City of Dimlight

Chapter 138 Military situation

Rabia is not an ordinary warrior. Although she is behind the martial arts master, this does not mean that she feels more dull. A natural intuition warned her that she felt strange. She always felt that something was wrong, as if a piece of the puzzle was missing, which also contributed to her feeling that there was something wrong with the house - this intuition had saved her many times, and this time she did not dare to take it lightly.

She began to listen to every noise around her and observe every shadow: the click of the pendulum; the rustle of paper on the desk in front of the open window; the friction of curtains; and the sound of mice running around in the wooden wall.

Her eyes shot back at the slightly trembling curtains that could not stop for a moment - this may be caused by the breeze blowing into the window cracks, but the alert dark elf did not think so.

She turned around and squatted, reached out to grab the dagger behind her, and began to move towards the door a few feet away from the curtain.

Zark moved quickly - he thought he could get more information from Rabia and didn't want to lose a good chance for other dark elves to leave. So he immediately moved to the most favorable attack position and patiently waited in the narrow shelter above the door frame, as easily as a cat standing on the window sill.

He casually pulled out a dagger and held it in his hand.

As soon as Rabia arrived at the door, she felt the dagger and saw a black figure falling beside her - although she reacted immediately, it was too late to completely pull the dagger out of the sheath. The slender finger of a cold hand covered her mouth, making her unable to scream, and a pair of gems The sharp blade of the dagger pressed a light mark on her neck.

She was stunned!

She had never seen a person move so fast, and Zucker's move was fatally accurate, which made her at a loss. The sudden tension of his muscles convinced her that if she continued to pull out her dagger, she would have died before using this weapon.

She put down the hilt and stopped making any resistance.

The killer easily lifted her to the chair, and his strength surprised her. This is a human. He is small, but thin like an elf, and just as tall as her. However, every muscle on his tight skeleton has been adjusted to the most suitable state for fighting. His whole body showed a powerful atmosphere and unshakable self-confidence. This also hit Rabia's courage, because it is not a young man's excessive fragile conceit, but a cold breath created by the sense of superiority that has experienced a thousand battles but has never been defeated.

She secretly swallowed her saliva and gave up the idea of preparing to use the art of charm to ** this human, although most of the time it worked.

In the face of this man, she dared not try easily.

When Rabia was quickly tied to the chair by him, her eyes never left his face: he had a angular face, obvious cheekbones, and strong jaw contours could only be more prominent by his straight black hair. The shadow of his beard enveloped his face, which looked like no matter how he shaved, he didn't The way to make it light up is the same. The un disordered appearance shows the person's self-control in everything.

It seems that this person is still handsome, unless you don't look into his eyes.

There is no light in the gray eyes, dead, and there is no mercy or humanity, which shows that this person is just a killing machine.

"What do you want?" Rabia summoned up the courage to ask. She didn't want to ask stupid questions such as "who are you", "do you know where this is" and "you dare to attack me", but directly wanted to know your price and how likely to be killed by him.

But her pitiful expression immediately got a slap in the face, and the gem-encrusted dagger flashed in front of her eyes, and then wandered around her face.

"I don't have much time." Zucker said in a cold tone. You will definitely tell me what I want to know. The longer you don't answer, the more painful you will feel.

He said calmly and sincerely, "At the same time, I don't want you to try to charm me again. If you do this, I'm going to tear your face first and then ask questions!"

Rabia, who became strong under Forens**, found herself losing her composure - she had faced and defeated many human beings, even once a prince, but this calm killer made her feel horrible. She tried to answer, but her trembling chin made her speechless.

A chill flashed in the killer's eyes, and the dagger began to swim again.

"I'm willing to say anything!" She screamed, and tears drew a line on each of her cheeks.

Zak nodded and smiled. I hope to know the content of your transaction with the second prince Howard," he asked. "You are obviously the deployment of the ghost emperor, but you are here to help human beings. I hope you can come up with a reasonable explanation!" He scraped his face with the blade, and the sharp blade neatly removed a small piece of beard. Tell me why?"

Rabia understood that if she could not answer this question, it might represent the end of her life. I... I don't know." She summoned up her courage and stammered this sentence. Although she was slightly restored to the level of training her, her eyes never left the flash of the sword of death.

"What a pity," Zack replied, "such a beautiful face..."

"Abandoned Blade!" When the dagger approached her, the dark elf said as calmly as possible. We hope he can help us find the fragments of the abandoned blade and force him to unite with us!"

The dagger shrank backwards. Zach analyzed this answer. It was not the first time he heard the name, and he could also guess the idea of the ghost emperor: first, by helping the second prince get the abandoned blade, and then ** the second prince united with them to seize the whole freedom alliance. In this way, the archangel fortress is no longer a grab, but a gateway to the dead.

No wonder the attack of the dead has been teve! They are waiting for the opportunity.

Looking at the uncertain face of the killer, Rabia continued: "The abandoned blade is a weapon sought by the ghost emperor. It is said that it can bring him great power, control people's spirits, and even resurrect the dead!"

Zucker understood the meaning of this sentence, and he was eager to know the relationship between Leo and this: "So are you going to kill this human being called Leo? Do you have the fragments?"

The dark elf nodded.

"Where is he now?" Zak wanted to repeat it again to confirm the tightness of the answer, although he had already overheard Leo's where to go.

But he suddenly stiffened - Zucker turned his head to the side, his eyes narrowed into a slit, and all his muscles tightened and remained vigilant.

The dark elf heard the sound of the doorknob turning at the same time.

Rabia wanted to keep the fact that she revealed the secret and shouted "there is an assassin" - but Zac's backhand blow stunned her and turned her unspoken words into an unrecognizable grunt.

Her head fell to one side, and when two of her teammates rushed in with swords, she tried to adjust her visual focus. Zak greeted them steadily, holding a dagger with gems in one hand and a long sword in the other.

At that moment, Rabia was very happy, and then she immediately remembered who they were facing. And although they seemed to be in a favorable position, her hope instantly broke an undeniable conclusion - she had witnessed the killer's invisibly precise movements.

Stimulated by anger, their first blow used the strength of their whole body. On the contrary, Zak slowly made a move to find a rhythm that allowed him to smoothly increase the power of his attack. Sometimes it looked like he barely flashed a fierce attack, and even cut a few moves just an inch away from him, which stimulated the dark elves to push in more bravely. Although it seemed that her two teammates had the upper hand, Rabia knew that it was they who were in trouble - Zucker's hands seemed to be talking to each other, the curvature of the dagger and saber waving was perfect, and the synchronous movement of his feet kept him balanced in the melee. His dodge, block, and counterattack are like dancing a dance.

He himself is a dance of death.

At first, the dark elf's fierce attack power began to weaken, but when their movements slowed down, Zack's attack power became stronger and stronger. His blade waved into a bright light, and each sword was followed by two swords, making the two dark elves stagger backwards.

His movements are rested. His power is endless.

Dark elves can only maintain a defensive posture. But even if they try their best to block it, everyone in the room knows that it's only a matter of time that they were cut in half by a sharp blade.

Rabia did not see the fatal blow, but she clearly saw a bright blood line appear on the neck of one of the dark elves. The dark elf didn't notice that he couldn't breathe at all. After that, he fell to the ground in surprise, grabbed his throat with both hands, and gradually walked into the darkness of death.

Although the last dark elf is exhausted, it is still stimulated by anger. His long sword slashed crazily, like a cry of revenge, but Zac had actually been playing tricks on him, slapped him on the side of the sword on the head and playing tricks with him.

The enemy was easily provoked and humiliated, and knew that he could not beat the other party, so he rushed forward suicidally and wanted to die with the killer.

Zack smiled and avoided the desperate blow, and then ended the battle - his dagger went deep into the chest of the dark elf, and when the enemy fell, he inserted it straight into his head with a dagger.

Rabia was so scared that she couldn't cry or scream. When Zach pulled out the dagger from the chest of the dark elf, she just stared at it. She learned that her death had also come. When the dagger approached her, she just closed her eyes quietly and felt that the warm metal pieces of blood of the clan were pressed against her throat.

After that, she felt that her soft skin was scraped by the mocking edge of the knife, because the killer had turned over the blade.

Then she heard the killer ask in a very flat tone, "Have you seen enough? Can you come out?"