City of Dimlight

Chapter 182 Entering the City

Simon had no difficulty finding information about the three travelers. In fact, this ghost already knows a lot about them. In those years, his attention was almost all on the apprentice except for the magic array that returned to the ground, and his curiosity did not fade with his body. Even now, he still often observes Leo's movements, even after being captured by the ghost emperor.

The Black Knight continues to care about the world he has left, which is nothing new in the spiritual world. Death changes the ambitions of souls and transfers their love for material or social interests into an eternal desire for knowledge. Some souls have been looking down on the world for countless centuries, just collecting intelligence and watching creatures continue their lives. Maybe this is just a envy for the physical senses they can no longer feel.

But no matter what the reason is, the abundance of single soul knowledge often exceeds the sum of library collections around the world.

Two hours is too short. Simon can't meet Leo, but he knows a lot of things and knows how to answer. Now the initiative is in his own hands, and he is forced to meet the needs of the summoner, but he intends to answer him as vaguely as possible.

When Forens saw the flame in the brazier dance again, his eyes lit up. Has it been two hours? He suspected that because he had not had enough rest, he felt that he had not fully recovered from his first contact with the soul. However, he could not refuse to meet the Black Knight. He sat up straight, tightened his ankle closer, and tightened his posture of meditate cross-legged.

The fireball struggled to squirt to the highest point, and then Simon appeared in front of him. The Black Knight stood obediently behind and said nothing before the dark elf asked. The purpose of this visit about the apprentice is still vague to him, but he already knows a lot about their mission, which is beyond what Forens wants to know. He still couldn't guess the reason why the dark elf was suddenly interested in his apprentice, but he felt that the other party must be plotting, no matter what his purpose was.

"What is the purpose of this visit?" Lawrence forced him to say that he was angry with the Black Knight's procrastination strategy.

"You called me by yourself," Simon replied, "I was forced to appear."

"Don't fool me!" The dark elves shouted.

He stared at the Black Knight, stretched out his hand and presented the scroll in front of Simon, showing his posture of mastering the overall situation. The black knight's face showed anger. Although it was invisible, the dark elf could guess from his tone and slightly retreating actions that his threat had worked.

Forens smiled and made a simple logical concession to the Black Knight and clarified the problem. Where are the mercenaries' destination? What's the reason for going there?

"There are various reasons." The Black Knight replied. But their destination is here - King Buring Stone City. There is no need to hide Leo's destination. Although it is said now, even if he doesn't say it, he will be known by the dark elves in a few days.

"Does it have anything to do with us?" Lawrence asked, he tried to find some ties that could connect the fragments with Leo, hoping that the fragments could be captured this time. Are they here to deal with us?

"No," Simon replied, and he was happy to see Lawrence suddenly collapse. He deliberately delayed mentioning the details of the problem and more ** content. The past few minutes have begun to reduce the dark elf's control of itself, and Simon hopes that he can find a way to break free from the dark elf's grasp before revealing too much about Leo and his party, so that he can deceive his opponents more smoothly. Leo came here just by. They will return to the station of the Solomon family and help them defend against the enemies in the north!"

"North? Do they think that the Soros Empire will attack Bry City? - It's not our concern, and what else?"

"The other person wants to meet the prophet." Simon provided information and said that he deliberately changed the topic.

"Who is looking for a prophet?" Lawrence asked more sternly.

"Zak." Simon was forced to answer obediently. He is going to meet the family prophets around Bly City to find answers to some questions. - Why are you interested in this? This group has nothing to do with you and poses no threat to the new emperor.

"I didn't ask you to come here to ask me questions!" Lawrence scolded angrily. Now tell me an important message. Leo seems to be carrying the fragments of the abandoned blade?

"Attention," Simon instructed. The Black Knight's hand waved and passed a scene into Frens's heart, which was Leo killing his opponent with golden flames all over his body. On the one hand, he clearly saw all Leo's clothes and things he carried. On the other hand, he vaguely reminded the dark elves that Leo was now in the ninth level, and It's not a role he can easily deal with.

"You can see for yourself." The Black Knight explained. I haven't seen what you need, and I don't know if it's on him. Even if telling the dark elves about this annoyed the Black Knight, Simon could not refuse his order. Nevertheless, he felt that the shackles of Fulence' will were about to relax, and he guessed that the call was coming to an end.

In this way, at least for the time being, Leo is safe. Without knowing whether the fragments were on Leo, he guessed that the dark elf would not provoke a ninth-order strongman and cause unnecessary trouble to himself.

The dark elves temporarily stopped to think about this information. None of the things the Black Knight told him are directly related to the fragments. But at least he knew that the opponent did not intend to stay in Wangdu. And he has found a possible ally. If the Soros Empire really wants to attack Bly City, he can better complete this task to help break through the Archangel Fortress.

When Simon's stubborn resistance caused sudden traction to break Forens's thinking, he was thinking about the next step. In anger, he stared at the Black Knight with threatening eyes and untied a scroll. Bold!" He roared that although he could control it for a while if he put his energy into the willpower struggle, he still began to recite the contents of the scroll.

Simon flinched, but he was quite proud, although he consciously angered Lawrence to this extent.

The Black Knight can accept such torture because it marks the end of this interrogation. And he was glad that the Dark Elf did not force him to delve into Leo's specific situation, so he had to tell these guys that Leo had actually arrived outside the city.


When Leo and his party arrived at the gate, they found that it was not easy to pass. The soldiers checked the pedestrians one by one, and there was a pamphlet in the hands of the soldiers, and everyone was allowed to pass after comparison.

But Leo quickly found a way. He sneaked into the line with his companions, lined up behind several carts pulling grain. He quickly said his plan, and then the three of them quietly spread it away and prepared what they needed.

The team moved forward slowly, seeing that it was less than ten meters away from the gate.

At this time, Leo quietly touched a dagger and quickly cut the rope tied to grain in each cart.

Obix ignited the grain, and the uncovered grain quickly burned, while Zack had also set fire to the tail of the Ross beast pulling the cart.

A few hiss, and the painful Los beast began to go crazy and rushed forward desperately. In the running, the scattered grains flew to the ground and lit up the surroundings with flames.

"It's on fire!"

Some people have begun to shout and then avoid the running fire truck. The soldiers at the gate also dodged in a hurry for fear of being knocked over by the huge beast weighing hundreds of pounds. For a moment, some cried, some shouted, some pulled the goods out, and some sneaked into the city, but more people were preparing to catch the Los beast from the side to stop him.

But many people have been pulled to the ground. Once this peaceful and docile animal goes crazy, it is completely unusual.

"Kun him to death!" The officer began to shout, "Ready to shoot arrows!"

The soldier hurriedly took out the bow and arrow, but did not let the Los beast fall to the ground, but let it explode fiercely and began to rush to the people.

"Dodge!" The officer shouted, "Use a spear! With a spear!"

Several soldiers dodged and were injured by the big car behind Los Beast.

Just when the gate was in chaos, Leo and others had sneaked into the city.

"How long will we stay in such a place?" Obix asked Leo that they had walked side by side on the wide avenue after safely passing through the gate.

And the noise of the city gate is getting farther and farther away.

"Until I get some answers," Leo replied. But now we need to find a place to hide. Zak can only be satisfied with this answer and put forward his own suggestions, "Actually, I know there is a place where absolutely no one can go, and no one will search!"

"Thustray," Leo said, "you will have some good advice!"

"Before Howard succeeded to the throne, he had a mansion on the edge of the West City, but now he lives in the palace, which must be empty," Zucker smiled. "No one will search there, and no one will guess that we will hide in that mansion."

Leo also laughed, "I just hope there is food there, so we don't have to eat out~" He was very happy with this suggestion, "As long as we find a secluded room, we can use it as a place to rest!"

Although he said so, Zak still saw that Leo was unhappy, or the closer he got to the final communication with Nicole, the more nervous he would be.

"Okay, let's go!" Zak patted Leo on the shoulder, "Let me lead the way!"