City of Dimlight

Chapter 155 Plan

Just as Leo and the others began to delay in this journey, the dark elves led by Forens quickly returned to the Stone City, where a plan was being implemented.

Three days later, it will be the National Code Day. This day is a great day for the Freedom Alliance. In order to celebrate the Freedom Alliance's finding such a fertile land and flourishing, the closer it is to this day, the sea of people on several bustling streets of Wangdu, and countless shops have opened their doors to do business. Merchants from south to north have put out the strangest things from all over the world. Today, this is not only a celebration of the kingdom, but also a good time to do business for a week.

But like the sea of people outside, in the small room next to the underground arena, the second highness's heart is the same. He keeps walking around without stopping at all.

One of the reasons for his uneasiness is that the dark elves have informed him that their transaction leaked due to His Highness's own carelessness. Now it is estimated that even the emperor knows it. So not to mention the heir to the throne, maybe he will even be deprived of his position as a prince.

At this moment, his mood is as excited as the market outside, and he doesn't know how to do it. Fortunately, President Bacha of the Thieves Union revealed a message when he met today - Fulence, the martial arts commander of the dark elves, has gone to intercept Leo and his party. In this way, as long as he kill Zac, who knows his secret, , I guess not many people can know the news of their collusion with aliens, even if they guessed, hum, guessed that after all, they will kill the eldest brother and be in the position of people to see who can say more!

But the delay is a worrying thing. At this time, Baxia came out of the room. He stared at Howard's restless face with a smile and said, "Your Highness, you don't need to worry so much - I guess the martial arts leader will definitely solve this problem!"

Before Howard answered, the door suddenly opened and a group of people broke into the room. After taking off the cloak, they saw that it was the Dark Elf martial artist and his men. "Is that it?" Basha jumped up. "Did you kill them all?"

Forens took a look at the despicable villain with disgust, but did not reveal anything else. He just said calmly, "No, we didn't kill them or the mercenary who eavesdropped on secrets!"

"You promised me that you could handle these things." Howard yelled at him.

"Don't be nervous, my Highness," Bacha began to say again, but the second prince didn't have time to listen to his explanation - at least not now, he stared at the face of the dark elf, and his face began to turn white because of distortion.

"C Close the door." Lawrence said to Bacha. Everyone else is out!" His face did not change at all, but the murderous intention on his beautiful face was understood by Baxia, and he would never disobey the other party's intention at this time.

Basha was silent and did what he said. The dark elves fished out and only left Lawrence here.

The martial arts chief turned back to the Second Highness. This time he was not asking a question - he put his face in front of Howard. "Don't yell at me," he said, "I'm not your subordinate - this is the last time I remind you!"

The fierce murderous spirit stabbed Howard's face, but he knew a meaning from this - the dark elves didn't care about killing themselves, and they didn't take advantage of it this time. They were so angry that it was better not to provoke them.

"Uh... okay," he stammered and looked up at the martial arts technician with apologies. "Can we talk about this?"

Forens took a step back, "I'm here to talk about this!" He stared at Baxia: "How many people can you mobilize now?"

"Well, about 1,000 is relatively stable," he replied, "If you need more words, you must contact several large guilds, and you can make up more than 3,000 people!"

"What about you?" He turned to ask Howard.

"I can mobilize some of the city guards, but it is estimated that there are less than 2,000 people - what's the matter with this?" He opened his mouth with some hesitation.

"Of course," a chill flashed in Lawrence's eyes: "Now I can only save your life!" He said word by word, "We can't kill those guys. When they come back, they will definitely affect the situation of Wangdu. At that time, you will either be put into the cold palace or imprisoned - in short, the throne will have no chance with you from now on!"

"What should I do?" Although the result was expected, the feeling of being told was still very bad. Howard couldn't help but feel a little nervous. He knew that it was very bad. He opened his mouth again and stammered, "Do you mean... Do you mean..." He didn't finish, but the meaning of it was that everyone I understand that it's forced!

This move is not new. Many countries have this kind of history, and in the history of the dark elves, the mother gave up her position. Wasn't it forced to come to power?

But Howard didn't dare after all. He clearly knew his strength. Even if he had three thousand warriors provided by the Thieves Union and dark elves to deal with the magicians and Burr Sword God in the palace, his number was far from enough in the face of the city defense army and palace warriors.

"What, are you still hesitating?" Lawrence said coldly, "Then we don't care about this - anyway, you haven't found what we need so far, and the transaction doesn't count!"

"No, no," Howard was arrogant. "It's not that I'm afraid, but that we don't have enough troops now," he said, "There are nearly 10,000 city defense forces, and there are 3,000 attendants in the palace. Even if we can gather 5,000 people here, we are far from opponents!"

"I don't need five thousand," Lawrence said viciously, "You just need to gather your own confidants as soon as possible. Two thousand is enough," he said, "I have a plan that can guarantee success!"


Zak lowered his head and dodged, slipped into the middle of rows of statues, or hid behind the felt. There are too many rat people surrounding him from all directions, and he has not found a suitable way to escape for the time being.

He crossed a corridor and saw a group of three rat men rushing towards him. He pretended to be scared, jumped through the door, and then suddenly stopped and put his back to the corner of the room. Then the rat man rushed into the room. The weapon in his hand drew a piece of snow, and then the splash of blood splashed everywhere.

Then he followed the footsteps of the rats and ran back along the passage, hoping to find a source and get out of here.

In the escape, he began to curse himself. Why did he easily believe the rumor that the rat leader Ruixi saw Leo and was defeated under him.

Now it's important to find this guy. Of course, it's better if you can escape!

He came to a large room with rows of chairs and high ceilings, which was a gathering place and looked like a place for some kind of ceremony. There is a large chandelier on it. Thousands of candles burn on it and hang above the center of the room. The marble columns are finely carved into famous heroes and strange monsters, listed next to the wall. Zak didn't have time to appreciate these decorations this time. He only noticed one thing in the room - there was a short ladder leading to the box next to it.

Rats poured into this room from many entrances. Zak looked back at the passage, but found that the passage was also blocked by full of rats. He shrugged his shoulders and jumped up the stairs. He knew that doing so could at least make him break through the enemies instead of swarming them.

The two rat men followed him closely, but when Zucker landed and turned to them, they knew that they were at a disadvantage. Zak will stand much higher than them on the floor at the same height. Now he stands three steps above them, and the height of their eyes is only as flat as Wolfa's knees.

This position is not so bad for attackers - rats can stab Zack's unprotected legs. But when the long sword waved a huge arc and hit it down, the rat couldn't slow down, and they had nowhere to hide on the stairs.

The long sword shattered the skull of one of the rat people and continued to follow its strength until it broke his ankle. The other one turned pale under the fur and jumped to the side and jumped under the stairs.

Zak almost laughed out loud. Then he saw that many spears had been prepared below.

He rushed to the box and took the railing and chair as a cover, hoping that there was another exit there. Rats swarmed up the stairs.

Zucker didn't find any other doors. He shook his head and knew that he was surrounded and had no way out, so the sword in his hand danced two sword flowers and was ready to attack.

Zak strode to the top of the railing of the box and jumped down.

When he fell into the enemy's pile, he had changed!

He has snake feet, six arms holding various weapons, and now his height has doubled, spreading strong pressure among rat people, "My God, it's Naga!" The rat began to shout, and then scattered away.

It's Ruixi's turn to appear!

The enemy he thought could be easily annihilated became huge at this moment, making him lose confidence. He stood in the distance and shouted, "What on earth do you need?" I really don't know how to attract this evil star!

Naga turned to him, "I need to know a little information - but it seems that you don't welcome me here!"

"No, no," after knowing the purpose of the visitor, Ruixi mistakenly regarded him as a customer, a customer who did not go to the thief union to look for it, but came directly to find a thrush.

He laughed and said, "Please calm down - we can talk about what you need slowly!"

Zak began to change and returned to the appearance of ordinary people. He spit, "Bah, you have to force me to kill something that can only be honest!"

Even if Ruixi dares to disagree with him.