City of Dimlight

Chapter 232 Re-raveling

Rebecca stood at the city gate and looked left and right to see no one coming. She couldn't help but be a little anxious. She suddenly turned around and grabbed the soldier's collar: "Do you have an estimate of this time? - Why don't you come yet?"

The soldier argued, "It should be about the same, miss!" He recalled again and said affirmatively, "This time should be the time!"

What should it mean?" Rebecca was a little unrelenting: "Father, are they in a carriage?"

"Yes," the soldier said, "It's basically all carriages, and there are not many injuries - at this speed, it's up to an hour later than me!" He tiptoed so that he could see through the dark tunnel.

"Why hasn't it arrived yet..." Rebecca hummed and suddenly heard Quinus's surprised voice: "Here it comes!"

She turned around and saw that this was one of the front caves outside Blai City. A group of people slowly walked out. The team seemed to be very careful, and all the guards were surrounded by the carriage.

And one of his patrols opened the way in front, and the rock lizard walked briskly around the team and surrounded the cart.

"Father!" Rebecca became excited, let go of the soldiers and quickly ran to the team, followed by the haunted elders behind her.

Quinas also strode over. As soon as he left, all the soldiers followed. Now only the envoys of the Soros Empire, the elder of the City of Sky, Benjamin, the Great-Mage, are left on the edge of the city.

I saw him smile and walked over quietly.

Rebecca rushed straight to the team, and the guards carefully made way. After everyone entered, the team slowly stopped and the guards closed again.

The door slowly opened, and the patriarch walked down carefully with the help of Boban.

Rebecca rushed over and cried bitterly in the arms of the elder door!

She has indeed suffered too much grievances and suffered too much. This burden that she had to bear made her grow up quickly and become the first person of the Solomon family!

But after all, she is just a girl, and she can't help bursting into tears in front of her father.

But the door pushed her open!

Rebecca was a little surprised. She suddenly raised her head, but saw the extremely twisted and painful expression on her face! What's wrong with you? She shouted anxiously, "Is the injury changed again - I have prepared the best priest, wait, I'll call him over right away!" After saying that, he began to shout: "Priest! Where's the priest... Come and see my father's injury..."

"No!" The door interrupted her: "Actually, I'm not hurt!"

"Ah?" Not only did Rebecca not understand, but also the soldiers of the patrol did not understand, "What did you say - not hurt?" The patrol opened its mouth: "What you clearly said..."

"Yes," Mondie closed his eyes in pain: "He forced me to say so - otherwise, none of these ministers can save their lives!" Who?" Rebecca suddenly pulled out the dagger: "Who is so bold?"

She was looking left and right, and suddenly a murderous spirit hit on the right. Rebecca turned around and saw that Kunas had pulled out his sword and stared at a man in black who slowly came from the team!

"That's right. It's true that I told him to say so," the man in black let out a dark laugh: "If he is disobedient, I will really kill all these guys!"

"Who are you?" Quinas said word by word, "show your face!"

"He is the ghost emperor!" A voice came from the door of the big car. Kunus looked at it, and a handsome face slowly appeared at the door. It was the injured Gavin.

"Ghost Emperor!" Kunnas took a step back, and the flames began to burst out in his hand, and there was no doubt that he went all out.

"Not bad!" The man in black took off his hat and showed his famous face on the continent, "It's me!"

Rebecca exclaimed, "Father, how can you..." She asked in horror, "Is it..."

"You guessed right!" Boban interrupted, "We are all his prisoners!"

The ghost emperor laughed and said, "That's right - now not only you, but even this woman is my prisoner!" He waved his hand gently: "Come on, arrest this woman!"

Two soldiers rushed over, but only halfway through, a man suddenly appeared in front of Rebecca!


He crossed his sword and said proudly, "If you want to catch Rebecca, you have to pass me!" The light of the sword in his hand has obviously been infused with the fighting spirit of his whole body, and now it is indestructible.

The vampire looked at the ghost emperor, and the latter nodded gently, so the two vampire soldiers pulled out their swords and turned into a dark shadow and rushed over.

Quinas was not in a hurry. With a sword in his hand, the fighting spirit surged out. With a crash, a dark shadow was directly bounced away and hit a carriage. He didn't stand up for a long time.

Another shadow flew far away and just stood and rushed over again.

The long sword in Kunus's hand suddenly fell and shot out in front of the shadow. The shadow twisted his body in the middle of the sky and narrowly avoided the sword, but it was exhausted when it fell to the ground and could not continue to flash.

The long sword Xumi had been cut down again. He had no choice but to cut down the sword with half of his arms.

The vampire soldier screamed and suddenly jumped back. His other hand tightly covered the wound of his broken arm, and blood kept dripping down.

Quinas was about to come forward when he suddenly broke his arm and suddenly flew up!

The broken arm did not come to him, but returned to the hands of the ghost emperor!

"You retreat. He has reached the eighth level. You are not opponents," the ghost emperor seemed to say to the soldiers, and it seemed to say to Kunas. "Try your arms and see me!" He gave the broken arm to the soldier, and then the vampire soldier quickly stitched the broken arm together with the wound.

The broken arm healed quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye and quickly regained its mobility.

The Ghost Emperor stared at Kunas and took a few steps: "What the Dark Elf said, several guys in the Kingdom of the Free Alliance are a little interesting - I guess you are one of them!" He took a few steps again: "Not bad! Unexpectedly, it has eighth-order strength!"

"The eighth level is not high," Kunnas said coldly, "If you want to try it, I'm very happy!"

"Very arrogant!" The ghost emperor laughed, "Do you think you can fight under me?"

"Can't you try it until you know it?" Kunus pointed forward, "Come on, I don't like nonsense!"

"You human beings are always brave and resourceful," the ghost emperor frowned. "You are the same - don't you know that there is an old saying that subjugated soldiers without fighting?"

"Don't dream," Quinas sneered, "We are not cowardly and won't surrender!"

"I don't think so!" Suddenly, there was a sound behind, and Rebecca's neck resisted a cold thing.

Everyone fixed their eyes and saw that it was Benjamin, the elder who came to the Soros Empire. With a mocking smile, he grabbed Rebecca with a dagger, and the patriarch next to him were also caught by his men.

"Haha, that's what I said..." "The ghost emperor smiled and said, "... don't fight and succumb to the soldiers!"

"You despicable guy!" Kunus roared, "As a human being, how could you surrender to the dead?"

"There is nothing wrong with the dead," Benjamin said: "The dead can have endless life - this is never comparable to human beings. I need time for alchemy, which you won't understand!"

Quinas was about to speak when he suddenly heard Rebecca say, "So the Soros Empire also surrendered to this guy?" She pointed to the ghost emperor: "Are you trying to deceive us all to him?"

"This is different," Benjamin smiled and said no more, but the dagger in his hand was slightly hard, leaving a bright red blood mark on Rebecca's snow-white neck in an instant: "Kunnas, if you don't put down your weapon, this woman will die!"

"Don't worry about me," Rebecca shouted, "You put down your weapons, we're still going to die - run for your own life!" She has seen a lot about this trick, so she knows the stakes of it for fear that Kunus will give in.

"If you run away, they will die!" The ghost emperor said leisurely, "But if you put down your weapons, maybe I can spare their lives!"

"Dang!" The sword fell to the ground!

"No!!" Rebecca cried in pain, "Why are you so benzene!"

Kunus smiled bitterly, "You asked me to escape alone - although I can live in this way, how can I face the people of the world in the future!" He looked directly at the ghost emperor: "I'm out of arms - don't go against your promise!"

"How come?" The ghost emperor laughed and said, "Their family is too important to me!"

He waved his hand gently, and the vampire soldiers flocked up and tied everyone up.

The ghost emperor gently walked to Rebecca, stained a little blood left along her neck with his fingers, and put it in his mouth for a taste. Haha, that's good. You are really the people I need!" The ghost emperor was a little happy, " Now I can complete my mission!"

"Who are we? What kind of person do you need?" Rebecca shouted, "Let me know!"

"Make it clear?" The ghost emperor was extremely proud, "You really need to make it clear - or you don't know yourself!"

"What do we know?" Mendie asked, "What do you know about our family?"

"What do you know? - I know a lot!" The ghost emperor said word by word, "Your family is actually a divine descendant!"

"Ah?" Everyone was shocked!!

"Yes, you are all gods!" The ghost emperor repeated: "They are also the objects needed by the dark dragon in the shadow world!"