City of Dimlight

Chapter 239 Back to the Red City

At the first time, all the kingdoms in the world knew that the ghost emperor Casablanca, the originator of the black tide, had been destroyed by Leo under the city of Bry in the Kingdom of Liberty Alliance.

The world cheered for it. Although there are still many dead killing around the world, after all, without this leader, they will no longer have large-scale military operations similar to intelligent creatures, which is much easier.

Now the first task is to unite the world to deal with the undead, annihilate them all as soon as possible, and then close the dimensional tunnel opened by the ghost emperor. Although the ghost emperor is dead, the number of undead is still huge, and it is not something that a single kingdom can deal with. On the day of the fall of the Archangel Fortress, the elites of various countries were almost swept away, and the cavemen are still staring at most of this fertile land. It is really not easy to support the overall situation.

In this case, the Elf Kingdom put forward a proposal: establish a united army to deal with the undead!

This proposal was unanimously approved, but then another new question came: who will inherit the Soros Empire and the Kingdom of Liberty?

The Kingdom of the Free Alliance has not been unified since the beginning of Howard's rebellion, but almost everyone believes that it is the new emperor Howard or the eldest prince Cassis who will eventually unify the kingdom! Subsequently, due to the assassination of the ghost emperor, both of them died in the hands of the dark elves. The whole freedom alliance was scattered and could not be unified in command and arrangement.

The same is true of the Soros Empire. Benjamin kidnapped several major heirs in the royal family. After he was finally implicated and died by the ghost emperor, these heirs also died without illness - the Soros Empire also had no leader and did not know what to do.

At this time, a couple appeared in front of the crowd, that is, the third Highness of the Soros Empire, Leo Porter, and his wife, Miss Nicole, the third princess of the Kingdom of the Free Alliance!

The appearance of this couple immediately inspired many people - what if now Leoport returns to succeed to the Soros Empire and Nicole manages the Freedom Alliance?

Both of them belong to the direct blood of the kingdom, so there is no doubt about this. The only thing that some people have slightly doubt is how Nicole came to the throne of the Free Alliance after Leopold succeeded to the Soros Empire?

Before it was time to sort out this matter, the news came from the Soros Empire: with the support of a group of ministers who loved Leoport, Leoport was forced to become emperor!

The news was very interesting: when Leopold suddenly stood up from the throne, "If you force me to ascend the throne, I will die!" But before he finished speaking, more than 100 imperial elders kneeling below brushed and pulled out knives across their necks and said with one voice, "Your Majesty, please go first!" After saying that, you have to do it immediately!

Fortunately, the chief bodyguard of Leopold moved quickly and shouted suddenly: "Shh! - Your Majesty decided to ascend the throne!" He whispered in Leoport's ear, "Your Highness, let's go through this test first!"

Leo Porte sighed with a wry smile and focused on all the old ministers who were staring at him.

The following cheers and thundered, and the old ministers cheered loudly and shouted in unison, "Your Majesty, Shengming - see Your Majesty!"

In this way, Leopold was forced to be the new king of the Soros Empire!

In this way, the Liberal League is dumbfounded. Do you want Nicole to succeed to the throne and become the Queen to temporarily lead the Freedom Alliance?

The faction led by the patriarch is naturally willing to choose Nicole, while other ministers began to find some children of the side branches and promote them as new kings, demanding to return to orthodoxy!

However, no faction can come up with a favorable argument, but because of the performance of the door during the Kuroshi period, it seems to have been unanimously recognized by the whole kingdom. The captain's prestige has risen, and Nicole, whom he recommended, has naturally become a temporary regent.

Although there is no successor, the Free Alliance still believes that it should join the united army now, not to mention that the main battlefield of this army is within its own kingdom. It can basically be said that it came for the Free Alliance. If you don't participate or pretend not to know, then it is likely to be Other kingdoms retaliate!

Therefore, on the thirty-seventh day after the destruction of the ghost emperor, the first joint military conference was held in the city of the Kingdom of Free Alliance, and the first leader was Quinnas!

In addition to the six kingdoms, there are also representatives sent by the Sky City and Holdling Castle. This is the first time that the two forces have sent people to participate in current affairs and revealed their true face - they raised a serious question: the killer organization 'Si' is actually dominated by dark elves. The organization must be completely destroyed; on the other hand, the so-called Alcatraz, because it involves the ghost emperor and the shadow dragon, must also be found out as soon as possible, and then eliminate their connection with the shadow world.

Consistent approval!

Just as the United Army was on the agenda, Leo took Kozmo, Zac and Simon, the recovered black knight, back to the blue mermaid station of the Atlantean Empire.

At this time, Simon no longer looks like a black knight: although his whole body is still black armor, countless bone spurs grow on the edge of the armor, forming a strange pattern, and at the same time shining, like a mirror in the sunset; on the other hand, his nightmare mount also mutated at the same time. Now, although the flames of the nightmare are still the same, the flame has moved up, almost wrapping all four feet, and countless lines and lines have appeared on the body.

The strangest thing is that both Simon and his nightmare have grown wings!

Nightmare is long with a pair of wings, just like Pegasus. The wings can contract and stretch, and they can not only assist flight, but also curl up in front of them like a shield to resist the attack in front of them.

Simon's back is three pairs of wings, half black and half white fanned, like an angel, and the only difference is the color of the armor on his body.

This is what you see on the surface, and there are also many internal changes!

The speed of the nightmare is faster, and it can fly, and it can sprint violently in a short time; Simon's strength has increased a lot. Because the abandoned blade provides the spirit of the dead all the time, his power is also increasing.

The abandoned blade was originally a weapon used by the undead. The ghost emperor belongs to one of the undead creatures, but after all, it is not a dead spirit, so the abandoned blade has been absorbing his remaining anger, and Simon is different. He is a member of the dead spirit, so he is much better with the abandoned blade in terms of fit and quickly mastering it. Abandoned blade.

And Leo himself, who also increased his strength after waking up, has completely broken through the ninth level!

At the blue mermaid station in the Red City, Leo and his party just came in and saw Bosco waiting for him with a smile!

"Brother Leo, congratulations - I didn't expect such a big crisis to be resolved by you!" Bosco came up and hugged Leo tightly: "Now you are the world's number one swordsman!"

"Yo, you are also good, and your strength has progressed quickly," Leo laughed. After separation, he quickly found the change of Bosc - the prince of the Atlantis Empire did not seem to have left his martial arts, and it can be seen that he has been practicing all the time. Now he should have entered the seventh level.

Bosk scratched his head shyly, "It's still far away - but this time Brother Leo, you defeated the ghost emperor, and my father is also quite admiring it. He allowed me to go back to the mercenary regiment to continue studying!"

"That's good!" Leo smiled and looked at his friends next to him, "Why, you seem to be a little unhappy?" Leo's words are mainly aimed at Obix. This former little guy has now become a handsome young man, but I don't know why he is unhappy.

"What's wrong with you?" Leo patted him on the head and asked with a smile.

"Brother Leo, you are not kind!" Obix said angrily, "You won't take me if you destroy the Ghost Emperor!" A naive look of a child.

"Oh, that's right, hahahaha!" Leo laughed and said, "The ghost emperor didn't take you because you are now in a critical period of study, and there are more important tasks that must be assigned to you!" He knew that the best way to deal with this kind of child was to take him more seriously, so he pretended to be mysterious.

Obix was really fooled and suddenly opened his eyes wide: "Brother Leo, what's the task?"

Leo sighed and whispered in his ear, "You will know then - what matters now is your strength. Only if you have enough strength can complete this task!"

The people next to him couldn't help laughing. Seeing that Leo and Obix both looked serious, they could only hold it in their hearts.

Leo turned around to say hello to Mr. Mei and others, and then walked to the city with everyone.

Along the way, mercenaries kept coming to say hello to Leo. Many people know that this great hero who destroyed the ghost emperor is the leader of the Blue Mermaid Mercenary Regiment who has been hiding behind the scenes. In this way, suddenly there are many more mercenaries who want to join the Blue Mermaid.

On the way, old mercenaries kept pointing at Leo and his party and said proudly to the newcomers, "Look, that's our regimental commander - the great hero who destroyed the ghost emperor!" Many newcomers stare at Leo and others with worship, hoping that they can become such a figure one day.

Kunbu smiled at Leo and said, "Look, Brother Leo, now these kids are the same as us back then!" He said with some emotion, "We didn't know anything back then, relying on you to teach us!"

"I didn't teach you anything," Leo laughed and said, "I just told you about martial arts and left a bunch of books for you - by the way, did Bosco finish reading those books?"

Bosk smiled and said, "Well, thanks to those books, I learned so many things - where did the books come from?"

Leo said quietly, "You will know in a while!"