City of Dimlight

Chapter 214 Shock! City of the Sky

The sea boat sailed quietly in the earth and sea, without wind and waves. Kozmo sat in the bow and stared at the crystal dots of the dome, as if looking up at the children in the night sky.

"Cough, cough!"

He didn't look back, just smiled, "I didn't expect you to stay up in the middle of the night!"

"Hehe, I'm old and have less sleep," the three elders slowly came out of the cabin. "I haven't thanked you yet - I didn't expect that you saved my life in the end!"

Kozmo said lightly, "That's because they have gone too far - do you know that Stewart, the left hand, came to kill me first!" He said, "If the two elders really have completely mastered the city of the sky, then they will definitely come to me endlessly - rather than this, I might as well help you overthrow the two elders!"

"Really?" The third elder smiled and said, "Why do I always feel that's not the case?"

"Will it still be like that?" Kozmo added, "Of course, my brother's arrest is also one of the reasons!"

The three elders shook their heads with a smile, "Actually, you and I both know that this is just an excuse - you have changed now and are no longer the 'killing right hand' of our former Blue Armored Samurai Regiment. You can't fool me about this!"

Kozmo did not admit it or refute it.

The three elders continued, "The murderous spirit in your eyes has diminished a lot, and it is no longer so cruel and ruthless - you must have met someone or something!"

Kozmo frowned: "Why do you say that your heart is soft now?"

"It's very simple," said the three elders: "If it were the former right hand, it would make those red armor warriors escape today? - You must have killed them all to avoid future troubles - but if you didn't do that, I knew that you had changed!"

Kozmo was silent for a while before sighing: "I know I can't hide anything from you - you're right. I met a man and then joined their mercenary regiment and lived for a while!"

"That time must have had a great impact on you!"

Kozmo said, "That's right - they give me a strange feeling, or they are not at a high level and their martial arts skills are not very good, but everyone cares about others and loves others, which is completely different from us!" He slowly fell into his memory: "When our children in the city of the sky were so old, they kept practicing, fighting, and then killing their opponents in the next competition; then practicing, fighting again, and then... When did we care about the life and death of others?"

The third elder sighed: "You're right. At the beginning, we made this decision to strengthen human potential, and I persuaded him many times without results - later, before the elder died, he found his mistake, so he asked us to change all this... Who knows that the second brother didn't agree at all, and We are all locked up!"

"I also heard about the second elder," Kozmo turned around and faced the third elder, "So what are you going to do this time?" He stared into the eyes of the three elders without blinking.

"I want to change all this!" The three elders said firmly, "As long as you can stand by my side and support me, then we can change everything so that the children will not repeat your old path!"

His eyes sparkled with longing: "Although you have embarked on this road, I hope you will promise me and help me!"

Kozmo nodded: "Okay!" Although it is very simple, there is no doubt that I have expressed my feelings.


On the twenty-first day of going to sea, a huge stone pillar appeared in the sea in the eyes of the sailors of the watchtower.

The stone pillar was so huge that it hung directly on the dome like a sea tornado. The majestic scene made the sailor excited and almost fell down.

A chill gradually appeared in Kozmo's eyes, and noisy footsteps came from behind him.

The blue armored warriors have received the news and are fully armed and ready to fight.

The last one of the three elders walked out of the hatch. He looked at Kozmo and said, "Is there anything strange?"

Kozmo shook his head and said to the sailor, "Let's go around and let's go to the back!"

The ship slowly turned around and began to make a detour a few miles away from the stone pillar.

With the rotation of the water flow, the back of the stone pillar appeared in front of everyone.

Behind the stone pillar, there is a large reef protruding from the surface of the water, like a natural shelter port, with more than a dozen sea boats neatly arranged on both sides.

Although the distance is far away, Kozmo found something wrong at the first time!

Just on the path in the middle of the reef, there are a lot of scattered items, weapons, clothes, accessories, and even some food that I don't know where they come from!

The whole reef is empty, and there is no one!

Kozmo took a closer look and finally concluded that there was no ambush here!

With a slight shock, the boat finally reached the shore.

Kozmo took all his blue armored warriors ashore and walked towards the stone pillar.

There is a small square hole at the root of the stone pillar, which is the entrance to the city of the sky.

After entering, there is an empty hall with several metal gates around the hall. The inside was the same as the outside, full of messy abandoned objects, showing an indescribable panic at that time.

Kozmo took everyone to a door marked with the word 'six' and gently pressed the slate next to him.

Only a crisp sound was heard, and the metal door slid open to both sides, revealing a stone platform in the middle.

Kozmo nodded, and then all the people walked in and stood on the stone platform.

With a flash of blue light, everyone appeared at the top of the Sky City.

I saw that it was as empty as below, only the messy things scattered around.

The three elders were a little surprised and said, "It seems that everyone here has run away - come on, check and see if there is anything left that is available!"

Kozmo suddenly moved his mind and rushed to the magic conveyor.

These people have run away, so what about the people they locked up?

Kozmo quickly spread to the second floor. Before he stood still, he heard countless voices shouting: "Captain, it's the captain!"

"Sure enough, the captain is here!" Look, I'm right!" ... countless shouts like this.

Koz couldn't take a look that the prison in the Sky City was actually full of people!

Originally, there were not many people in the Sky City. In addition, in recent years, the Sky City has also lost a lot of manpower, and it is estimated that there are only more than 2,000 people here - at a glance, it actually exceeds 700 or 800!

At this moment, I heard a voice exclaiming: "Brother! Brother! I'm here!"

Kozmo followed the sound, and in the innermost room, it turned out to be Raphael, his brother!

Kozmo was a little excited, and even he didn't know why - it turned out that he was a person who didn't show any emotion at all.

Kozmo strode over. All the way, as long as he saw his former blue armored warrior in the prison, he cut the iron lock on the prison door to the ground with a sword.

"Register everyone, release all those who are against the arrest of the second brother, and then register them!" Although they did not see the enemy, the two elders sent several warriors to assist Kozmo. Seeing that they were waiting for their orders, Kozmo casually made a request.

"Yes!" Several warriors began to count the released old Japanese comrades-in-arms. Although they were out of danger and everyone was very excited, under the power of Kozmo's past, everyone obediently registered without any confusion.

Kozmo opened the cage, "Raphael, are you all right?"

It was Rafael who regarded him like brothers in prison. At this time, he looked excited and hugged Kozmo tightly.

"Hm?" Kozmo found a strangeness. Raphael felt a little different from himself. It seemed to be much stronger, but it seemed to be a little different from his own strength. It was like a tall mushroom tree in front of Jolin. Although it looked similar in height, it seemed that the wood and toughness were much less.

"What's wrong with you?" Kozmo asked, "Why do I feel that your breath is a little different!"

Raphael's face of excitement disappeared in an instant. He sighed heavily and told the story.

After Kozmo left, the second elder newly found an alchemy formula that could fuse the power of beasts, so he was ready to test it on everyone, but the elders did not agree to do so, so one night, the second elders actually got in touch with the ghost emperor and arrested all the opponents in one fell swoop.

Subsequently, the two elders began to experiment with a large number of new drugs, training the red armored warriors and the black armored and blue armored warriors loyal to themselves into new warriors who could be beastized.

Although they gained new power, many warriors felt uncomfortable, and some warriors who did not agree with this practice began to find a solution. These warriors found the two elders imprisoned and released him!

But the power of the new warriors is huge. Soon, those warriors who resisted lost their advantage, some were killed, and others were caught and locked up.

Only a few people protected the two elders and escaped.

Those pursuers were sent out at this time!

The two elders also found the inadequacies of the new drug, so they began to inject different experimental agents into the bodies of these prisoners - Raphael is one of them!

Many people died, and only a few survived, but they didn't seem to have any strength - only Raphael felt the changes in his body - Raphael knew that if he was found to have new power, he would definitely be sent to five layers by the two elders to be tested!

He also pretended to be at a loss!

But the second elder was very careful. He locked all the warriors who had injected new medicine but did not die in a magic array room that could block power and strictly guarded them.

The cup quickly happened. One night, several animal warriors began to go crazy and injured many people. Just as the two elders were busy dealing with this matter, the warriors who came back outside brought back bad news:

Stowar was killed by Kozmo!

This was like a bolt from the blue, which stunned the two elders and his followers in an instant.

Go! Give up here! The second elder quickly gave up here and left the city with everyone without predicting when Kozmo would arrive.

"I'm surprised that he didn't kill you so kindly," Kozmo smiled: "This is what I'm most worried about!"

Raphael said, "It's not that he didn't want to kill us, but his men didn't execute it!" He said, "Those warriors who stayed to carry out the death penalty finally let us go - after all, they are also companions who have fought with us!"

He told Kozmo that the warriors who carried out the last mission could not do it. Finally, they discussed leaving the two elders and fled elsewhere - maybe there were not many warriors who escaped at this time, and there were not many people who were really willing to follow the two elders to find the ghost emperor!