City of Dimlight

Chapter 163 Ambush

The kingdom is still the same kingdom, but the sky has changed color! Rebecca said silently in her heart, I really don't know if the future will come! Her heart was sad, and tears couldn't help falling to the ground.

Gavin looked at Rebecca and suddenly said, "Miss, in fact, you really don't have to worry about it now. I don't think the patriarch will be much!" His firm eyes couldn't help surprising Rebecca.

"Uncle Gavin," Rebecca choked, "How did you think so?"

Gavin nodded, "It must be like this!" He explained, "First of all, in the kingdom, our Solomon family also has nearly 3,000 private soldiers, and they are all escorted by caravans with good quality - no one will easily ignore such a powerful opponent." Rebecca nodded. And we control the city of Bligh and the surrounding area, which allows us to quickly turn the guards into an army, and the number can quickly reach 5,000, 8,000, or even 10,000!" He was sure: "This is enough to keep the leader safe!"

Rebecca's sob gradually stopped. Are you really sure? Uncle Gavin?" She is now like a drowning man who grabs a life-saving straw and needs comfort.

"Yes, 100% sure," Gavin stood up, looked at the door, and then came back to sit down. Miss, the most important thing now is for us to leave here. What we just said must be done after leaving here - there will be nothing if we don't come back to Brighton!"

"What should we do?"

"First of all, calm down!" Gavin whispered, "We are both assassins, and it shouldn't be difficult to sneak out!"

"Calm... Calm..." Rebecca sat down as she said, began to take a few deep breaths, and then began to calm down her mind.

Gavin is right. The two assassins are indeed relatively easy to slip out. Although something went wrong at the gate and almost abandoned their previous achievements, they succeeded after all.

"Can't you really go back and have a look?" Rebecca walked on the road and said, "I think there should be a chance to see his father or save him!"

"That's impossible," Gavin said, "The second prince is not a fool. He must log in after arresting people this time. If you find that there are a few people missing in our family, do you think he will not beware of you from saving people?"

"Oh," Rebecca thought for a moment and suddenly said, "Then why doesn't he ambush people outside?"

"Hey--" suddenly there was a burst of laughter in the corner, and the two figures came out with the laughter.

"Who are you?" Gavin suddenly pulled out the dagger and shouted harshly, "What do you want to do?"

"Who are we? Haha, don't you know?" One of them smiled and said, "We are the people sent here by the Second Highness!"

"Hm?" Gavin looked carefully. One of them was thin, with a fine light flashing in his eyes, and a thin sword behind him. At first glance, he was a master of sword skills. The other was a high hat and a wide robe, with extremely long nails in his hand, and a close skin bag behind him, which seemed to be a summoner.

"You deal with this swordsman, I deal with the summoner," Gavin whispered, "I hope I can clean him up before he summons the monster, and then come to help you!"

Rebecca nodded, and then Gavin took a step. "In that case, we don't have to say more," he said coldly, "Then come on!"

The two rushed up in an instant.

But the opponent did not rush over, but took a step back!

"It's not good!" Gavin shouted in his heart and accelerated his speed, "Rebecca, escape!"

Rebecca began to fade immediately after his sound, and then gradually disappeared in the light of the moss.

The sword in the swordsman's hand came out of its sheath and suddenly waved in front of him, and a burning circle of fire appeared.

"Carla, Sisla Black, Elando!" The summoner whispered, and a stove suddenly appeared in the circle, emitting thick red smoke, making the tunnel shrouded in a sick red light. The thick smoke has a sweet and strange smell. As the smell floated into Gavin's nose, he felt that he was getting lighter and lighter, as if he was about to float off the ground.

But the dagger in Gavin's hand still stabbed out, "Dangdang!"

Several attacks were blocked by the swordsman, and both of them were stunned and did not know the depth of their opponents.

Gavin can only hope that Rebecca can assassinate the summoner in the first place, but this may not be achieved, "Rebecca, attack him together!"

The flame in the stove suddenly rose, and the dazzling light made Trist couldn't help turning his head.

The summoner began to sing regularly, but the two did not understand the content at all. However, he had no time to pay attention to him at all. It took all his mind to face his opponent so clearly in such a paralyzing hazy.

"Gra, Breru," the summoner shouted, adding civilization white, which is the sound of summoning and the name of the low-level monster. He came back to look at the scene in front of him and found that the summoner had held a short bone stick in his hand. The stick had a dazzling light, and the flame in the stove was getting higher and higher, but brighter and brighter.

The flame is beating at the edge of the stove. Thick smoke rushed to Gavin's face, ** and he inhaled the smoke. His legs seemed to be on the edge of paralysis, but they seemed to be more ** and eager to try than ever. Suddenly, a figure appeared beside him and fixed his eyes. It turned out that the smoke made Rebecca unable to suffer and emerged from the escape state.

His eyes fluttered around, and he couldn't find a place to concentrate, and he couldn't connect the strange dancing flame with the regular singing of the summoner.

The primitive and strong howling spit out from the summoner's mouth, and even the swordsman stepped aside and began to resist this ** with all his strength.

The flames heard the call, and they kept rising, getting higher and higher, and slowly began to take shape. An image began to cover the whole audience and grabbed their eyes tightly. A huge head and a strange head with six diagonal heads emerged from the flames, clearly looking at the summoner who dared to call its name.

Next to the alien body, the summoner's singing sounded again, and the summoner's tone was accompanied by prayer and **. At this time, Gavin finally understood in a trance that the summoner was a woman!

The huge monster in the low-level world stepped out of the flames. The powerful demon power of the monster completely shocked Gavin. The monster had a nine-foot-high body and crawled on the ground, but the mottled and broken scales on his back showed that he had experienced many battles.

Gavin's instinct told him to attack the monster, but when he looked around, he found that his momentum had been completely suppressed and he had no courage to fight.

In all these hazy and vague scenes, the seductive and whirling red fog continues to distort the real world. Gavin trembled all over and staggered on the cliff on the edge of consciousness, constantly expanding his anger against the red smoke**. Subconsciously, his other hand touched another secret dagger on his back.

He suddenly pulled out the dagger and stabbed it hard on his leg!

Blood blood!

But this tingling suddenly woke him up!

After the monster's illusion failed, he basically recovered his real body - the monster basically showed a tall and thin human figure, but it had a ball-shaped head like a goat and a slender hand with three fingers, and the end of the finger was claws. It is taller than Garlock and looks condescendingly at Gavin. Not bad, elf," he said in a strange voice, "How dare you break my illusion like this?"

The flash shone hungryly in Gavin's hand, but another dagger almost flew to the monster.

"Uh! You are awesome." The creature quacked.

Gavin rushed to Rebecca's side, hoping to wake her up. Get back, devil." He roared.

"This is not a demon," the summoner opened his mouth charmingly, and he showed his boundless charming face. "This is a monster."

Gavin looked at him curiously, but his hands still shook and did not wake up Rebecca.

"Okay, elf," the monster said in a strange voice, "I didn't expect you to be quite cruel! This illusion must wake yourself up before entering, and this woman will be impossible!"

"Then you have nothing to rely on," Gavin said bluffly. "Now I'm not afraid of you two!"

The monster laughed loudly, if that was laughter, because it sounded more like the sound of a drowning man before he died. Don't think that you have broken an illusion and ignore my other skills!" It lazily stretched out a hand to Gavin. You can try something else!"

After Rebecca woke up, Gavin quickly made other decisions. Try it!" He shouted, and then waved his dagger to the monster - but the monster moved faster than the elf expected. It easily dodged the blow, then counterattacked with its arm as a stick, and hit Gavin sliding on the bridge with one wave.

The monster fell and stretched out its fierce claws to the sliding dwarf.

This hand was cut in half by the flash before it touched Bruno.

Everyone present was shocked!

The monster turned around in surprise and found a human standing behind him. You hurt me, human," it shouted strangely, but there was no pain in its voice, "but you have to do better!" He hit the man with his injured hand, but he dodged reflexively, and then the monster stretched out his second hand, thought about the unfinished task of the first hand, and grabbed three scars on Gavin's shoulder.

But Gavin still found time, got up from the ground, and avoided other injuries, "Zak!" He shouted, "Please help us young lady!"

Now standing in front of the enemy is our Naga warrior. He didn't find Leo all the way. Zac, who was full of anger, now his eyes are on fire, and the sword in his hand is also particularly terrible!

The summoner took a step back. Among all the groups, his group should be relatively strong, so he boasted in front of Leopold - the current situation is completely unacceptable.

And now is not the time to admit defeat!