City of Dimlight

Chapter 147 Transaction of Chaos Dunes

A strange smell is mixed with the hot air floating on the edge of the desert, like a stinky ditch flowing through a market selling perfumes, coupled with the pungent smell of sweat and the smell of always crowded people. The dilapidated huts are built everywhere, making people feel that the chaotic sand dunes are unplanned. The streets are not occupied by houses, but these four friends soon came to a conclusion that these streets themselves are also the homes of many people.

In the middle of the whole noise is the businessman. They line up in every lane, selling weapons, food, dwarves' favorite tobacco and even slaves, and they are shameless to display their goods in various ways that can attract crowds. On a street corner, a possible buyer tried a large crossbow at a box full of live slaves. In another place, a woman's skin area was much larger than that of her clothes and twisted her body to dance with a giant snake. She let the huge reptile entangled herself, and then slipped away with some sarcasm, and her so-called clothes were just translucent tulle.

Obix's eyes and mouth were wide open and suddenly stopped. He was fascinated by the strange and attractive dance, causing Leo to slap him on the back of the head and the other two friends snickered.

"I have never seen such a place." The child sighed and said that he was completely overwhelmed by this atmosphere. It's more chaotic and complicated than our seaport!"

"This is just another adventure, nothing else," Leo reminded him. "You can learn the most in the place where you are the most different from your hometown."

"You're right," the child admitted, "but in my eyes, these people are really depraved."

"They just live in different rules," Leo replied. "They may also feel offended by the customs of our human kingdom."

No one else answered, but felt that there was nothing new in the world, but Garlock, who was often surprised by the human lifestyle, just shook his head.

They are dressed as adventurers, and there is nothing rare in this chaotic trade gathering place. But because they were foreigners, they soon attracted a group of almost **, completely tanned children to beg. Most of them were human, and there were also some orc and orc children.

Businessmen also looked at these adventurers, and one of them even stared at them with greedy eyes.

"Hey, hello?" The cringing orc businessman asked his hunchbacked partner.

"Magic, magic everywhere, master," the crippled little orc said hungrily and slurredly, constantly sensing the feeling transmitted to him by the staff. They are all awesome!" Orcs have the strength and perception of the wild world that humans do not have. Orcs do not have the learning ability and sharpness, but they are not respected in both races and generally become slaves at birth. Or self-destruct in the wild - this is also the biggest reason why the orcs are willing to join the ghost emperor's army.

"Hahahaha." The merchant shook his fingers and said with a smile. He decided to go out and intercept the strangers. Since they have such a good magic weapon, I hope their wallets are as good as weapons!"

Leo, who took the lead in front of him, saw a tall orc wearing a red and yellow striped robe and a headscarf with a big diamond in front of him, so he suddenly stopped.

The orc stood in front of him and raised his turban, revealing a cunning face of a wolf merchant.

"Hahahaha, hello!" The orc pretended to say to them. His fingers tapped his chest, and his mouth could not be opened with a smile, revealing that the teeth inside were arranged by gold and silver. I'm Dalib, I am, I am! You buy it and I sell it. Good deal, good deal!" He spoke so fast that he couldn't react for a moment. The group of friends looked at each other and then shrugged their shoulders to leave.

"Hahahaha," the werewolf turned around and squeezed over and blocked their way. "You have everything you need. There are many. Dukki, Nucky, Bukki.

"Tobacco, women, all kinds of poisons and weapons," the illegone little orc translator said, "My master is a merchant who sells everything!"

"The best of the best!" Dalib asserted, "What you need--"

"Dalibu has it!" The little orc finished it for him.

Bosk looked at Leo and knew that they were thinking the same thing: the sooner they left the chaotic dunes, the better, and a strange businessman would not be any worse than an ordinary businessman.

"Los Beast" Leo said to the businessman.

"We want to cross the desert." Leo explained. We need transportation and supplies!"

"Los, Los Beast? Hahahaha," Dalib replied without claping, "you can't go far, no. Too hot, too dry. You want camels!"

"Camel... horse in the desert," the little orc explained when he saw the stunned expressions of these people. He pointed to a single-peak camel led by a man in a brown robe. "To cross the desert, this is much easier than the Los beast and even all animals."

Bosk nodded, and he came to Leo's ear and whispered, "It's true that this animal is used - the news I heard is that this animal can walk through the desert!"

"Then take a camel," Leo looked at the huge animal and said uncertainly, "or anything that can get us to our destination!"

"Half succeeded!" Dalib rubbed his palms hungrily. What you need--

Bosk stretched out his hand to stop the excited businessman. We know, we know."

Dalibu privately ordered something to the thrush behind him, so he sent him somewhere else, and then took these friends to quickly cross the maze of the chaotic sand dunes. However, he never seemed to lift his legs, as if he were sliding forward. Throughout the process, the merchants stretched out their hands and their fingers were playing around. But he doesn't look dangerous. These friends just find it interesting and don't worry.

Dalibu parked in front of a tent at the west end of the city. Even by the standards of chaotic sand dunes, it is still a very bad area. Behind the tent, he found what he was looking for. Camel!" He proudly declared.

"How many are four?" Bosk said angrily that he was eager to finish the deal and then quickly set out on the road. Dalib didn't seem to be able to figure out the situation.

"How much is it?" Bosk asked.

"How much is it?"

"He asked us to make an offer." Obix saw it.

Leo also knows that even in some markets of the Free Alliance, businessmen use the same skills to trade. If buyers, especially those who are not familiar with the goods, may earn several times more. If the other party's price is too low, the merchant can also say the real market price.

"Five hundred gold coins." Leo bid that he guessed those camels worth at least twice the price.

Dalip's fingers began to tap again, and a light suddenly appeared in his gray eyes. Leo guessed that he would make a long speech and then refute it with a strange algorithm, but Dalib suddenly calmed down and revealed his teeth made of gold and ivory.

"Good!" He replied.

Leo suddenly suppressed his tongue that was going to bargain and only made some uncontested grunts. He looked at the businessman curiously and then took out enough gold coins from his pocket.

"If you can help us find a caravan across the desert, we will add 50 gold coins for you." Bosk proposed.

Dalibu posed in a contemplative posture, tapping the black beard standing on his face with his fingers. Now there is a team leaving," he replied, "you can catch up easily. But you should catch up with the last team preparing to cross the desert this month.

"Let's go west!" Bosk shouted excitedly at his companions.

"West? Hahahaha!" Dalib blurted out, "Not to the west! Go to the west and enter the nest of the gob spirit!"

"But the dwarf kingdom is in the west," Bosk retorted doubtfully, "so I guess the road is too."

"The way to the Dwarf Kingdom is in the west," Dalib admitted, "but smart people take the south, the best way."

Leo threw a bag of gold to the merchant. How can we catch up with the caravan?

"Go south," Dalib replied. He threw the small bag of gold into a big bag without even looking at it. "You can catch it in an hour and follow the mark of camel feces. No problem."

"We need food." Bosk said.

"The caravan has it," Dalib said, "that's the best place to buy food. Now let's go and catch up before they turn to the secret road in the West!" He went to help them choose mounts: he picked a particularly large monoform camel for Garlock, a Bactrian camel for Leo, and then gave Bosco and Obix a small one.

"Remember, good friend," the merchant said to them when they climbed on the mount, "What you need--"

"Dalip has it," they replied with one voice. The merchant smiled for the last time and showed his golden and silver teeth, and then dodged into the tent.

"I thought he would bargain for a long time," Obix said when they tried to manipulate these difficult camels to the first signpost, "he should be able to earn more by selling these camels."

"Of course this is stolen goods!" Bosker smiled and said that he thought it was obvious that this was the case.

But Leo is not so sure. A businessman like him should try to trade at the best price, even if it sells stolen goods," he replied. "And according to the trading rules I know, he should at least count gold."

"It's hard to say!" Bosk insisted on his point of view, and he struggled to get his mount to move forward. "I don't think you have given him more than these things!"

"What should I do?" Obix asked Leo urgently, and he agreed with his inference.

"Where are you going?" Bosk asked and answered at the same time, "He sent someone to report the news sneakily."

"This is a trap." Obix said.