City of Dimlight

Chapter 233 Master of the Ghost Emperor

"Who is the fangs?" Rebecca shouted angrily, "Why did you assign such a guy to occupy our world?"

"Appointment?" The ghost emperor's face changed: "Don't make a mistake. This blaze is my master, not my subordinate - I'm honored to serve the adults, and I don't mean to send adults to do anything - don't talk nonsense!"

"Haha, it turns out that this guy is the dog owner!" Kunnas sneered, "I really don't know that you are so powerful that you still need to find someone to dare to provoke us!"

"Ignorant ants, you will know how big the world is outside the well!" The ghost emperor looked unhappy, "If you could all understand all this, then human beings would have been able to break through this vulgar level and reach the divine level!"

"Then why does this activation catch us and say what kind of gods we are, and what does it mean?" Rebecca asked.

The ghost emperor smiled: "Many years ago, the blaze Lord has broken through the twelfth level and entered the field of demigod. However, although his strength has surpassed the gods, he can't survive in the plane space forever. It is because of this simple god, he doesn't!

Later, the Lord of the Tooth found a solution, that is, the divine form of each god is actually constantly being consumed and gathering, belonging to a kind of energy storage center, so the Lord of thetus began to think about whether he could absorb the god, and then condense it by himself! But unfortunately, because the god's deity has been formed and cannot be absorbed, the blazing lord found another way - that is, to devour the gods, absorb the prototype of the deity from them, and then absorb the condensation!"

Rebecca shouted, "Even if this guy wants to find a divine descendant, he should go somewhere else - what does this have to do with our Solomon family?"

"Why doesn't it matter?" The ghost emperor said, "Originally, the gods existed in a space of gods, but due to the invasion of the teeth, many gods fled to other planes and married and had children there - your Solomon family is the descendants of the gods, so this is the person I'm looking for!"

"So that's it," the patriarch next to him suddenly realized: "No wonder you haven't killed me - it's just to come here to catch all of our family!"

"Not bad!" The ghost emperor said, "If it weren't for the serious matter, how could I come here in person for this trivial matter?" A disdain appeared on his face: "If you really attack this city, it won't be troublesome!"

"But I don't understand why you listen to this guy!" Rebecca said, "You have an artifact, and it may not be your opponent!" This sentence seemed to coincide with the ghost emperor's mind, and he couldn't help but be stunned.

Half a sound, the ghost emperor sighed a long sigh: "If it hadn't been for this artifact, I wouldn't have turned to the blazing tooth!"


The ghost emperor smiled bitterly, "Needless to say, since you have been caught by me, you must be ready to send to the shadow plane where the Teeth Lord is located - I advise you to be honest so as not to suffer!"

"Actually, I also want to say that!" Suddenly, a voice came, and several figures flew down from the wall with the sound.

At a glance, Rebecca and others came not by anyone else, but Leo and his party!


Leo, Kozmo and Zak learned the wherefall of the ghost emperor from their teacher Simon, and Ma kept rushing over. Fortunately, Simon didn't eat or drink all the way, so he took turns sleeping and resting. Several people quickly rushed to the border of Bly City.

At the border, Leo found traces of a patrol.

According to reason, there should be a patrol stationed here, but when Leo arrived here, he didn't see anyone! He looked carefully on the avenue and quickly found a trace of a caravan moving forward.

"It looks like a wide-wheeled carriage," Leo is very sure. "In the Kingdom of Liberty, only the Solomon family likes to use a wide-wheeled carriage, so I think this is the carriage used by important figures of the Solomon family, and the rest should be some other families!"

Neither Kozmo nor Zak knows anything about it and can only take Leo's words as the truth. Kozmo asked, "Then do you think the patrols here escorted them because important people came back?"

"Yes," Leo pointed to several places and said, "There are traces of patrol lizards coming and leaving. At the same time, there is no sign of fighting around here. They should have left automatically - I think most of them are right!"

"Who is the Solomon family coming back?" Zak asked, "According to the direction of the wheel, it should have come from Wangdu - do you think it would be the patriarch Mendie who came back?"

"It's hard to say," Leo smiled, "there should be this possibility!"

While discussing the traces, Simon jumped off the nightmare and carefully sniffed a few times in the air: "Not right, there is a vampire smell here!"

"Vampire?" Leo was shocked: "Do they meet the enemy?" Since nightmare is the first ** mount in the world of the dead, the black knight who is connected with it can also have some insight into something about the undead. Now that Simon says so, it is naturally not wrong.

"Not very much," Simon sucked a few more times: "The smells of humans and vampires are mixed together, and it seems that they act together!" The Solomon family mixed with vampires? Leo's face darkened: "This is troublesome - should we catch up quickly and help them destroy the vampires!" He turned over and was ready to get on the horse and continue to move forward without delay.

But Simon seemed to have other opinions, and he stopped Leo:

"Wait!" Although Simon's face can't be seen, it doesn't seem to look good: "There are a lot of vampires. If they are mixed into vampires, at least one vampire business group will mix in - because I feel at least dozens of different vampires here!"

"So much?" Leo thought, "Then we'd better clarify the situation first - no one knows why there are so many vampires!"

Simon nodded, "We'd better do this!"

Several people quickly embarked on the road to move on. Just as they got out of the tunnel, they saw two vampire soldiers thinking of Kunas!

Seeing Quinus's relaxed and pleasant response, Leo was no longer worried. He took several of his own people around the caravan and hid on the wall of Bly City.

Not only were Mendie and others surprised by what they said from the ghost emperor, but also Leo, Simon and Kozmo heard it for the first time.

In order to figure out the purpose of the ghost emperor, Leo did not come forward immediately, but quietly waited for the ghost emperor to reveal more information. It was not until the ghost emperor seemed that he would not say more, so he jumped down from the hiding place.

The eyes of the few people in front of the ghost emperor couldn't help but light up: "I can't think that there are still human beings who dare to die here?"

"This is not necessarily!" Leo said indifferently, and then everyone heard a long hiss, and a black horse rushed out of the front tunnel. The horse was dark, but its four hooves were burning with flames, and its golden manes fluttered in the wind.

There is a black knight on its back, Simon.

"I didn't expect it to be you!" The ghost emperor's eyes lit a fire of desire: "I happen to lack the fire of soul, and you are sent to my door!" He hasn't ordered yet that a group of vampire soldiers have surrounded Simon.

"Death?" Simon said with a muffled laugh: "This is not necessarily!" He looked at the vampires around him: "The remaining kings of us have agreed, and now we are united to deal with you - your hometown is probably gone now!"

A trace of anger flashed in the ghost emperor's eyes, but his mouth was still peaceful: "It doesn't matter - anyway, we have migrated to the human world - but it's you," he smiled and said, "Since you're here, don't want to run anymore!" His palm turned over, and a sword appeared on the palm of his hand.

This sword seems to look a little different - its blade is extremely long, emitting a faint blue light, and the hilt is a huge gemstone. This blue light slowly flows out of the gemstone, follows the sword to the hand of the ghost emperor, and then slowly flows back.

But Simon is concerned about his hand!

"Abandoned blade, command the wronged soul!" Simon looked at the white bone-like hand and laughed: "This is not something that a half-dead guy like you can use - now you know it's awesome!"

"Hmm!" The ghost emperor suddenly pulled away his black robe and exposed his white bone chest, but he spoke arrogantly: "I know that not only my arm has become white bone, but also my body has begun to be swallowed up by the spirit of death - but I have found a way to solve this problem!"

"Is there a way to do this?" Leo remembered the question he didn't know just now and deliberately asked, "Is this the reason why you want to unite with the blatant dragon?"

The ghost emperor looked at a few people, "Not bad! As long as I help the Teeth master integrate the divine nature, then he can help me become a demigod, so that I can completely use this weapon without being eroded!"

"This method?" Simon laughed: "It's really your style to be a watchdog in exchange for a way to live - telling the truth!"

"Hmm, did you also say it?" The ghost emperor may regard Simon as one of the original seven kings, and can't help but speak a lot: "When does our undead world not look at strength, respect strength, and have no strength to be swallowed up by people - since he has this strength, it is naturally natural for me to turn to him!"

This is indeed true. If it were the original Black Knight, there would naturally be nothing to say, but this time the Ghost Emperor faced Simon, but he said something: "You're right, and your strength is respected - but you can't exaggerate it. I don't believe that a magic dragon can resist millions of undead troops - if I had this big Army, I will never submit to you!"

"Then you are wrong!" The ghost emperor said, "That's what I thought when I contacted the vila through Alcatraz Island, but I just saw its projection on this plane and knew that I was invincible!"

Although the ghost emperor kept staring at Simon, the corners of his eyes saw Benjamin starting to sneak close to the enemy again. He was overjoyed and couldn't help bending the corners of his mouth!