in the evening, killing about 300 Gos and capturing many prisoners.

When Bosk approached the group of prisoners, he found that the prisoners did not pay attention to their approach, but looked greedily at the battlefield in the distance - several of them even drooled.

At the thought of why they were drooling, Bosk almost spit out again.

The elves performed healing spells at Bosk's request, basically healing the wounds of the captured goblin.

He gathered all the gosmen together and began his own plan.

Bosk grabbed the five smartest-looking gos, ordered them to tie them to the front, and then threw a huge wooden cake to one of them.

The goblin rushed over and began to compete for food. The group of prisoners were grinding their teeth and swallowing saliva. Occasionally, one of them moved a little and was immediately kicked hard.

Garlock walked in and separated the gogrim. A gogrim got a wooden cake.

Under the supervision of the giant, all the gobler could only eat the wooden cakes in their hands. Although there was greed in their eyes, no one had the courage to rob their companions.

Bosk took out a bundle of cloth strips, tied one on the body of a gobion, and then untied the rope of one of them.

The golin stood up intimidly, but did not dare to walk or move - it did not understand why human beings wanted to let themselves go.

Glock stepped forward.

The orchid has retreated a few steps.

Glock came forward again. The gobiki did not retreat - a long sword behind it was mounted around its neck.