City of Dimlight

Chapter 152 Failed Sneak Attack

Basha shouted at herself when she entered the room. He had been looking forward to seeing the arrival of the dark elf's martial arts chief and get some benefits, but the first order he received was to find the fragments, so he had to deal with it according to this requirement.

From Lawrence's words, he guessed that a conspiracy was going on here. Years of keenness made him know that once the conspiracy succeeds, he will get a lot, but risks also follow. So at this moment, the best thing is to be insensitive and pretend that he has not guessed anything.

"Do you want to get rid of him?" After all, Baxia asked Bi Jing and hoped to get more detailed information about this task.

"Don't overestimate yourself," the martial arts chief did not look back and said, "Those people are none of your business, Baxia, and that's beyond your ability."

"You underestimated the power of our guild."

"You underestimated his power," Forens warned. "I don't want extracurricular - remember, I just want fragments."

"What about that?" Basha was obviously disappointed and asked in a low voice.

Hearing Baxia's dissatisfied tone, the martial arts chief showed some disgust, "Stealing should be your specialty, and you should have the right candidate!"

"I have sent someone," Bacha explained, "but I think they are very treacherous. They will hide when they smell danger and may not carry out our plan."

The martial arts chief leaned forward and pretended to be surprised - in fact, the dark elf already knew his plan, which was nothing more than a promise to get more benefits and pretended to be indispensable.

"They will be in the city soon," the martial arts chief continued, "you don't have much time."

They have entered the city, Basha replied in his heart. He tried to hide his smile. Then I have to send more people to carry out the mission!"

"More of our people," Bacha immediately corrected, "that group of people is so strong that we can't take risks. We have to send our own people."

"As soon as possible," the martial arts chief repeated, "do this as soon as possible." He thought for a moment: "That's right, after the arrangement, you can come again and discuss some other things with you." He turned his back, pulled on his cloak and stood in front of the window. "If it's done, report to me immediately." He said as he walked towards the door.

Basha snickered behind his master. Ah, it worked," he whispered when the martial arts chief left, "You don't know my influence." He rubbed his hands! I expect that I will succeed. Late at night, the mercenaries are about to go to the street - their own people have been sent out, and the task should not be a problem, but they have been recognized and have the opportunity to enter the center of this plan, so everything is good.


When Ruixi arrived at the 'spitting camel' hotel, it was already midnight. He knew the specific moment from the timing stone pillar, but he did not hesitate and still patted the door of the hotel.

The door opened by itself, quietly without a sound.

He walked through the hall and sneaked into the passage. Although there was no fire, he still clearly saw corpses on the ground in the dark without any sound.

He listened carefully, but there was no movement, so he first entered a room, and there was no one in it, but there were two unknown killer bodies on the ground.

Rency bent down to look at the two bodies lying on the ground. Their eyes are wide open, so they must have seen something unpredictable when they die, or they don't believe it at all. Just like the bodies in the main passage, these people were killed by extremely accurate knife techniques. If these bodies have not clearly marked the enemy's route, the traces leading to the back door clearly illustrate this problem.

There is no need to guess that Rishi also knows who sent these killers. He smiled secretly. It seems that Bacha has not only sent his own group of people to look for this thing, which shows that the value of these fragments is much higher than the price they gave - if he gets the fragments, then he can offer a higher price; if If you don't get it, then you can get rid of your relationship. If it really doesn't work, you can completely sell Baxia.

He squatted in the corner and began to crawl forward. When he reached another street through the back door, he was almost tripped over by the bodies of their guild accomplices.

The mouseman shook his head in disbelief after going out, and he stepped on a corpse every few feet he walked. How many people did this knife master kill?

"That man!" When Ruixi turned the last corner, he suddenly realized and shouted. The bodies of his comrades-in-arms piled up there, but he saw what was behind it. He will be willing to pay such a high price in exchange for the reward he sees in front of him, because the soldier who used the machete has fallen into his hands. Since he is here, it is very likely that the fragments are still on him. Maybe both sides will die together. He will definitely find the fragment and sell it at a high enough price.

At the end of the aisle, Leo quietly leaned against the moss monster, and he was hung in the air by a thousand tentacles. He still held the two machetes, but his arms hung weakly on both sides, with his head low and his eyes closed.

The rat man walked over carefully. He hoped that the warrior was not dead. He carefully checked his skin water bag, which was full of vinegar. He hoped that he had brought enough to let the moss monster relax his tentacles and let the enemy go down. Rishi very much hopes that her booty is still alive.

In this way, Baxia will appreciate this gift more, or it may sell higher.

The rat man stretched out his sword to stab his opponent, but suddenly withdrew his hand in pain, as a bright machete flew past him and cut his arm. He turned around and saw Obix with another full moon machete in his hand, with deadly eyes in his dark eyes.

Risi found herself trapped by the trap she set - there was no place to escape. He fell, leaned his back against the wall, grabbed his bleeding arm, and began to retreat step by step.

Obix followed him without blinking.

"I will kill you." Rishi warned. Although you attacked me, I will kill you when I get angry!" This is just a child, but he doesn't know if there are any other enemies in the dark, so he just hopes to find the leader of the other party and is unwilling to start attacking.

"Then compare it with my master." The child retorted contemptuously.

Ricita was shocked. He turned around and saw that the enemy bound by the moss monster suddenly smiled. The snowy knife flashed, no matter how many tentacles were cut off, and then he fell lightly to the ground.

Leo went over and pulled out the machete he had just inserted on the ground! He hasn't decided how to treat the enemy and how to make him tell the truth.

"You can try it with me." He sighed as he wiped the mud off the machete.

But after seeing that he was not dead, the rat man immediately put down his weapon and made a friendly expression: "I'm not your enemy," he explained: "I'm not with those who attacked you." His eyes swept across the corner, where the figure slowly came out, and the person standing in that position did not seem to be easy to deal with.

"But you don't necessarily seem to be unrelated," Leo quickly exposed his lie: "You seem to be very interested in me."

"Yes, you sneaked into the hotel and seemed to be looking for us!" A voice came from the air, and then the little angel Aurora fell on Leo's shoulder. "Your every move is under my surveillance."

The rat man smiled bitterly, "Indeed, I was sent to find something from you," he said frankly, "But I know I'm not an opponent, so I didn't come against you..."

But Bosk interrupted: "But when you have a chance, you'd better see if you can pick something cheaper!" He showed a sarcastic smile, "Isn't it?"

Rishi smiled awkwardly, but quickly returned to normal: "Yes, I admit it!" He said simply, "But I haven't attacked you, and you shouldn't kill me!"

"We don't care much about this kind of thing," Leo said, "Whate you or not, it's not whether you attacked us, but my mood!" He stared at the other party blankly, and the murderous intention in his eyes did not decrease at all.

"Then how can you not kill me?" Ruixi was moved and put forward her own condition: "I can tell you something, and I hope you can let me leave!"

"It depends on the price of this message," Leo said. "If it's really valuable, I can let you go, but--" He warned, "This news can only be changed once. If there is another time, I won't give you any chance."

After getting the affirmation, the rat man did not hesitate to tell what he knew.

"It's the president of the Thieves Union of the Liberal Alliance, and Baxia ordered to hunt you down." In order to survive, he upgraded Basha's order to 'search for fragments' directly to 'chall'. "He wants two fragments on you." He quickly told the story.

"What is he going to do?" Leo asked.

"I don't know," the rat man slowly stood up and spread out his hands.

Soon he found that the giant had taken a step forward, and the child opposite with the machete tightened his hand - he quickly changed his mind.

"That's right," he hurriedly changed his words, "I heard that it seems that the dark elves are looking for this thing," he explained. "The dark elves have always been dealing with each other, and this time I also heard that they were entrusted by the dark elves."

"How do you know?" Leo still has no expression.

This time, the rat man did not wait for the giant's threat: "He has been secretly inquiring about my news, and I have also arranged my manpower in his home," he explained: "In this way, to avoid being tricked by him - by the way, this time it was also my dark line that told me that you are not easy to deal with!"

Leo thought for a moment, "The value of these messages may not be exchanged for your life!"

The rat man understood what he meant. These news could be known casually. He decided to throw out an important news: "Well, by the way, the martial arts director of the dark elves is said to have reached their union!"

"Ah?" Not only Leo, but also Boss and others were surprised.