City of Dimlight

Chapter 261 An Unknown Tunnel

"You devil!" The caveman's living corpse screamed sadly and struggled to jump up from the ground and wanted to jump on Simon, while the other living corpse was silent and seemed to have accepted the fate.

"Hmm!" Simon's face darkened, and his hand only turned slightly. The abandoned blade aimed at the staggering living corpse. A small black air flow shot out of it, hit his right leg with a crack, and the living body fell to the ground with a bang. "Since you have become an undead, I advise you to remember your identity - if you are If you dare to disobey me, I won't even let you do the dead!" The caveman fell to the ground and gasped constantly and wanted to resist, "Teacher, why don't we ask this guy first?" Leo suggested.

Simon didn't say much, but waved his hand gently. Under the suppression of the spiritual imprint, the living body instantly felt extremely hungry and thirsty. It seemed that every blood vessel in his body began to contract, and his heart was extremely eager for blood, but he couldn't get it. "I want... I want blood!" He moaned loudly and began to scratch his chest with his hands. His skin was scratched, and black blood quickly flowed out. Then there was green ** in his mouth. Not only did he roll on the ground, but he could see that he had received extremely great pain.

"It's okay - you, go there with him and answer all the questions!" Simon ordered another living corpse, "Of course, if you want to be like him!" Master!" The living body stood up and saluted respectfully, "I'm your servant, and naturally I have to do what you say!"

"Haha, this guy is still interesting!" Obix shouted, "Mr. Simon, it seems that he is really afraid of you!" Stop it," Leo pointed to the living body. "Come on, come with me!"

The living corpse obediently followed Leo out dozens of meters and came to the side. Obix followed Leo to help interrogate, while the little angel stayed in place to watch Simon continue to subdue the living body of the caveman.

Leo looked up and down at this guy. He looked like a humanoid creature. When he was alive, he should be like a monkey that had been plucked. There was a long tail behind him, and the top of the tail was a bone-like sharp needle. "I don't care what you used to be, but now you are dead and old by me. The teacher was resurrected into the dead, so you are now my teacher's subordinate!" Leo opened his mouth, "Now I'm going to ask you something. I hope you can tell me honestly, otherwise--" He showed an expression that he thought was quite evil. "Your soul has been tasted the pain of corrosion!" Obix also shouted, "Don't think you are an undead. There's nothing you can do - hum, only our teacher can do it in this world!"

There was a frightened expression on the face of the living corpse: "I will tell you everything I know. I just hope you don't torture me!"

Leo nodded with satisfaction: "What's your name and what's your position in that team?"

"My name is Mannon, and I am the captain of the first team under Lord Romand!" The living corpse barbarian said, "We are also an ordinary scout team!" Leo was happy, because when he saw Simon choose the body, he knew that the teacher was looking for a body with different clothes and accessories, that is, the so-called captain and so on. In this way, he knew more inside stories. Unexpectedly, although he didn't get a high-level body, the body was actually a scout captain. You should know less than others.

"What do you do in this field?"

"Our Lord Romande was sent to find fragments of ancient relics. There are many ancient relics here, so some fragments are still intact and can be synthesized into some weapons to deal with our enemies!" The barb farmer explained, "But the cavemen don't give us, so we have to kill everything we meet and find it ourselves!"

"Who sent you here - well, who is your master?" Leo Dao.

At this point, a feverish light flashed in the eyes of the living corpse: "Our master is the great blazen emperor. He has the power of the gods, which can turn us all into gods and enjoy endless life and happiness in heaven forever!"

"You are the same now - endless life!" Leo said coldly, and this sentence made the barb farmer suddenly realize the current situation, and immediately lowered his head obediently and said honestly, "Yes, yes!"

Leo thought about it and seemed to be similar to what he guessed. The magic dragon had sent his men here to look for weapons, so the magic dragon was probably preparing for a battle with the dwarf. He smiled: " By the way, you have been looking for so long, do you know that there is a tunnel that can lead to the ground?"

Mannong showed a puzzled expression: "I haven't heard of this..." "Think about it and don't answer so quickly!" Leo reminded, "It's best to forget something!"

This sentence seemed to exert its due power, and the barbarian farmer shouted: "I don't know if there is a tunnel to reach the ground, but there is a tunnel that goes all the way up - at that time, we didn't go to the end and retreated back!"

Leo was overjoyed. It seemed that the tunnel was probably here - he asked, "Do you remember the road?" Can you take us there?"

"The villain can take you there, but..." He was a little hesitant to say, "It seems that there will pass through the realm of several monsters, and it seems..." "It seems that you can't pass?" Obix shouted, "You underestimated us!"

"Yes, yes, yes," the barbarian farmer said quickly, "Of course, there is no problem for adults to have superior strength. The villain said something wrong!"

"That's not what I mean," Leo said. "At that time, figure out something to see if you can go around..." As he was talking here, suddenly there was a scream not far away!

Leo didn't say much and rushed to the sound place - because he had heard that it was Princess Militi who was talking!

"Never let anything happen!" Leo said silently in his heart and accelerated his pace under his feet, but only rushed out dozens of meters. A dark shadow had rushed over from his side. It was the little angel Aurora.

At the moment Leo rushed, he just saw Miletti and Regana standing in the middle, next to a group of strange animals, looking like rock wolves, but their teeth were much longer, and there was a hard shell on their back.

The two princesses are already in danger, the weapons in their hands have fallen off, and the animals are drooling and forcing them up step by step. Aurora flew above Milletti, and a strange wolf rushed over.

"Middle!" Aurora shouted loudly and shot an ice arrow in his hand, hitting the strange wolf out, but after rolling a few laps on the ground, it stood up crookedly and could see that he was not seriously injured.

Suddenly, a whistle sounded next to him, and the princess and the wolves diverted their attention. Leo slowly came out of the darkness and walked into the field. The wolves shouted and did not do anything.

When Leo just stood still, a big wolf suddenly shouted, and all the strange wolves moved.

"I'll do it!" Leo suddenly rushed into the field, and a pair of machetes came out of its sheath and waved among the wolves, blocking the whereabouts of the strange wolf, and the strange wolf also kept crying under the attack of the two knives, which killed and injured countless times by Leo.

The strange wolf couldn't resist it. Suddenly, two people flew out next to it. It was Obix and Simon. The three of them rushed up, plus the little angel's ice arrow and Milletti's bow and arrow, Regina's magic. Soon the wolves completely collapsed and scattered and fled everywhere.

Seeing that there was no danger, Leo approached the two princesses and saw that their clothes were torn a lot due to the sneak attack. Even the leather armor was full of claw marks, and his arms were covered with blood.

"You go there first," Leo said, "Let me see what's wrong!" Well," Simon took the lead and walked back. "I'm afraid they will sneak away!" Just stay with Aurora!" Leo said, "If you need to use magic, I will trouble you!"

"No problem!"

Leo took out the medicine sent by the former elf queen from the space ring and wrapped them carefully: "How did you meet these monsters?" While dressing him, he asked, "Why didn't you run back at the first time?"

Melledi was a little embarrassed: "We wanted to try our strength, so we saw these strange wolves and didn't come back..." "Nonsense!" Leo was a little annoyed, "There is a lot of danger here. How can you still have this kind of leisure? - If we hadn't arrived in time..." Just saying this, Regana's eyes suddenly turned straight down.

"Riana, Regina..." Miletti panicked at first sight and quickly hugged her and shook her a few times. Suddenly, she also felt dizzy and rushed straight to Leo.

The little angel fell on their Miletti, opened their eyelids and looked, "I'm poisoned!" It said with great certainty, "I guess that kind of strange wolf's claws and saliva are poisonous!"

"Can it be cured?" Leo asked, "Don't let anything happen to them!"

The little angel thought, "Treatment is okay, but what we need now is not complete - at least there is not a lot of water here to release magic first!" Although I don't know why I need clear water, Leo thought about it and said decisively, "Let's go back to the seaside first, and then use the supplies and water there to treat it!"

With the addition of these two princesses, Leo prepared some water, food and medicinal herbs at the seaside. As expected, he needed these things less than two days after landing.

"Come on, I'll deal with their poison first, and then carry them back!" Aurora began to use detoxification magic.

Carrying back the princess, Leo saw that the two living bodies seemed to have been subdued. Simon was thinking about some questions, and Obix was bored and chatting with them.

"Teacher, we should go back once," Leo said, "Now we need medicine and water to detoxify!"

Simmon nodded and said, "That's good - now we know an upward tunnel. If we want to check it out, it's not suitable for so many people - just send them back, and then I'll check it with you!"