City of Dimlight

Chapter 157 Trap

Emperor Igna walked around the palace and was restless.

I thought that the celebration day was coming and it was finished. Who knew that tomorrow was the celebration, and a lot of things happened today.

First of all, in the middle of the night, the security office found traces of the dark elves, and finally found something in the homes of several city defense deputy generals, which seemed very likely that they had used - these vice generals could only be put in prison and wait for the trial after the celebration.

Secondly, Harrick led a thousand soldiers out to fight against the dark elves. According to common sense, he should have gone yesterday. Even if he would not come today, there should be a war report and return, but there was nothing. In the end, he had to send another 200-strong backup force.

Why are there so many things? Igna the Great was so irritable that even the chambermaid furious when he dressed him - no one would be in a good mood if he received such bad news early in the morning.

"What's going on these days?" He said to himself, "Mr. Pol, tell me about it." When no one chats, he can only talk to Pol, but he also knows in his heart that Boer does not care about the government and can only talk to himself, but at this time, some people say that it is always good to talk.

"Oh," Pol slowly came out, and no one knew where he came from. "I think maybe the black tide has hit recently and the public security has been relaxed, so now the enemies have found an opportunity to destroy - you think, if the celebration is destroyed, or many enemies will be very happy!"

"In this way, or it makes sense," the emperor's heart calmed down a little, "it's okay for the bad guys to destroy it - what I'm afraid of is that they have a bigger conspiracy!"

"What do you think will happen?" Pol asked calmly.

"Well, the emperor did not answer directly, "What if they are targeting me?"

"For Your Majesty?" Pol sneered, "If the plan against Your Majesty could really succeed, it would not have been safe for so many years!"

"I know your ability, Uncle Pol," the emperor hesitated, "and know that you have defeated the enemy many times - but why do I always feel a little worried this time?"

Boll thought for a little, "That's because your majesty has encountered something recently and has nowhere to focus on, so now he is a little lost!" Boll is the shadow of Igna the Great. He doesn't avoid anything, so he knows everything. In his eyes, everything is just a small matter. If Your Majesty relaxes, you will find that everything is very simple, nothing more than for the ceremony. As long as the second prince can ensure public security, then everything is very simple!"

"I'm more relieved," Igna the Great said, "Recently, he has exercised a lot and made achievements in the Archangel Fortress. Even the Duke has asked him for credit, which shows that this aspect is still good," he thought for a moment, "but I'm afraid that he is familiar with the outside war and internal defense. You haven't done enough!"

"Didn't he say that he would lead the praetorian guard to assist him when he came back?"

Speaking of Harrick, the emperor couldn't help raising his voice: "The guy Harrick - who was unwilling to go at the beginning, but now he is linger and can't come back - is mostly careful not to attack with soldiers!" He took two steps: "These veterans are really old. It seems that they must be replaced in the future!"

Bole thought for a while, "Otherwise, you can temporarily hand over the praetorian guard to the military minister for management, and then let the Solomon family send some people to help - the Mondei patriarch is still a credible person!"

"That's the only way," the emperor sighed, "Unfortunately, our family is thin, and there have never been too many people to send - or there will be no generals to send!"

Suddenly, Pol's eyes lit up, " By the way, I think of a person. If I really can't, I can ask him to temporarily take the command of the praetorian guard!"


"Little apprentice Quinas - the current martial artist of the Black Forest Castle!"

He also remembered this person. Kunas was an apprentice of Bol Sword God in his later years. Because he was an orphan, there was no family to rely on. Bolli accepted him as a disciple, and then joined the Solomon family. He broke through the seventh level in the martial arts competition, became an eighth-order strongman, and then won the championship in one fell swoop - this time it seems that he He came here as a greeting official of the Black Forest Castle.

From the perspective of the family, Quinas belongs to the Solomon family and is a subordinate family. There should be no problem with loyalty, and he has taken up the position of martial arts chief. He should be very familiar with these security management.

"That's good," the emperor said happily, "so that you can take care of your worries!"

He immediately ordered: "Come on!"

The servant came in and knelt on the ground.

"Sent someone to call the martial arts chief of the Black Forest Castle immediately!"



He came to rows of enemies like a whirlwind attacking an unprepared village. Within a few seconds, his axe flashed with blood, and pieces of meat flew around in the tunnel. A few dark elves blocking his way immediately threw shields between the killer and himself, and then escaped from the tunnel.

"That's all," Harrick shouted, "You still need me to take action!" The soldier behind him responded with infinite courage, and then strode behind him to charge forward.

"It's just some simple summoning beasts--" Some people laughed and scolded, "I dare to stand in front of our adults!"

A sharp claw monster wanted to block his move with his claws, but Harrick lowered the hand that made the move and hit him directly with his fist. The guy hit the wall and bounced out. Its body lay dead in a pile of rocks, but its legs that hit the wall were strangely **, making its partners see this scene.

The summoning beasts looked at each other nervously for support and cautiously approached the enemy in front of them. They roared and opened their mouths, but did not achieve the effect of enemy fear.

If their morale was depressed at this time, their morale would fly out of the sky after a moment, because the roaring soldiers rushed into the tunnel, and the leader was the invincible enemy, who killed a summoning beast with each blow. They had no intention to face this group of fierce opponents and ran away if they could.

Behind it was the enemy roaring and chasing after him.

Forens sat back in his chair and looked at the whole scene of destruction through the crystal ball. The death of those summoning beasts did not make him feel sad. As long as he wins, the beginnings of these summons and the magic crystals they need can be obtained.

"Your summoning beasts are not very good, Camis," commented the martial arts chief. "Others will even think they are cowardly."

The priest changed his center of gravity between his feet uneasily, "I'm sorry, martial arts leader, this is the only thing I can summon a huge amount!"

"I don't mean to blame you," there was no unpleasant emotion in the martial arts chief's words. "I just think the enemy is more powerful!"

Basha came up and said, "Do you need me to send soldiers to attack?" He carefully flattered Lawrence. But the martial arts chief just looked at him and did not answer.

"If the adult didn't say anything, then wait for a kick," Keymes said. "You just need to listen to these things and arrange them!"

All the enemies in the crystal ball have entered the tunnel, chasing the summoning beasts and gradually deepening.

He jumped up from his chair and walked slowly to the evil device. It's almost time," he said calmly to the priest, "send them to some dark place!" He handed over a book in his hand.

Kemes smiled evilly. He took over the huge book, and the cover was covered with black leather. He turned to a specific page, then went to the front of the crystal ball and began to recite a vicious spell.

Harrek was the first to walk out of the tunnel, and he was looking for more enemies to hack. In front of him is an empty space. The shadow of the summoning beast flashes at the end, and the roar also comes from there.

"How fast it runs!" He shouted, "It's almost to the center of the enemy - everyone, be careful, there may be the enemy's main force behind!"

Then he began to look for a place to ambush, and careful marching was his usual style.

He looked around and then looked beside him. Several guards with night eyes nodded, saying that they did not see any ambush.

Harrek was released, then waved his hand and rushed out.

The rolling stream of people rushed over, and the soldiers' blood was boiling. In this battle, the mentality of neutrality controlled most people and rushed forward, hoping to kill more enemies.

But when they rushed to the middle, they suddenly felt horrible.

Harrick has studied magic for a period of time and has a good relationship with some magicians of the Magic Association. He now feels a strange and dangerous feeling, which is a kind of magic aimed at him - he sees the walls and floors around him fluctuating, as if it has become more unreal. .

Then he understood that the opposite wall began to get farther and farther away, and a force began to spread.

"Hands up!" He shouted and then asked more soldiers to pull their hands together before the magic swept them all away. The ground began to shine, and the light stretched like a line, and then formed a magic array.

"It's a trap!" He continued to shout, and the soldiers began to understand what he meant at this time and pulled their hands together to resist the upcoming magic.

Our city defense commander saw his soldiers huddle together in helplessness and fear. Then the scene in the crystal ball turned from the tunnel to a dark place, a place full of smoke and shadow, full of ghouls and undead.

The dead under the ghost emperor have been waiting here for a long time.