City of Dimlight

Chapter 225 Change

Gavin quickly left Brighton, and Rebecca and Quinas quickly calculated the time needed - it would take about ten days to transport everything they needed.

"There is not so much time," Rebecca said to the hurried elders: "Now that the undead have been found nearby and the plan has changed, we must transfer the supplies as soon as possible, and then you all follow and leave!"

"The Undead?" The elder was shocked: "How did you come so quickly?" The words they had prepared were stuck in their throats, and now they just want to leave this dangerous city quickly. "When did you find out?"

Qunas said, "The patrol team last night has been killed by them - so we think that now you elders must leave here with the next batch of supplies and go to the Dwarves Kingdom to carry out your work there!"

Rebecca echoed, "Yes - a little later, it may be too late!"

Several elders suddenly realized and nodded quickly, "Yes, yes, we should separate to lead the people and take good care of them!" They patted their chests and promised that they would settle all the relocated residents, and then ran back.

Originally, these guys stayed just to move away all the things that could be used in their homes, the grain in the territory, etc., but after hearing the news, they ran to their homes one after another, shouted and began to load the soft into the car, and quickly left Brighton City - a few more away from the harbor. Hundreds of miles away, no one wants to be caught up by the dead halfway.

As soon as the elder left, many things became extremely easy to do.

Rebecca called the material officer and ordered, "There are still three days left. I hope you can remove all the remaining grain, weapons, medicinal materials, agricultural tools, livestock and other things now. As for those antique furniture, precious flowers and plants, don't bring them with you - hurry up and take the lives of the people. Take away the utensils!"

The material officials were overjoyed. In recent days, the elders' things have bored people to death. He saluted Rebecca and ran to carry out the task happily.

"Add two teams to help them transport grain and fodder," Cuunus reminded: "No matter what animal, as long as they can pull the car, all of them will be sent to pull supplies - so that they may take three days to complete these things!"

"I know," Rebecca quickly summoned several officers and assigned the task.

The subsequent city defense officer also received his own order: inform all residents that all residents must leave three days later, but before leaving, everyone should prepare the food and drinking water their families need.

Then Quinas began to go to the barracks, chose 10,000 young soldiers as the defense line for the final retreat, and began a comprehensive weapon and armor configuration, hoping to come in an emergency.

Just as everything was in full swing in Bligh City, a small group of patrol soldiers brought new news from the north.

They brought the envoys of the Soros Empire!

"What?" Rebecca almost jumped up from the table. "You said that the Soros Empire informed us that we could take refuge in their country?" She didn't understand the meaning at all: "Why did they suddenly have such a big change? Also, how did the channel open?

The messenger with the letter smiled and said, "Actually, our empire has always been willing to help everyone, but when the old majesty heard that the black tide was coming, he panicked for a moment and issued the ridiculous order - now our country is ruled by the new majesty, and this was corrected at the first time. Wrong!"

"The new emperor of the Soros Empire has ascended the throne?" Rebecca asked suspiciously, "We haven't heard any news - is your new emperor the eldest prince or the second prince?"

"It's our Highness," the messenger bowed slightly to show his respect. "It has been more than ten days since he ascended the throne - on the first day, the first order was to start digging the tunnel and opening up the north and south traffic arteries!"

"Then you are really awesome," Rebecca herself didn't know what it meant. "In less than ten days, the long tunnel was dug out - not to mention the continuous landslides on it!"

"This is the credit of our great sacrifice," the messenger said with a smile, "Our great sacrifice is the elder who came to the city of the sky. He has joined our empire - this tunnel is still his main force. If it weren't for him, we wouldn't have been able to get through for a year!"

"The Elder of the City of the Sky?" Rebecca shouted, "How did they join your empire?"

"Oh, it's all to deal with the ghost emperor, so the Sky City is also willing to give its own strength!"

At this time, the door of the hall was suddenly pushed open, and Kunus strode in. "I'm curious that no matter how magical the Sky City is, it is impossible to dig a tunnel in a few days!" He was very suspicious of what happened at the beginning. "Can you tell me how they dug the tunnel?"

The messenger was stunned and smiled again in a blink of an eye. "I don't know this, my lord - think, how can I, a little civil official, know these big things!"

"Oc, we know," Rebecca called the guard and took the messenger to rest: "We need to plan how to take refuge in your country!" She stopped Quinas from continuing to ask questions with her eyes, but

Just after the messenger left, Rebecca and Quinas looked at each other and didn't understand why the Soros Empire had such a big change. This was definitely not as simple as changing the emperor.

But at this time, there is no other way to think of it, only one step at a time.

Soros Empire, go or not?

Just as Rebecca and others began to speculate, Gavin had already moved forward quickly along the way he came.

According to his guess, since the patriarch and others have a large number of people and carriages and other things, it must be a road, that is, an ordinary business road, so that it is not easy to miss it.

He is very anxious, but he still moves forward carefully. He is not so relieved about the enemies hidden in the dark.

But the enemy was not found along the way, and even the patriarch he should have met has never been found.

In the earliest contact, the patriarch told them that now that his party had passed the call valley, there was a discordant voice in the team, and the nobles began to relax and paralyze. He and several kings were dealing with this matter.

Now the call valley is still far away. Maybe this matter has not been handled well, and they have been delayed on the way.

Gavin deceived himself while trying his best to make his way.


The Archangel Fortress is still as prosperous as ever. People come and go, but in the past, it was human beings and various intelligent creatures, but now there are all kinds of undead gathered here.

Some monsters are also mixed among them. They are allowed by the ghost emperor to wear magical bone jewelry. They are recognized by the undead as their own people and are not attacked.

But when living, all living monsters must live in the barracks outside the fortress, where there are fences and walls, which can give them some sense of security, while not letting the smell of food blood too much to irritate the undead.

At the gate of the Archangel Fortress, mountains of corpses have become the best food for these guys.

A rotten wolf was digging around the body and suddenly found a hard thing.

The nails on his paws seemed to have been injured, and the guy screamed angrily and began to dig down desperately.

The wandering monsters and undead gathered around. Although they are not intelligent, they can still distinguish the painful shouts, especially some of the higher-level undead.

Two ogre joined the ranks of the rotten wolf and began to look for things under the pile of corpses.

Suddenly, one of the ogre touched something like a handle. He grabbed the place and pulled it up hard!

A strange brilliance appeared in an instant. The light was like the "purification magic" released by 10,000 magicians at the same time. The nearby undead didn't even understand what had happened, and it had turned into green smoke and dissipated in the air!

This force is so great that even the undead dozens of meters away feel indescribably uncomfortable. They shout and roll, pull out weapons to attack each other, as if they can reduce the damage.

The ogre began to roar, and his eyes could no longer see anything. Fear made him wave the stick in his hand wildly! The rotten wolf was beaten by this stick and flew up, fell to the ground and did not move.

The colorful light soon disappeared, but these few seconds have brought chaos to the Archangel Fortress!

All the undead within dozens of meters nearby turned into smoke, and other creatures lost their eyes. A little farther away, most of the undead were melted, and others lost their strong spirit of death.

The golden skeleton that arrived in a hurry began to look for the culprit. He quickly found the box inlaid with mithril in the end of the mess, which seemed to have been touched, and then locked it up by himself.

The box emits a strange, milky light, which makes the golden skeleton very uncomfortable, but he knows very well that this thing seems to be dedicated to the owner and may be rewarded.

He stopped the other senior undeads who rushed around him, endured the indescribable pain, held the box on his chest, and couldn't help but take it for himself.

But the master is not here now, which made him a little frustrated, but soon he became happy again. Although there was no way to offer this treasure immediately, at least he got it himself, not those guys!

You must hide the box now!

The simple thinking of the golden skeleton told him that he must stay away from the coveting guy here and find a place without undead.

He looked at the winding road in the distance, which leads to the human world and is also the way the owner left.

The golden skeleton began to stagger on this road with a few bronze skeletons behind it.

But what he didn't know was that in the distance, several human beings lay on a raised rock wall and carefully observed themselves.

They rushed here to find Leo and his party.